Tuesday 28 May 2019



A monetary system requires a legal structure, but also, more important, a cultural vision. It means the new currency must make sens sociologically between users, it should be a common guarantee freely shared. 
Money has always reward people able to make a social impact ! Physical gold rewarded the Elit. The Biggest Credits by the European banks have always rewarded the most talented entrepreneurs. 
The decimalization of the monetary system has been a huge mistake for the poor people. Money diversity could guarantee a sustainable economy, at each level of the society.`
Currently, sinked in a huge complexity, with too high debts and negative interests rates,  the monetary system won't recover and will shift in an electronic and digital authoritarian system. 


Money is not wealth. And in fact, the Richest people know it very well. Rich people own assets, not money. Because money is a tool of exchanges and preservation of value. 
Financial crisis rarely affect the rich people because they own tangible assets, they have network , and can get easily some financial liquidity. 
The monetary system used in the jewish ghettos during World War II is very unique by several aspects. These currencies have been clearly based on spoliation by the Nazis. But they were backed not by an impact, by some  (jewish) ressources…. , and used on purpose, by a community.
The work and the use of these currencies were perceived in a survival aspect by the Jews. So, it created a social momentum and reciprocity in responsibility. 

We think it s an inspirational model nowadays. Lack of financial liquidity hurts people and make them sink in poverty. However, money printing has never created wealth. 

Most companies in the World could use an asset as a ressource, to create a backed cryptocurrency, and develop a community socially linked around their entrepreneurial projects.

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