Tuesday 13 August 2013

A currency in a world without growth !!!!!!

From the origins to the years 1800’s the world GDP has been increased annually very slowly …. The financial tools introduced in economy, created a lot amount of money out of air…. And the world GDP skyrocketed !!!
  • With a very low GDP growth, Gold and silver as money had a sense. It was relatively easy to find the supply of precious metal, necessary to mint coins. 
  • With a high GDP, "money debt" is necessary … because there is not enough supply of tangible assets. 
What to do now in 2013 ??? the world has an enormous monetary supply , but very few tangible assets…. And no more growth worldwide !!! and especially in the western countries. 
  1. First of all, Give another meaning to wealth …. Wealth represents tangible assets, health, a secure environment and good relations. 
  2.  Secondly, Tokens , without intrinsic value had been always very successful in economy, because they was minted TO BE USED, not to be hoarded. 
  3. Natural resources are not unlimited …
  4. Creating money by loans means  dependency …. Dependency is a modern slavery !!!!. 
  5. In the 1930’s in Germany, the Rentenmark were backed by industrial goods ….. So, we think anything can back a currency , because the most important, it’s EXCHANGE, not hoarding …..
  6. Never enough physical Gold and silver to mint coins, Never enough working abilities  to pay all the debts !!! Both systems “money value “ and “money debt” have big weaknesses.
  7. Silver is a underrated commodity , because of its massive  use in industry ….
The wealth pyramid here shows  clearly an unsustainable situation : http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2013/06/CS%20wealth%207.jpg

Creating a paper money and others derivatives with the same value that physical « Gold money » has been a true mistake, two hundreds years ago ….The need of cash could be filled by the banks with ""second currencies"", focused on some specific purposes !!!


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