Tuesday 5 July 2022


 We are social beings ! How could we imagine. An healthy self affirmation from childhood without hearing a warm « YOU » …..Other give us the right to exist. « YOU » authorizes an healthy « I » 

But « I » is not often healthy, because « you » is not often warm….. 

« You » starts with the figure of attachement. If this figure does not exist , insecurity is HUGE. « You » starts also with a healthy education letting the child grow at his rhythm. But a child is often filled by expectations from the others, parents, family, community , teachers……. And an adult can be victim of bullying or discrimination  if he does not enter in the normal stereotypes. Judgement is a negative attuned for self affirmation. 

Social loyalty, feat to be disappointed rigged us ……. Without an Health « YOU » to begin the life, self affirmation will be poor or aggressive. 

A response with consciousness would be consider that Friends are the family we can choose and living ourself is the best way to be loved on an heathy way. 

The society is a system of values and rules ….. To be have an healthy self affirmation as an individual in the society, it s important to bring a value and to share a social value. « All start with the WHY » said Simon Sinek. Our life in the society must have a meaning. 

« Be useful » «, « fill a need » are the essence of entrepreneurship ….. so, it requires education , vision, projects, discipline, passion ……. 

And the value we bring has be be monetized….. « tp pay » comes from etymologically the latin verb PACARE which means « make peace ». Money is a tool to make peace and create a virtuous circle of creation. 

Monetizing your value is creating professional relationships with equanimity. A healthily social self affirmation require credibility in society , ….. A conscious way to gain personal credibility is doing what we really care about …… 

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