Friday 27 March 2020


Introduction to the "Mixed Monetary Theory"
by Michael J.P. LAURENT Numismatist (INS Life member) / Diamond grader

After a major stock market collapse in the USA, ever more stimuli for more
 than 10 years in a row, and a more than probable stock market fall ahead, 
I’ve felt need to write this article. 

By profession and education, I am lucky enough to understand the real nature of 
money. Money is the reflection of our social expression. It does not matter
 whether money takes the form of precious metal, paper or digital notes,
 but what matters is that money symbolizes trust, i.e. our social trust. 

The financial sector has been a great tool to develop industries without being 
blocked by money supply in precious metal, but this innovative idea has served
 too well the worldwide socialist vision! Former German Chancellor Bismark 
in the XIXth century understood the need to provide people some benefits 
for their allegiance and provided social benefits which could become the roots 
of the nanny states! 

Financial capitalism supports bankrupt nanny states a lot 
and supports a lot of public spending! It’s the main reason
 that financial capitalism is the « law ».

Public spending must come out, but being “not for profit” spending does 
not mean it can be  “not for efficiency” spending! Not looking for efficiency
 in public spending led to the betrayal of   the social trust that money 
must represent ! 

Many middle class people see their savings disappear in financial products 
and I’ve just received an SMS from one of my banks explaining 
 that they can  “help” me further with my projects… which means more debt. 

With more and more monetary stimuli in the years to come, the rich
 will always be richer and without debt the stock and bond markets 
will continue to experience collapses…

So, fascism would be the answer, which is precisely what I don’t want! 

Money as coins appeared in Lydia 2,600 years ago and was made of electrum
 (a gold-silver alloy)… it was a fiscal invention to help fund the State. 
Barter could easily work because people offered what they 
could do and only took what they needed, so the notion of value was different. 

Coins offered an income for people out of the bartering system
 (soldiers, public workers) and a good tool for major merchants! 

Electrum coins never had a large spread unlike the coins in Gold and silver. 
However, money made of electrum has had an extensive local use, 
because the smallest coins could weight only 0.1 gram.

Bimetallic and trimetallic systems came with the appearance of the
 social classes… Gold coins for high-status people and for hoarding purposes, 
silver for regular and international trade, copper or bronze for local trade
 and the poor’s needs. 
Many wars in history were motivated by a gold rush! It was practical for
 coins to be a commodity, because metal could be melted for another use. 
However, a stamp gave coins some authenticity … 
even though counterfeit money is not a recent invention. 

“Money-debt”, credit (from the verb CREDERE in Latin, which means “to believe”)…
 a great invention to forget money supply, but only if we are able to create
 new wealth! Always remind that we need to respect money as a proof of 
social trust! Debt is canceled only if your loan created new wealth…
 and it’s not the case currently. 

However, financial capitalism went way too far and crypto-money appeared! 
A good idea to get out the money debt concepts but these coins are treated 
as stocks, not purely as coins... 

Nobody today can become rich legally in the financial markets
 without being extremely smart or an extremely smart cheater!

Rich people tomorrow will be either the smartest or crooks, or even both...

So, how current rich people can become richer without waiting for the
 monetary stimulus: by improving the crypto concept! 
Economist Friedrich Hayek developed a theory about competition
 between currencies. But he could not use the crypto technology!


My project consists in tokenizing a valuable tangible asset and offering tokens
 as currencies for a partnership with a person in need of financial liquidity for
 a project. Instead of signing for a loan, someone could use tokens, 
real stable coins under the mentorship of a real entrepreneur/rich person 
who initiate this partnership. 

An agreement could bind both partners about the use of these stable coins… 
As soon as the project creates tangible wealth, such partner can sign a loan 
with a real bank with a high level of confidence! And the « rich » partner has won… 
some networking values and adds a story to his asset collateralized! 
Imagine tokenizing a JAR creation in jewelry or a famous real estate. 
The rich partner keeps his assets but increases his value by adding 
such a story and by networking, opening new gates for himself. 

I really trust Friedrich Hayek’s monetary vision! And I think this vision can make 
him right! No inflation, no deflation, no slavery induced by debts...  

Being rich involves responsibility and education, and that’s probably the best 
field of application! Richness is also an ability to impact positively the life of
 others, and we must not forget that happiness happens through the good
 people around us. My mentor taught me: “build people before building business”. 

So I believe that a rich person can become clearly richer through this process,
 and the most skilled people in need of financial liquidity could become rich 
and be an inspiration for the more vulnerable. 

This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein - I don’t know if it’s true- but
 it brings the wisdom needed. 

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
 it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

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