Sunday 12 November 2017


Through the History of the Mankind, the appearance of money is really a big change of individual and collective mindset.

The first human communities worked together to survive and the barter , as a proto economical scheme, has emphasized the Natural Resources available. The need of a such resource becomes the reason of exchanges or the cause of wars.

The first coinage known are in electrum, it s an alloy of Gold and Silver. We believe the first coinage has been a tool of social inclusion, because we can see very tiny coins in the first mintage in History. Each individual deserved a reserve of value to exchange. But we consider the appearance of monetary system in physical gold and silver has been a radical concept to make the human being a Free INDIVIDUAL !! Physical money has emphasized, not the natural Resource, but the individual who deserved something for his skills, abilities, loyalty, braveness or creativity.

The appearance of paper money, and credits, has made collapsed all limits in the human projects, but this kind of money has emphasized, not the individual, like we could think, but his IMPACT ON THE SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT …. Who are wealthy in « Fiat money » ?? People inside the Governments and the biggest corporations. So, the entities with the biggest power to have an impact.

The appearance of the Blockchain and the Cryptocurrencies recently, emphasized the Network … With this concept, Everything works inside a network.

Many Scholars said the Earth should be unhabitable in the upcoming centuries …. and several big start ups are focused on the Space exploration. But, are we destroying another planet in the Universe only for the Greed ? The monetary experience by the Mankind has failed only because we have forgotten than we lived as a living species inside an ecosystem.

There are 2 axioms :

- Human is a SOCIAL being.
- Human deserves the right of property and the right of personal development.

How can join this two axioms in a economical system ??

In front of bankrupt governments worldwide, we think we must emphasized the ability for each individual to manage his life,  to be his own boss, to create his own life project, …. To get out the dependancy….

We think money is not a need in economy, but only network and support !! Bring something, get a positive impact, change something , Be creative …. and money will appear !! that s the secret.

That s our paradigm : FORGET MONEY !!

We think exchanges, at early stage, inside an entrepreneurial project, can be backed only by trust between participants, or also by a token.

Mila Solidus Ltd, HK is a company with a capital based on the rarest tangible asset in the World : COLORED DIAMONDS. We trust in a monetary and Financial system based on the Natural resources.(That 's a 2.0 version of the Stones money on the Yap Island).

We offer our partnership and our shares to help you move forward with entrepreneurial projects, like our counselling services in investment in Diamonds and collectible Coins.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT

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