Monday 15 February 2021


During  the last years on this blog, under a different name,  I developed many ideas and concepts about money. 

When you buy old coins, you buy a story .... It s travel in Time  ! Pontius Pilate coins have a lot of success, because maybe hold by Jesus. 

I wanna go beyond this simple emotional effect !

I wanna make you reinvent the monetary system , which is currently in some changes. I developed the Nomismalogy, presented in this blog , in a article France  in January named "Hommage a LE RIDER" 

The concept is simple : After having studied all the monetary history, I have made the conclusion something is missing in the human monetary experience. 

Money has always  rewarded Services and Creativity .... , so the labour forces, especially the peasants, have been trapped in a system which could not reward them ! And it created a bad mindset about the money and wealth.  Money is not wealth, money is an energy and a social convention. 

Cryptos are trying to 

We want to sell you Old coins ... to tokenize to manage projects. And Repare this mistake. not like cryptos, not like complementary currencies, ... a bit like tokens. 

Money metal or money debt have created a lot of disorders ....Mankind always struggle with Financial liquidity.  And always The Mankind we suggest the "money trust"  ! Money as a service to be created for a purpose ...

I  plan to create a Nomismalogy club  ! 

I GUARANTEE YOU TO BECOME A NUMMULARIUS (officer of the mint in Roma) 2.0 .... Give your buying a sense ! 

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