Tuesday 26 December 2017

As a QB coach, i love the Offensive line ...

And i give you several coaching points about Pass Protection  to scout the Offensive line :

 1) Pass Protection is an unique sport effort. It s probably the most important element in the game of football, but no one involved cares, and even looks, the object of this game : the football.

2) Pass Protection involves 5, 6 ot 7 players. And we can also include the QB in this collective effort to protect him, because he is also responsible to check a potential blitzer.

3) The 5 players involved each time (the offensive line) must be able to know the depth of the QB (3, 5 or 7 steps), to protect him better. This information must be included in the play call.

4) The Center and the Guards are responsible for the depth of the pocket, the Tackles for its Width.

5 ) As long as possible, the offensive linemen must stay square to the Line Of Scrimmage.

6 ) Deeper than 9 yards (7 steps drop back), the QB is out of the protection, because the line between him and the outside rushers like Defensive ends , becomes too straight.

7) The A gaps are the most important to protect because they are the shortest way to the Quarterback. The split between the center and the guards is only 2 feet, but 2,5 feet between guards and tackles. The Linemen align their head on the belt of the center.

8) Zone Blocking (slide) is used for the quickest throw (1 or 3 steps drop).

9) Always initiate the first punch ! Be physical.

10) « Head up, Butt down », Get a strong base, a great balance and a quick footwork.

11) Fight with the rusher until you ear the whistle.

12) Stay low. Your pads below their pads ! « PUP », Pad under pad, that s the vertical leverage.

13 ) The spaces between each lineman in the pocket are also, vision, throwing or rushing lanes for the Quarterback.

14 ) in Zone blocking by the offensive line, the RB or the playside TE could be responsible for the C gap.

15 ) « Vertical Set » involves the Guard and Tackle back "vertically" in front of 3 or more rushers… The width of the line decreases but it s efficient because it cuts the angle.

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