Sunday 31 December 2017

The psychogeneaology to explain why the Cleveland Browns struggles …

Inside a family, each generation can bring the next one some mental paradigms or somes silences about relatives or subjects …

For example, the great grand children of war criminals, like nazis, can still be affected by their ancestors … only because it was not a subject of conversation and they kept an infamous name.

My view, as a football coach : THAT S THE SAME THING FOR THE CLEVELAND BROWNS !

A rookie or a free agent who signs to play with NE Patriots, is mentally programmed to perform … He knows it will be tough even before take the plane to meet his new coach. He wants to impress because Patriots have a culture of performance and accountability ! And many Super Bowl Appearances … Expectations are high to be included in the NE Patriots legacy.

What is the Cleveland Browns legacy since 1999 ?

Almost nothing but shame and loss. The expectations are not winning the Super Bowl, or make a play off appearance, but only try to win a game !

I think it affects players mentally, and you can hire the best rookies and the best free agents , if the dominant mindset is « trying to win a game », don 't expect a winning season.

I will apply in 2018 at the Bill Walsh fellowship, and i would love to be graduate by the Browns. What i would do if i was a coach for the Browns ?

I would manage OTAs not only  for new players, but for all the team, and because they can t receive a legacy from the legendary Browns in the 1940s and 50s, they can receive a legacy about … THE GAME from the best players ever! I would split each unit (RB, WR, TE, DL, LB, OL, DB, QB, and specialists) and i will hire the best consultants and former players to work with them … and provide them the best legacy possible about the game.

In this situation, The Browns players will be accountable and grateful  because of their mentors !! no more shame would be possible

Friday 29 December 2017

L'usage historique des concepts économiques modernes

L'usage historique des concepts économiques modernes

Nous pensons que nous ne pouvons pas envisager l'« Economie », concernant l'Antiquité, avec les concepts d 'aujourd'hui, notamment les concepts d'inflation et de croissance.
L'inflation, l'augmentation des prix des actifs, n'a pour cause principale que l'expansion constante de la masse monétaire par le crédit ou l'assouplissement quantitatif. Donc, de nos jours, les Banques centrales pilotent l'inflation et chaque augmentation de prix (ou de la valeur des actifs)  n'est en fait qu'une diminution du pouvoir d'achat de chaque unité de devise. Dans l'Antiquité, l'inflation pouvait avoir lieu pour raréfaction des ressources (beaucoup de demande, mais moins d'offre), découvertes de nouveaux sites pour extraire des métaux précieux (donc, plus de pièces en circulation) ou expansion monétaire par debasement de la monnaie (diminution de la contenance en métal précieux).
La croissance économique est l'augmentation de la production de biens et de services. De nos jours, c'est un point important de la dynamique économique puisque la croissance permet le remboursement des dettes. Mais, dans la période antique, le fordisme n'était pas encore inventé !! Augmenter indéfiniment la production de biens et de services n'a pas de sens, sur le plan d'une économie antique, où ce qui compte est l'arrivée d'or et d'argent, ainsi que l'exportation des ressources produites, et l'arrivée de denrées nouvelles. Par ailleurs, le troc est encore couramment utilisé et nombre de travailleurs sont des esclaves donc privés de salaires, mais ayant un coût. La croissance, dans le monde, n'a pris un véritable sens qu'à partir de la Révolution industrielle … Durant les millénaires précédent, elle ne change guère.
Jusqu'à la Révolution industrielle, la croissance économique, au sens moderne, ne pouvait intervenir que par extension du territoire (augmentant ainsi les ressources disponibles) ou extension de reseaux d'échanges comme dans le cas des Cités-Etats Grecs. Ils fallaient de plus trouver les ressources physiques en or et argent métal. Les Numismates ont beaucoup publié sur l'évolution incessante des ratio Or – Argent au cours de l'histoire, dans de nombreux royaumes ou empires.
Des l'origine, la monnaie a moins un usage économique que fiscal … Ainsi, une économie antique performante est une économie qui enrichit avant tout l'Etat. Ainsi, un Aléa climatique ne frappant qu'une région d 'un Royaume ou d'un empire sera compensé économiquement par des transferts de propriété et l'arrivée de nouveaux acteurs économiques.

Tuesday 26 December 2017

As a QB coach, i love the Offensive line ...

And i give you several coaching points about Pass Protection  to scout the Offensive line :

 1) Pass Protection is an unique sport effort. It s probably the most important element in the game of football, but no one involved cares, and even looks, the object of this game : the football.

2) Pass Protection involves 5, 6 ot 7 players. And we can also include the QB in this collective effort to protect him, because he is also responsible to check a potential blitzer.

3) The 5 players involved each time (the offensive line) must be able to know the depth of the QB (3, 5 or 7 steps), to protect him better. This information must be included in the play call.

4) The Center and the Guards are responsible for the depth of the pocket, the Tackles for its Width.

5 ) As long as possible, the offensive linemen must stay square to the Line Of Scrimmage.

6 ) Deeper than 9 yards (7 steps drop back), the QB is out of the protection, because the line between him and the outside rushers like Defensive ends , becomes too straight.

7) The A gaps are the most important to protect because they are the shortest way to the Quarterback. The split between the center and the guards is only 2 feet, but 2,5 feet between guards and tackles. The Linemen align their head on the belt of the center.

8) Zone Blocking (slide) is used for the quickest throw (1 or 3 steps drop).

9) Always initiate the first punch ! Be physical.

10) « Head up, Butt down », Get a strong base, a great balance and a quick footwork.

11) Fight with the rusher until you ear the whistle.

12) Stay low. Your pads below their pads ! « PUP », Pad under pad, that s the vertical leverage.

13 ) The spaces between each lineman in the pocket are also, vision, throwing or rushing lanes for the Quarterback.

14 ) in Zone blocking by the offensive line, the RB or the playside TE could be responsible for the C gap.

15 ) « Vertical Set » involves the Guard and Tackle back "vertically" in front of 3 or more rushers… The width of the line decreases but it s efficient because it cuts the angle.

Sunday 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas !

Life can be scaring, and the current period seems really scaring because the common sense seems lost for ever.

However, in each situation of stress or chaos, , there is a miracle, there is a new opportunity to catch. You should consider it is the same thing now for you and for the World.

So, i wish you to catch this new opportunity in your life, keeping the 3 « H » : Health, Hope and Happiness.

Merry Christmas !

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Analyse de données numismatiques

Tout d'abord, la présence ou non d'un atelier de frappe dans la région étudiée est un élément déterminant préalable à l'étude des trésors numismatiques. Ensuite, il nous semble que les trésors recencés ne peuvent pas être de bons indicateurs de la situation économique dans une période du Passé. Un trésor numismatique, c'est avant tout une « épargne » oubliée, perdue, ou dernier témoin du décès de son propriétaire. Un trésor, c'est avant tout de l'argent immobilisé, parfois dans des temples.

Ainsi, le nombre de pièces retrouvées sur un site ne nous semble pas pouvoir refléter la prospérité économique ancienne du lieu. Certains trésors peuvent évidemment etre encore à découvrir ou d'autres peuvent avoir été récupérés au fil des siècles. Le developpement d'un important monnayage de bronze vers la fin de l'Empire Romain nous amène à considérer le faible intérêt, à l'époque, de sa thésaurisation.

Cependant, il nous semble qu'un trésor numismatique peut faire l'objet de deux analyses statistiques pertinentes  :

A) - l'origine des pièces. Les ateliers ou les régions de frappe étant assez aisément identifiables à toutes les époques, on peut supposer qu'un nombre élevé de pièces d'origine diverse, dans les trésors retrouvés sur un site, nous renseigne sur de nombreux échanges commerciaux, et donc nous permet d'établir une probabilité significative de prospérité économique.

B) - la temporalité. Les pièces circulent elles dans le temps ? Trouve t on au sein de trésors retrouvés sur un site des pièces frappées à des décennies d'ecart ? La non circulation de la monnaie n'a jamais été un indicateur de bonne santé économique. Les numismates ont établi de nombreux catalogues rendant la période de frappe de beaucoup de pièces, à travers l'Histoire , assez aisément identifiables.


This text is excellent ! 

Wednesday 6 December 2017

La belle phrase de Montesquieu sur l'or et l'argent !

""Il n’y a rien de si extravagant que de faire périr un nombre innombrable d’hommes pour tirer du fond de la terre l’or et l’argent : ces métaux d’eux-mêmes absolument inutiles, et qui ne sont des richesses que parce qu’on les a choisis pour en être les signes.""
De Paris, le dernier de la lune de Chahban 1718.

Tuesday 5 December 2017


« Investment » has an interesting original etymology : "act of putting on vestments" . Commercial sense came later : "an investing of money or capital", "conversion of money to property in hopes of profit,", in reference to the East India Company.

It means the Fractional Reserve Banking System , spread in the same time, the meaning of the world changed .. Free money created to get profits !! It s our paradigm for the last 300 years.

Our « Outsourced Resources Banking » paradigm offers you to return at a most moderate vision about investment and to avoid collapse of your savings, and support your entrepreneurial project at early stages.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT Mila Solidus Ltd, HK CEO / Founder

Friday 1 December 2017

Tuesday 28 November 2017


Michael J.P. LAURENT
Résidence « Petit Nice »
Bat 2 – Appart 1
137, chemin de Beauregard
13100 AIX EN PROVENCE (FRance)
Cell : under request.
Born april 22 1976

Graduated as a Coach by the French Federation in 1995, i have had several coaching duties with Special Teams for the U19 in the team in my city. I lost my left leg in 2001 because of cancer and have been out of fields because of my physical re education, my college studies (I have a Master Degree in Historical Geography and I am certified as a Diamond expert) and also discrimination with my disability.

In 2005 2006, i completed online several certificates in this sport management Institute : , including Athlete management, Broadcasting, Football Management and Scouting.

My coaching career returned to life since 2014, after a trip in Russia.
2015 ; QB coach Yaroslavl Rebels (First league), Russia, QB clinic in Grenoble, France. QB clinic Antwerp, Belgium (U19, U16 including a girl)
2016 : QB coach Yaroslavl Rebels, Assistant OL coach Team Russia. Guest Special teams coach for YTDP (Youth Tackle Development program), Belgium
2017 : QB coach Yaroslval Rebels, Guest coach at the Training Camp in Vladivostok for the 2016 Far East Champion (Wild Pandas) and … signed as a Consultant for the Yakustk Boturs (Mythic Warriors) for the Far East Tournament in Russia, Passing game management clinic in Cluj, (Romanian Champions ).
2018 : a shadow coaching opportunity with the Berlin Adler. Still Qb coach in Yaroslavl
Early 2016, I learned in Montreal from QB coach Ron Aboud, at the Junior College level. I attended 2 coaching clinics in UK in 2016 and 2017, managed by former players and coaches from NFL Jacksonville Jaguars. I have been Guest coach in Nimes (second league, France) in 2017, invited by a former Guest coach with NY Giants, named Franco Arellanos. I feel familiar with the mindset in Professional Football, because of my clinics in UK and the fact i coached in Team Russia under the tenure of former NFL players (Tony Simmons and Talib Wise) who lead the coaching staff. Coach Arellanos taught me many things about the pro game, like another guest coach with the Philadephia Eagles in 2002, a russian coach named Vasily Dobryakov.
With my coaching experience in Russia, i learned how to manage tough athletes with a very straight communciation. I have been invited by local TV in my camp in Vladivostok too. And I read a lot about the Game, Finding the winning edge by Bill Walsh and Eyes up by Terry Shea are clearly my favourite books about the offense. My daily job as an independant diamond expert shows i am a person focused on details. Coaches expects from pro athletes the best efficiency in the use of their body. Walking on one leg, with two crutches, this expectation is my daily life ! I can teach the resilience too. So, I feel very confident to fill a summer internship position in a pro coaching staff because my resume can show my passion for the game , my understanding of the game, my ability to create relationships, and the fact i could fit easily in the group and bring something positive.

Monday 27 November 2017

After Coaching Experience in Russia, .. a great clinic in Romania.

I managed a football clinic around passing game management in Cluj, last saturday and sunday !

I have been honored with an article on this famous website :

It was a great WE ! i met nice people and players hungry to learn.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

About Emma Stone in the Movie « The Battles of the Sexes »

It has been lauched today in France, i just go back from the cinema where i saw the movie !! pretty good movie and stunning performance by Actress Emma Stone.

As a football coach (not « soccer » coach) and disabled person, i coped with a lot of discrimination since i lost my leg in 2001. I coped with that attitude, being better on each field I worked (sport, research, business). This story gives the good advice ; PLAY THE TROUBLE WITH YOUR OWN RULES. This movie touched my heart, by giving me the green light, on the route i adopted only several years ago.

Gal Gadot is gorgeous, absolutly beautiful and plays quite well. She is a good actress. But Emma Stone shares with us a lot of different feelings and we feel EACH of them. She has a complex job in this movie and i suppose she learned also to play tennis.

Each very small movement of her eyes, or her lips, create a lot of emotions in this movie. Of course, i watched the movie in original version in English because i don t like to lose the messages with the body langages. She shares also emotions Billie Jean felt .. inside.

I consider the best actress ever has been the famous Romy Schneider …. I am looking forward to see movies with Emma Stone in 10 or 20 years to know if she can be on this pattern.

What is the financial system for a « economy of the desire » ?

The paradigm Production / Consumption is based on the human « needs » … But think about a such basic need than EATING.

Is there a valuable reason this field can be only based on fast-foods and industrial products ??

Yes, immediate consumption !! and big profits for the suppliers.

Think about food as a « desire », there is now a way to get a business field based on the quality of the products. With smartness and a good education, quality does not mean always EXPENSIVE

A project based on « desire » require Education and a less will of huge profit !

The majority of people are not available for this mindset

Friday 17 November 2017

Why the Consciousness is important on the monetary side ?

It s extremely dfifficult to define the Consciousness but i would say that the state of awareness that we need to consider our actions and their impacts .

It gives us Legal rights and duties in a society, as a human being.

But Corporate Law told us a corporation is also a « juristic person ». But, what is the purpose, the duty, of a corporation ? : PROFITS, to pay employees and Shares holders. The « state of awareness » in the case of a corporation is based only on upcoming  incomes !

No corporation has consciouness, but has the same rights than a human being. And more, if you consider the biggest corporations feed the human beings (with wages or food production). The Financial system has been very smart to create this situation during the last 150 years, and create very wealthy people.

What is a the problem now ??

After a huge creation of debts as a money supply, no more growth is possible !! and it  means debts will never be pay back. Economic growth means demographic growth, and this momentum is over too.

We consider our vision of the reality should be empirical … It means based on relationships, on exchanges. Too many policies currently, especially in Finance, are based on « « brainy » » concepts created OUT OF NOTHING … Our Western World is run by ideas, not by facts !

It s the reason Mila Solidus Ltd, HK has developped an unorthodox financial and monetary paradigm to cope with current problems for some entrepreneurial projects at early stage.

Monday 13 November 2017


The Flavian general Q. Petilius Cerealis said : « no peace without arms, no arms without pay, no pay without taxes ».

and maybe we can add « no taxes without coins ». Coins were struck for fiscal needs and spread as a MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE.


About the Human Consciousness !

Really interesting Text !

Sunday 12 November 2017


Through the History of the Mankind, the appearance of money is really a big change of individual and collective mindset.

The first human communities worked together to survive and the barter , as a proto economical scheme, has emphasized the Natural Resources available. The need of a such resource becomes the reason of exchanges or the cause of wars.

The first coinage known are in electrum, it s an alloy of Gold and Silver. We believe the first coinage has been a tool of social inclusion, because we can see very tiny coins in the first mintage in History. Each individual deserved a reserve of value to exchange. But we consider the appearance of monetary system in physical gold and silver has been a radical concept to make the human being a Free INDIVIDUAL !! Physical money has emphasized, not the natural Resource, but the individual who deserved something for his skills, abilities, loyalty, braveness or creativity.

The appearance of paper money, and credits, has made collapsed all limits in the human projects, but this kind of money has emphasized, not the individual, like we could think, but his IMPACT ON THE SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT …. Who are wealthy in « Fiat money » ?? People inside the Governments and the biggest corporations. So, the entities with the biggest power to have an impact.

The appearance of the Blockchain and the Cryptocurrencies recently, emphasized the Network … With this concept, Everything works inside a network.

Many Scholars said the Earth should be unhabitable in the upcoming centuries …. and several big start ups are focused on the Space exploration. But, are we destroying another planet in the Universe only for the Greed ? The monetary experience by the Mankind has failed only because we have forgotten than we lived as a living species inside an ecosystem.

There are 2 axioms :

- Human is a SOCIAL being.
- Human deserves the right of property and the right of personal development.

How can join this two axioms in a economical system ??

In front of bankrupt governments worldwide, we think we must emphasized the ability for each individual to manage his life,  to be his own boss, to create his own life project, …. To get out the dependancy….

We think money is not a need in economy, but only network and support !! Bring something, get a positive impact, change something , Be creative …. and money will appear !! that s the secret.

That s our paradigm : FORGET MONEY !!

We think exchanges, at early stage, inside an entrepreneurial project, can be backed only by trust between participants, or also by a token.

Mila Solidus Ltd, HK is a company with a capital based on the rarest tangible asset in the World : COLORED DIAMONDS. We trust in a monetary and Financial system based on the Natural resources.(That 's a 2.0 version of the Stones money on the Yap Island).

We offer our partnership and our shares to help you move forward with entrepreneurial projects, like our counselling services in investment in Diamonds and collectible Coins.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT

Friday 10 November 2017


1) No economic growth without demographic growth, and the Nanny States can work only with growth !!!

2) It s the main reason about the digitalization of the money supply. As a digit, it s far easier to control and spread.

We think the era of Growth without limit is over !!!


HEAT below Antarctica


Wednesday 1 November 2017

Ce qu'il faut comprendre !

Je crois profondément dans le capitalisme dans la mesure où je pense que la propriété privée est un Droit humain, que nous sommes inégaux en talents, mais complémentaires dans une société, et que l'innovation et la créativité sont des nécessités sociales.
    1) - Quand il y a interraction sociale dans le cadre de l'implication de plusieurs personnes sur un projet, ce projet aboutit à une forme tangible d'actif matériel ou immatériel ….. Cette réussite doit évoluer, être rentable, elle est donc marchandisée et l'argent apparaît !!! = le banquier vient frapper à la porte …
    2) - Le capitalisme financier , C EST TRES EXACTEMENT L'INVERSE ..
    Le banquier fait apparaître l'argent qui sert aux nombreuses allocations ou aux dépenses publiques colossales pour les Etats et a de grosses acquisitions pour les grands patrons ! Dans le capitalisme financier, il faut avoir un pouvoir d 'impact pour avoir de la liquidité … Ce qui donne aux « prédateurs » et aux psychopathes le premier rôle …
    Comme nous devenons tous depéndant d'allocations publiques ou de salaires, nous ramassons les miettes et ne pensont plus a avoir un rapport social horizontal, seul indicateur de réelle création de richesses.
    Et le coup de Maitre, c est que cet argent qui apparaît pour les dirigeants politiques et les grands patrons sous forme de dette, c est nous qui le remboursons sous forme d 'impôts ou de travail.
    Donc, le capitalisme financier annihile par nature toute forme de création de richesse réelle pour le bien être commun, le capitalisme financier favorise l'impact, bon et mauvais, sur la société !

Martin Luther and the central authority !!

A very interesting analogy

Sunday 29 October 2017

Is the personal control the real original sin ?

The World is full of abundancy… in natural resources, foods, informations, knowledge, potential relationships and potential well being. The Welfare State has been dominant in the Western countries the last decades !! So, why people are so much depressed or in social or economical troubles ??

I think abundancy and wealthness is, by far, a social MINDSET ! I think we can become rich and wealthy by getting a positive social impact on others. Making personal efforts and let G. decide the result should be the main paradigm. We can change only ourselves, not others.

The Human Being has always had a tremendous will to control his life, his economy and his environment, but he failed ! History shows us this is a sad true for centuries.

The Western culture , based on the individual human rights, let us imagine this control does not even require an effort, but it s a guarantee by law. And the society is now very narcissic. The Self is too dominant.

I believe that is the original Sin, this sad ambition to know and control everything. I think the Human Being, the body and the Soul, is a real treasure. However, Rationality, Health and abundancy are not natural human conditions, they required a real education, a will to change and a personal work ethic. It s require EFFORT and we can t teach EFFORT !

Friday 20 October 2017

Croissance, climat et économie dans l'Empire Romain d'Orient au Vème siècle

Il est difficile de percevoir le 4ème siècle comme une période de croissance économique pour l'empire romain à cause de l'expansion monétaire. Les réformes monétaires de 295 AD et de 311 AD ont abouti à une multiplication du monnayage en Bronze (faible en valeur et donc en pouvoir d'achat) qu 'il n'est donc guère étonnant de trouver en grande quantité dans la partie la plus orientale de l'Empire. Durant l'Antiquité, en période de prospérité économique (le concept de croissance en économie est une idée moderne), l'Etat avait intérêt à faire rentrer les taxes en pièces de très bonne qualité. Le succès de la nouvelle monnaie d'or : le solidus, notamment dans la partie orientale de l'Empire, a pu amené à une diminution de la thésaurisation au 5 eme siècle simplement par un souhait d 'acquérir des solidus, monnaie refuge. La faiblesse apparente de l'administration centrale byzantine sur le Levant, et les mutations dans les liens avec l'Empire d 'Occident n'ont pu qu'être des facteurs encourageants à l'acquisition de quelques pièces d 'or (dont une seul représentait parfois plus d 'un mois de salaire). Par ailleurs, il semble que l'effondrement de l'Empire d'Occident ait amené à une migration de nombreux chrétiens vers le Levant. Cela a dû amené à des expropriations ou à des constructions de nouveaux logements sur des terrains vacants, le 5ème siècle était donc vraiment une période peu propice à la thésaurisation. Ainsi, les données relatives à une sécheresse à cette époque dans la région, ne nous apparaissent pas comme particulièrement impactante sur l'économie de la région, notamment par la résilience des populations locales.

a Simpulum on a judean coin !

A Simpulum on a coin of Pontius Pilate. (coin in my private collection)

Thursday 12 October 2017

Next bank crisis. Europe ? ask Goldman



I will manage, in partnership with my own company, a coaching clinic in Cluj, Romania on november 25 and 26 2017. Coaching in Russia helped me to understand how the distance can be a problem to develop our sport !!! So, I have had the idea to open a youtube channel, and offer Quarterbacks worlwide an opportunity to show up ….
The idea is simple !!
The online competition sunday morning is based 18 throws !!! 3 routes with a 3 steps drop , 3 with 5 steps drop, 3 with 7 steps.... both right and left !!! means 18 . The winner will be the one who has more completions in the quickest time !! Both simple and useful ... The QBs should manage a WR on the right and the left quickly and throws 9 differents routes, it means 9 different strikes points and 9 different trajectories of the ball.
I am currently writing the official regulations … We would like to do that in Streaming. It will be from Cluj, Romania on sunday 26 november morning. However, send me videos to upload on the official youtube channel could be accepted too.
Dépending the number of teams enrolled, and potential media interest, we will maybe consider to be associated with an humanitarian fund rising work, related with american football
Enrollment is free of charges. Each team must manage by itself the video, only respecting the regulations.
Contact me using the email adress on my twitter account if interested !! we have already one team in Romania and two in Russia

Blade Runner 2049

Le film Blade Runner 2049 est vraiment fascinant et très bien réussi, tant par les effets spéciaux que l'intrigue qui questionne sur la condition humaine !!!

Une phrase m'a intrigué « Naître, c 'est avoir un âme » , prononcée par un des réplicants, humains crées par les manipulations génétiques.

En fait, je crois que la plupart des humains qui naissent ne font jamais usage de la leur. A mon sens, l'âme n'est que la compréhension que la pêché originel dans les religions abrahamiques, c'est avant tout la condamnation du fait que l'Homme a oublié qu'il appartient à l'Univers (pour bénéficier de l' abondance) et que celui ci ne lui appartient pas …

Etre en lien avec son âme, c est donc percevoir l'abondance dans toute chose. Si un humain « fabriqué » n'aurait pas pour origine le chaos universel, qu'il puisse percevoir l'abondance, aimer et être aimé et vivre de manière vertueuse ne me semble pas une chose impossible.

En un sens, il construirai ainsi lui meme son âme et son impact sur l'Univers. Le premier commandement de D. a Abraham a été « va vers toi » , ce qui n 'est pas éloigné du fameux « Connais toi toi même » de Socrates. Ainsi, la connaissance de son être est bien la seule qui ait une réelle importance, avec le lien aux autres. Ce sont les deux piliers de la condition humaine.

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