Wednesday 2 December 2015

My most disappointing social experience about Cancer ……

I was born april 22 1976 …. Until now, I coped with cancer 3 times in life and lost my leg in 2001 !!! With all the experiences, I learned the life is a pulsional energy !!!!

For disabled people, a simple pulsion is not enough, it must be SUBLIMATION !!!!! The cover picture on this pro blog is showing you my best time in this process. (The Selenga valley by train from moscow)

Sublimation must be both physical and mental !!!! that s the reason that infantilization of disabled people should be a crime ….

when i lost my leg because of a cancer, i was 25 years old …. I remember the most disappointing social moment in the hospital in Marseille, France. When i went back from chemotherapy, i should take rest so i was out of training with an artificial leg …. I shared my hospital room and at this moment, i was alone on the phone with my late younger brother …. A young man was entering in my room, showing me the empty bed and said « i am his cousin , he has forgotten something » …. and began to look for something inside his wardrobe.

My roomate was a 70 years old black guy from Martinique island …. The young guy was around 20 yo and came from north africa !!! I was not a student in genetic but …. « Cousin » , not truly realistic.

Health People explained me few weeks before bad people could go to steal inside the rooms !!!

i said my brother i tired to end the discussion, and i take the device with the button to call a nurse and ask … something !!!

Just before, i don t do that because i am worried she could take a hit ……

i was on a wheelchair, without a leg for only 2 months and i was in chemo the day before …. I am not strong, 6'0 and 140 pounds ….

I decide to go to speak with him, asking him many false questions (about his "cousin" is coping with his leg "amputation" , because he had only broken his femoral neck), with a LOUD but innocent voice ….. to make him troubles !!!

After a single minute, the guy closed the wardrobe angry and had threating eyes on me and went  away !!!

i was proud, i had acted as a true « knight » in the worst personal situation …. my late brother not worried, nurse safe, nothing stolen …..
instead to congratulate me, the doctor and the nurse were angry because it was an hazardous situation and my roomate too because of the big disorder is his wardrobe.

I needed congrats to be a full master of my recovery !!!! i was REALLY disappointed.

Doctor and nurse thought about their own responsability on me, but not we could SHARE IT!! 

Few weeks alter, a person has stolen, in my single room this time, a jersey signed by Johnny Unitas with an authentic certificate !!! my favourite QB …. I kept this jersey with me to grab a part of the fabulous resilience he had


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