Friday 25 November 2016


The COSMOS AMERICAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION is a fantasy american football league, managed by the company Mila Solidus Ltd, HK and QB coach Michael J.P. LAURENT … For a classic fantasy sport league, the business plan is based on the fact that people can watch sports ACTIVELY, betting on the upcoming performances, and not only passively.
The COSMOS AMERICAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION has a business paradigm a bit different, based on the financial research work lead by Michael J.P. LAURENT, CEO / Founder of Mila Solidus Ltd, HK. 
American Football is spreading worldwide … The 2016 NFL draft has been the first to select players outside the North american leagues. Based on his own experience as a position coach in Russia (First league and National team), Coach Michael wants to mix real teams from various countries in … local challenges for a world impact.
Pro sport is a show !!! amateur sport is more a « love affair ». We support a team , a city, an area that we love … The world is coping currently with a massive financial and economic depression….. The start up Mila Solidus Ltd, HK created 2 innovative concepts to explain the current unsustainable paradigm : the « outsourced resources banking » and the «  COSMOS index » (Colored Stones MOnetary System) .
The economic situation worldwide has a massive effect on the budget for the amateur sports teams… American Football is a sport that requires an expensive investment. We consider a deflation, a collapse and a massive recession as unavoidable in a close future, only because there is a far too massive bubble of Financial assets.
What we offer ???

A simple idea ….. As a company, we provide rare colored diamonds in exchange of cash, to create shares …. We use theses shares as a collateral to support, as an inkind contribution, innovative entrepreneurial project as early stage …. Our capital is also based in diamonds. What is the advantage ??? We are not worry about the collapse of a currency only because our capital is TANGIBLE ! That s the essence of the COSMOS INDEX : Creating tangible economic interactions, based on a guarantee, to create real wealth …..

The business plan of the COSMOS AMERICAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION is simple :

In front of an economic collapse, « Amateur » american football Teams will need to be far more competitive to attract sponsorships …. and pay for trainings and equipments. So, we are providing the rarest asset on the Earth, colored diamonds, to back projects at early stages …… it means, for example, a QB from Russia and a WR from australia could collaborate on a common projects , backed by a colored diamond….. Successfull partnerships worldwide and frequent exchanges of merchandising or techniques would create a positive local momentum and a shining situation at an international level. A small company which sponsor a team in Russia could be in touch with clients in Peru…..
The COSMOS AMERICAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION is dedicated to create off field economic momentum from the common passion about football. 


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