Friday 28 January 2022


 It s important to understand the root cause of the big financial and economic mess in the world ! Henry ford said 2 great quotes 

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. And a very interesting link

Nowadays people understand money and how it s created. But the key issue is : THEY ARE NO MORE ABLE TO COMPETE. If money is an IOU, it means you must bring a value to deserve money …. Or being able to attracted money abusively  created but central banks…. 

In a Global world, being able to add value  is now extremely complex, and to attract money, not less. 

The CHREMAVERSE is the solution we offer. It s a collaborative space between businesses to create new opportunities and naturally add value and attract money. 

In Greek CHREMA means « something useful or needed », and -VERSE is related with Universe

Monday 17 January 2022


His Holiness the Dalai Lama «The purpose of life is being happy and being useful « 

Why the world is so chaotic with a purpose so simple for the really short human life ? 

My younger brother took his own life in 2007, at 28 years old, jumping abroad from the Tour Montparnasse in Paris…. I lost a leg because of cancer at 25 years old and get others diseases my entire life (I was born April 22th 1976). 

We grew up in an environment very poor in warm relationships and even in  relationships … Why being happy is so difficult for human beings ?

Despite  my disability and a lot of struggles the last two decades, I acquired a lot of experiences in various professional fields; The current Pandemic, and the amazing chaos which has been created  made me aware there is a real need to change the model of society. So, I thought a lot about it, to honor my late brother and help people at my own level, as well as to create a community in social peer to peer I decided to share with you what I found and the first projects which fit with the new model. 

With a true passion for mental Health and communication, with a. Deep experience coaching American football, , and based on the homeostasis theory of consciousness , I developed a for profit research program and business network named DiXabled™  where I involved many concepts I learned in Sowa Rigpa to change the relationship we have with ability. 

I truly believe our wish to over control is the root cause of most issues we cope with 

The main idea I learned it with this theory is considering homeostasis as a kind of self awareness and a kind of proto consciousness. If you shorten the history of the Earth in a year … mono cellular life appear quickly in the late February and photo synthesis in the late march. Photo synthesis helped mono cellular life to change the Earth…because multi cellular life appear only in November and the first amphibians early December … 

The root of this theory is more homeostasis of organisms  is complex, more life is exploding … it means homeostasis could be really related with consciousness. 

However, from some species, there is also a social homeostasis … many advanced species need to live in group for their survival , it s as important as to live in the right tangible environnement . Primats, dolphins, elephants are extremely smart and extremely sociable animals. The theory suppose it gives the evolution of the Neo cortical functions : being able to analyse reaction of others, environnement  … and express emotions. Charles Darwin said the specie who will survive is the specie who will adapt …so both physically and socially 

The theory suppose it was the same for the human specie, until the most universal Myth : THE FLOOD 

The Flandrian transgression is the rise of the level of the sea by 100 meters .. all the sand of the beach worldwide is related with this event … it s connected with the melting of amazing amount of ice ., so a pure natural phenomenon ! But the theory suppose it created a breaking point in the human consciousness ….   : THE MEANING . This is portably why is Jewish calendar has thousands years more, with awareness of this meaning 

The theory suppose the human consciousness looked for a meaning to this terrible event ! And the climate change which forced human to convert in agriculture. For the abrahamic traditions, it s the angriness of God. 

This breaking point changed the mankind who has been far more disconnect from the Earth and developed traditions cultures, social representations to strengthen its own social homeostasis and remember its events. We written the history of the human species from the ability to perform « size of the brain, capacity to create » only 

But HOMO JUCUNDUS does not exist ! 

In our shorten year, HOMO ERECTUS appears on December 31 at 11.30 am , so, the history of mankind is less than a blink of a eye …. The industrial revolution appears the last second of the year. However, the pandemic showed we impact deeply the Earth. 

The two pillars of the human sociology for most societies is acceptation, need of validation  and money. 

We are social beings, we need to be accepted, it s the third stage of the Maslow pyramid of needs. however, human societies are often organized in social classes. It means our social class could be mistaken with who we are. We inherited from our social class, our social class is our condition, not who we are, …. Who we are is our subjective experience ! It s our story. Ou skills, our ability to be well surrounded … it involved non judgmental care. Why is it so hard to find ? Because we develop, we change and social standings create boundaries …Social standings are rationalized rules to be adopted to preserve the social homeostasis. How to move out our conditions ? Not by being a follower, but by bring something new, asking support  , a new value others will love and welcome you . There is a need to be different and in a global world

Money is the more social symbol of social exchange … Money has been shells , stones, metal paper and bit … The physical condition of money change depending the sociology of the groups. With the emergence of the merchants , credit and paper money has been the best choice . It means money have to be a flexible tool. Money is not wealth, wealth is making income . The value of the money is a false question. It depends the nature of the monetary system. We really trust in the vision of Friedrish Hayek about the necessary competition between currencies and now with the cryptos, the NFT we can do it …

The COVID Pandemic has a major common point with the Flood : a global impact 

Flood : global event, mankind forced to adapt and change, and develop a meaning , so, we could call it a method FPM, for Focus, Pattern, meaning, 

COVID : a first bad focus (protect ou freedom and economy, instead to protect the health by anticipation) , it means an unadapted pattern and meaning full of fake news 

Struggle from the Focus made me concerned about the sustainability of our society 

So Dixabled is a new universe to be developed in a social peer to peer process. The etymology of the concept is : 

DI = 2

X = X factor hidden talent 

Able = ability 

We believe the ability comes from the connection with strengths to create some wonderful subjectifs experience. 

Disability Leadership is my own subjective experience , GETTING PEOPLE OUT OF FEAR AND HELP THEM TO BE DIFFERENT. I have been leg  amputated  in 2001, but NEVER, NEVER I found the human support to care about me 3 months to get a new leg. My stump is very short and I need a regular life style …. I have had a very bad protest leg, I gave up quickly to walk with crutches and go ACROSS THE WORLD ! And perform on various duties 

I coach American football since 1995 and it s a real passion for me… Meet Coach Trestman and his Argos in Toronto in 2018 has been the climax of my experience. Recently a person offered me a share of the NFL Green Bay Packers, making me an NFL Owner.

HRD Antwerp Certified diamond grader with experience in the worldwide famous  district , Israel Numismatic Society life member because I collect coins for , International American football Academy board member, Co producer ZAKURA movie , Mastered in Historical Geography , Root tantra instructor in Tibetan medicine …. I love life and learning..

I learned the human being is like a tree. 

- The roots are our conditions, where do we come From …… physically sociologicaly, economically …Changing conditions is hard and require outside support but perfectly realistic. Our conditions does not make us who we are …

- The trunk is our education, the value we bring, the experiences we have accumulated , our character. The trunk is more difficult to reeducate, but can be oriented

- The branches are your purpose. What do you produce ? Shadow, fruits, flowers… the production is clearly determined with the trunk. 

All the social life , our group homeostasis, is based on two concepts. The community and the society ..

  • The community is protective, there, we are common interest and values. But does not autorise so much flexibility 
  • The society is a dynamic system of social arrangements. Less protective, but more flexible. 

My community has not at all protected me , neither my brother how has taken his own life. As a disabled the society protects me …. But is not flexible with me. Without Community, I have no one to care about me and never been able to grow on a healthy way. I can not reach sustainable social arrangements 

So, my purpose is helping you to be a good gardener for your tree on an unique perspective  …. As a motivational speaker,  consultant and project manager . And to change definitely the look on ability …Disabled means out of the ability, and it has never been acceptable. From my visions and rare versatiliy, I want to connect talents to create profits and income , not only financially 

With the massive social and economic collapse due to pandemic , I think everyone is « disabled » in the front a social model which is changing ….. 

Thursday 6 January 2022


 My name is Michael J.P. LAURENT. I was born in France on April 22th 1976. I found that my own experience in life is the reflection of the current chaos in the world. So, I would like to bring balance. 

I am Above the knee amputee since 2001  but I really suffered from 2 things in life : 

1) being socially moved away after my cancer and amputation , without support, only because the Nanny state should care about everything. 

2) lack of windows available to show off and be useful on the pro life , because the paradigm for economics is only based on production. 

I developed a lot of skills and I acquired a lot of experiences the last two decades and now I know how to go out this training ! we live currently in a chaotic world and my pro purpose is creating more balance, more sustainability, by teachings and projects management and on a inclusive way 


 There is the medical model of disability, there is the social model of disability and there is DIXabled™ 

DiXabled™ is designed to be the real inclusive model because we want to re invent the concept of ability. 

Di = two

X = Factor, hidden talent

Able = ability, 

We think the ability is always connected with others and can be discovered by the relationship. When Homo Habilis made basic tools with stones... These cut  stones could be used by others, and he could have time to make these cut stones because he had food thanks to others. 

Our social model is based on 2 pillars : 

  1. who am I ? what is my story ? What is my background ? if there is a medical background , how it impacts my life ? We think the medical model of disability could be adopted by ALL HUMANS , because all human are impacted by diseases, stress and age. 

So, where is the wall ? It s the standardization of most of the human activities. It s more and more difficult to meet our own feelings in a world full of standards. The etymology of the word « disability » is connected with the legal vision of « no ability ». Our own life has often no more sense, we have give our personal story a sense.

2) The social model of disability considers the duty of the society to adapt and make change for each disabled perso n…. But what is the society ? Each of us OR a dominant power independent of each of us. We consider the society as the sum of all individual efforts. it means everyone should have something to do in the society .... and not only waiting ..." rights ». And all human beings should be involved on this way in useful social interactions. 

Our business model is on this way , not based on the vision of production. The science has written the History of the Huma specie based on his personal abilities , and we see intellectual works superior to manual work. whatever the monetary  system (shells, gold coins, euro or bitcoin), making money is based always on the same paradigm ! have an impact...... ad no one has never had a significant  impact on the society individually. 

And where is the wall there ? We are all dependent from money. We really believe the monetary system should have multiple currencies, because there are many kind of different social interactions. We adopt the vision of this topic established by the economist Friedrich Hayek and we believe the current technology (cryptos, NFT) offers us enough tools to find solutions. 

PS : I live in Aix en Provence, France, so I adopted the local logo connected with my personal background in Jewelry. 

Sunday 2 January 2022


 Le monde critique énormément les GAFAM,  mais en fait, ils sont la solution, ils offrent la réponse. 

Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon , Microsoft n’ont pas démarré en cherchant le profit, ces entreprises ont démarré, il ya des décennies  en sortant des sentiers battus, en ayant une certaine vision sur le monde et l’avenir de la société qui s’est avérée juste ….

Et si on regarde les courbes de leurs actions …. Elles n’ont explosé que depuis la crise de 2008 et  la politique monetaire ILLIMITEE ….

C’es entreprises avaient fait appel a la bourse pour lever des capitaux. En émettant des actions, elles devaient verser des dividendes donc etre encore plus rigoureuses sur la gestion et la qualité de leurs produits. 

Quand le cash est devenu illimité … la monnaie a cherche un refuge , donc dans des actions d’entreprises stables , reputées, solides, avec une vision ! Les actions de ces sociétés ont connu une hausse exponentielle ces dernières années….. permettant aux dirigeants toutes les fantaisies et els projets. En ne cherchant pas le profit a la base, mais l’innovation et la creativité, les fondateurs de ces sociétés sont devenues immensément riches ….car le monde a present est global. 

Les Etats ont suivi le chemin inverse. En construisant l’Etat providence, en se rendant indispensable pour tout et tout le monde, les états ont casse l’initiative , le merite, la liberté et ce sont éloignés de leurs fonctions premieres … offrir le cadre réglementaire pour une vie saine. Les Etats ont isolé les gens les uns des autres…. Et se sont endettés considerablement . Et les Etats ont perdus ainsi toute credibilite ….pusique la plupart d’entre eux n’offrent plus qu’un cadre oppressif aux citoyens. …

Ces derniers cependant en ont bien profité …. Emplois publics, subventions allocations , hausse artificiel  du niveau de vie … L’Etat providence date de Bismark, c’est a dire la fin du XIXème siècle …. Il avait compris que les peuples pouvant se débarrasser de leurs Rois, il fallait que le peuple dépende de l’etat donc, il a fixe la retraite … et le peuple tout content a aimé son Etat. 

Donc, dans un avenir ou le cash sera illimitee , il devient paradoxalement plus difficile a obtenir ….  Nous avons vu que la nature du cash, c’est d’etre une énergie qui recompense l’action , donc si l’action n’est pas nécessaire …. Ou pas possible pour la plupart des gens, il faudra faire quelque chose de plus en plus élitiste pour avoir de l’argent, qui impacté de plus en plus de monde, ou choisir un terrain prometteur pour l’avenir ….. Et la communication dans un monde global est devenu un art. 


La richesse c’est donc une equation (Vision + Produit) * Timing, et finalement, elle ne dépend en aucune facon du systeme monetaire en place comme je le pensais …. Qu’on soit payé en coquillages, en pieces, d’or, en Euros ou en bitcoin, c’est le meme principe 

Les changements de systeme monetaire ne correspondent qu’a des changements sociologiques (développement du secteur marchands), environnementaux (trouver les métaux)  et culturels 

Une année optimiste

 Ce que j'ai répondu a des voeux un peu trop négatifs a mon gout ! 

""Votre pessimiste est il approprié ? 

Quand nos ancêtres lors de la Transgression Flandrienne, ont vécu la montée du niveau de la mer de 100 mètres, ils ont imaginé la colère de Dieu pour rationaliser ce phénomène (le récit du deluge) , ils n'imaginaient pas que c'était un phénomène tout a fait naturel .... ils n'avaient pas les connaissances rationnelles pour l'apprehender. 

Aujourd'hui nous avons les connaissances Mais nous  ne regardons pas au bon endroit. En 2 siècles, le nombre d'humain a augmenté 7 fois plus vite que dans les 75 millenaires precedents, ... c'est trop rapide ... le Credit est un magnifique outil de creation monétaire pour l'industrie ou le commerce, mais en aucune façon pour les services ..... Donc, le Covid m'est en avant les nécessités d'un re équilibrage ! 

aussi pourquoi combattre un re équilibrage nécessaire ? car l esprit humain aime trop le contrôle ......ou le sentiment de l humain ne se place pas au point endroit, il hurle "liberté" au lieu d hurler "bonheur", "responsabilite" . 

Quand vous regardez comment nous avons écrit l'histoire de l'espace humaine .... seulement en fonctionne des capacités de controle ....Nehenderthal était bien mieux adapté a son environnement que nous ne le sommes. 

donc je trouve impératif de replacer la vie sociale et l épanouissement personnel au coeur de la reflexion. !! pas la consommation , ni les ideologies .... Ce que nous enseigne le Covid c est que chacun doit etre capable d etre responsable de lui meme , sans s opposer au système, ni y adherer , puisque notre nature est le vrai systeme. Nous avons besoin de soins, de manger de relations et de nous accomplir, que votre vie ait un sens ..... Tous les systèmes politiques tentent d'apprivoiser notre nature, mais aucun n'est parfait ... profitons donc de ces imperfections """

END OF THIS BLOG , now it s on

 JOIN ME NOW , it s on  a nex plateform and a new blog !