Monday 17 June 2019

About Antisemitism

Technically, I am not Jew, or not yet. But I am really in love for Judaism. And my very first feeling when I have been prayed at the Western Wall the first time  has been « Why give Jewish people so much trouble for a such small but beautiful place ? »

I wonder if Antisemitism is not only related with the perception of our own self. 

Jewish people have confidence and even breath the self confidence. They trusts their own skills, they trust their history and their culture. They have a positive vision of theirselves. I learned with my jewish friends that G.Od loves me and the true meaning of « study » , « work » and « intention « .

European Culture is deeply based on Christianity …. If Jesus was a Jew, Jews never trusted he was Messiah. And problems between muslims and Jews are not based on the ideologies (almost all muslims prophets were Jews), but , from my view, on the clear superiority of Israel in the Middle East which give a clear feeling of frustration in the muslim world. 

Working for RECOGNITION is a key of our social existence and  so important among Christians and Muslims, but not really among Jews, who have natural recognition by G.od and their community. 

Is  Antisemitism only a violent  way for frustrated people unable to reach the expected recognition and become jealous ? 

Maybe the best way to fight antisemitism is too TRUST OURSELVES ! Is still any reason to be antisemitic in a place with self confidence is massive ? 

I deeply trust each of us is a small consciousness inside a far bigger one.

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