Sunday 15 November 2015

From the barter system to the digital system of payment .....

The barter system is a problem for ""unproductive" people, like soldiers or public workers .... They don t develop a specific good and can t trade !!! 

The monetary system offered a GUARANTEE for them (coins in precious metal) and a large diversification of exchanges for merchants .... But, the control of the supply of the precious metal became a key element of political power and with the financial deregulation during the last 100 years, the control of the fiat money system became the symbol of Wealth.

The up coming worldwide digital currencies system will be a massive control of every exchanges .... So, all the prices should be tricked, including the diamonds prices !!!

So, it s the reason my company Mila Solidus Ltd, HK would like to use colored diamonds as a monetary collateral .... 

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