Thursday 15 August 2013


It’s a paradox, but the main reason of the current financial crisis worldwide is : TOO MUCH MONEY…
 Money Is debt and owned by a few number of people. The huge monetary crisis during the third century, across the roman empire,  was related with the lack of precious metal.

 Since 1694, and the creation of the Bank of England, but more massively since the end of WWI, “”Money Debt”” is  keeping people in dependency !!!! and paper money created by banks IS NOT Gold money ……  I don’t have the unrealistic  ambition to change all the system !!! just to show another way is possible  for emergency situations , to cope with poverty and more important to avoid waste… from an historical basis !!! 

In the past, the banks had some REAL ASSETS and the coins were in Gold or Silver…. So, instead of the creation of loans with paper money, we could imagine a bank creating Ad hoc currencies, backed by several  true assets,  for specific sustainable purposes . …. It’s more closely related with the antique coinage, with a huge number of different coins. For example, In the Roman Empire : 2 quadrans = 1 semi : 2 semis = 1 as : 10 as = 1 denarius : 25 denarius = 1 aureus
 In a such system, Gold can be hoarded and the small coins continue to circulate !!!!

 The main problem is that most of the current  complementary currencies are pegged with the national currencies… 

The key of my Emergency Financial Management System is ACCURACY

  1. Get an  Asset to back an ad hoc currency.
  2.  Identify the needs in zone
  3. Create the useful amount of money using a temporary currency, backed by a tangible asset …. To manage the useful exchanges necessary  to fill the  needs
  4. The value of the assets are used to make the exchanges sustainable for a long period
  5.  Instead to be paid with loans, Banks are paid with long term fees on the productivity created

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