Friday 28 January 2022


 It s important to understand the root cause of the big financial and economic mess in the world ! Henry ford said 2 great quotes 

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. And a very interesting link

Nowadays people understand money and how it s created. But the key issue is : THEY ARE NO MORE ABLE TO COMPETE. If money is an IOU, it means you must bring a value to deserve money …. Or being able to attracted money abusively  created but central banks…. 

In a Global world, being able to add value  is now extremely complex, and to attract money, not less. 

The CHREMAVERSE is the solution we offer. It s a collaborative space between businesses to create new opportunities and naturally add value and attract money. 

In Greek CHREMA means « something useful or needed », and -VERSE is related with Universe

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