Wednesday 11 December 2019

The Theory of the "Judean Rift"

The Theory of the « Judean Rift » is a historiographical hypothesis to explain why the land of Israel is still seen, by many,  as stolen in an arabic environment. Even if some Jews have lived there the last 3000 years without interruption, and even if the State of Israel has been created 73 years ago.

We think that non-jewish historiography has influenced this negative perception

We have identified 3 main reasons : 
  1. at the appearance of the Christianism, Some  Jews lived outside of the Roman Judea and many of them became the first Christians. So, it means already existed a split between Jews from Judea and Jews from Abroad. 
  2. After the Second Revolt, when Jerusalem became AELIA CAPITOLINA , a pure roman and pagan city, forbidden to Jews, it’s a real mental earthquake, especially after the end of a new revolt ! A Christian Jerusalem is re open to Jews  more than 200 years later. 
  3. From the Sixteen Century, The partnership between France and the Ottomans against the Holy roman empire, has created the perception that the Levant  has been clearly islamic. The Orientalism considers the Jews in the Magreb during the 19 th century, but not in the Levant. Even if some jewish migrations to Palestine occurred from the early Middle Ages. 
So, we consider that the perception of this land as Jewish in History can be defined only with the Networks between the local communities and the jewish groups abroad. The sovereignty in this land has switched between Christians and Muslims until 1947. However, the Networks through the last 1500 years between this land and the jewish groups abroad will be mapped. 

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