Friday 26 February 2021

The reality on the financial market

Interesting article !


 Le modele social du handicap enferme les personnes handicapées dans un statut de victime perpétuelle. IL impute a la société le role de prendre en charge la défaillance … l’inclusion. 

De ce fait, il infantilise beaucoup de handicapés. Si le solidarité nationale peut et doit voir le jour sur les cas graves, la vie sociale, c’est avant tout ie rapport qu’on souhaite entretenir avec ses semblables, et avec le modele social, ce rapport implique forcément la subordination.

L’inclusion sociale a progressé mais l’égalité reste illusoire prês de 3 siècles après les premiers efforts pour favoriser l’inclusion sociale des handicapés. 

Dans une société de consommation et de production, la personne handicapée est vu , moins performante …. Hors, ce paradigme de production est en train de montrer ses limites a l’échelle mondiale et a entrainé une large paupérisation des … « valides ». 

IL convient donc de changer de paradigme : Nous proposons un MODELE ANTHROPOLOGIQUE DU HANDICAP .

Nous définissons le handicap comme la perte ou l’altération d’une faculté ou d’une capacité standard chez l’individu en pleine santé, et nous voulons nous interroger sur la manière dont cette perte va influer sur le développement de la personne. Et ainsi, trouver des façons de favoriser ce développement. 

Notre posture est donc que le développement est ineluctable, dans l’immense majorité des cas, mais qu’une réelle inventivité doit être mise en oeuvre pour favoriser ce développement. Nous considérons que l’inclusion sociale , propre au modele sociale du handicap, …. Ne peut pas précéder le développement personnel. Et nous considérons qu’un développement personnel réussi entrainera facilement une inclusion sociale. 

Monday 15 February 2021


During  the last years on this blog, under a different name,  I developed many ideas and concepts about money. 

When you buy old coins, you buy a story .... It s travel in Time  ! Pontius Pilate coins have a lot of success, because maybe hold by Jesus. 

I wanna go beyond this simple emotional effect !

I wanna make you reinvent the monetary system , which is currently in some changes. I developed the Nomismalogy, presented in this blog , in a article France  in January named "Hommage a LE RIDER" 

The concept is simple : After having studied all the monetary history, I have made the conclusion something is missing in the human monetary experience. 

Money has always  rewarded Services and Creativity .... , so the labour forces, especially the peasants, have been trapped in a system which could not reward them ! And it created a bad mindset about the money and wealth.  Money is not wealth, money is an energy and a social convention. 

Cryptos are trying to 

We want to sell you Old coins ... to tokenize to manage projects. And Repare this mistake. not like cryptos, not like complementary currencies, ... a bit like tokens. 

Money metal or money debt have created a lot of disorders ....Mankind always struggle with Financial liquidity.  And always The Mankind we suggest the "money trust"  ! Money as a service to be created for a purpose ...

I  plan to create a Nomismalogy club  ! 

I GUARANTEE YOU TO BECOME A NUMMULARIUS (officer of the mint in Roma) 2.0 .... Give your buying a sense ! 


People wear Gems for Thousands years ! as a protection or to define them. 

Recently, I tried an experience in Jewelry Fan Art. I designed this ring to honore one of my favorite movie ever Alita Battle Angel, and my favorite female character in movie : Alita

I have tried to imagine a soldier ring she could wear, in white gold. For the Fans, the 99 is on the ring, like the symbols of Marc and the satellite Deimos. For the main Gem, I used a purple garnet, The etymology of garnet is meaning Seed, and purple , it's majesty and a major color in the movie 



Gems are your connections with the Natural World, and Jewelry has to be YOU ! Big jewelry brands offers you a SOCIAL STATUS , GEMIDEM offers you an identity, a unique way to tell your story. 

As a senior student in Tibetan Medicine , I know the Gems have a special power. 

That s the Ring I created for me ! 

A rare bicolore sapphire, yellow gold and a latin quote PER ASPERA AS ASTRA 


WE GUARANTEE YOU AN UNIQUE JOURNEY IN JEWELRY, BECAUSE YOU WILL BECOME YOUR OWN LUXURY BRAND and we offers you a way to connect with people with heal with Gems in Asia, to tell their stories. 

Our vision A person = a Gem , that s the real green marketing because you will be connected with a part of the Earth.

We plan to create some GEMIDEM clubs, where people could compare their journey. 


My name is Michael J.P. LAURENT, I am HRD ANTWERP CERTIFIED DIAMOND GRADER  since 2014. And Consultant Numismate (INS life member).

I am also an American Football Coach and a senior student in Tibetan medicine. I am a disabled (3PV) who suffered a lot from discrimination, and I developed the concept of disabled branding. My motto , LESS LEG, More Movements™ … If you make your disability a story, and forget the physical aspect,  it become a social link with others. I prefer 3PV in French because it means PERSONNE PHYSIQUEMENT PLUS VULNERABLE. « Vulnerability is the Right concept for more equality. 

I truly believe the Human journey is a sensible balance between the Limbic system and the Neo cortical. #Limbic&Neocortical and GEMIDEM IS AN EFFORT TO MAINTAIN THIS BALANCE ! .... with Coins (neocortical) and Gems (limbic). There are the most ancient forms of luxury ! 

Tuesday 9 February 2021


 Body = ETHOS = your link with this world, what is making you unique ?

Speech = PATHOS = Your connection with this world, what you you want to create ? 

Mind = LOGOS := Your message for this world  and your ability to understand it ?

Tuesday 2 February 2021


What is the relationship between Coins and Climate ? The monetary system since its creation 2600 years ago has had a serious impact on the environment. Mines to find gold and Silver first, and a lot of wars for them, , and since, with money debt, a massive social and environmental pressure on the planet, the need of money and to pay this money by overproduction.

So, the way we think coins and money have an ecological impact …. Cryptos are a good monetary tool, but still too young to be universal and under a massive speculation. But we are strong believers of tokens and stable coins. 

We believe the monetary experience of the Mankind has enhanced creativity and innovation among the smartest and skillest people, especially in cities from  the Antiquity ! People who were able to create something new everyday. Peasants had a hard job, limited in creativity and space ,  and were dependent of coins …. For them, coins never been a reward of a value they add, it was the compensation of their work. 

We believe this mindset is still in action in the low social classes. and it s outside the normal paradigm : "bigger is the value you add , bigger is the monetary reward"

We want to change this mindset, creating clubs with ad hoc tokens and stable coins. And in this way, support people in some for profits  projects at early stage.

We believe coins, tokens or cryptos have to get a value and a use which fit with social use ! and there are many différent socio uses

END OF THIS BLOG , now it s on

 JOIN ME NOW , it s on  a nex plateform and a new blog !