Wednesday 2 November 2016

The Namba walk and the pocket presence for the Quarterback ......

The Namba walking method is a traditional form of movement in the japanese martial arts to make the body more EFFICIENT.

In the West, when we walk , we twist shoulders and hips (right hip moves forward with left shoulder) ....

In the Namba walking, the hips move, but only with the arms ..... it means a more powerful energy in the lower part of the body ...

Why it is more efficient for the Quarterback ????

The throwing motion includes a weight transfer, back leg to forward leg ....So, the QB must have also a deep consciousness about the lower part of his body.

In the pocket presence, the QB moves in the same movement his hips and his shoulders, like on this video... 

and also on the hitch step.

But before his motion, he must put his weight on his back leg to make a good transfer of energy .... is it maybe an unnecessary move ???

if the QB, well protected inside the pocket, could move only his forward hip and his feet when he is looking for his target, i think he would be more explosive on the throw.

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