Saturday 1 June 2019

What is the leadership for a disabled person ?

Julius Caesar or Admiral Nelson have been disabled in the current meaning. They are among the most powerful leaders in History.

However, the meaning of disability have changed through the centuries. Nowadays, a disabled person must be aware about its DIFFERENCE. Most of the discrimination against disabled are related with the building of identity.

Many « valid » people can’t cope with their own relationship with death and disease looking a disabled person. Most often, only children or top level people see the disability as a difference, not necessary a weakness. I have been surprised that many disabled people  include the disability deep in their identity. I never thought to define myself as an Above the knee amputee. 

Leadership is showing the way …  and because the connection can be difficult to establish with the problem I exposed above. It s important to be smart. 

If you struggle to show the way, show A WAY !  

As a disabled leader, we can show better than others that each person is both important and different.  We can  use our disability to emphasize this difference. 

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