Saturday 25 December 2021

MEERY CHRISTMAS with DiXabled™ , Franchise with us

 Music is the language of GOD, ..... I believe sport is the language of Human beings.

You can transform rational teachings, you can t do it with emotional teachings because it touches direct the heart .... A huge effort is the best proof of self responsability. !
But I believe our modern society is not fair with manual or sport efforts , with music and arts or communication.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama said the purpose of life is : « Be happy and be useful » … So, why the Earth is not a heaven?
So, Let split this quote :
« Be happy » is knowing well our own mind, our own character our own personality and having the right people around us. A Human being is a social being ! But why is it so difficult to know our own person? Because it requires experience and a process. A latin quote said : « usus magister Est Optimus » : the experience is the best master. We enter also in life with a background, in a family, in a country, in a culture …. Which put some weight on our person. It creates a mental programmation !
Abrahamic religions also makes us a bit guilty ! A man has made a mistake , he is not like G.OD, he must follow rules to apologize …. Asiatic spiritualities considers suffering as the real part of human existence ! So, even on the religious aspects, the human life seems not funny. It s important to understand our rationality gives us informations about our outside world, but our emotions give us information about our inside world. We can be happy only when you can be a real subject in front of the two realities. When we are not dominated by our rationality neither our emotions. And like said this research program in Harvard , we need the right people around us : .
We are also far happier when our existence have a meaning …. We should learn to write our own story.
Tibetan Bouddhisme talk a lot about the concept of interdependency … We are happier when we received the things we need … , we can obtain our mind to abundance and gratitude. But to be clearly in an healthy relationship, we should be able to give back!
So, our ability to be happy is conditioned by our ability to let go our heritage and in the same time, the need to live inside a society. Exoterism in the religion managed rules to control the mob, because only a minority of people can understand the hidden sense of spiritual teachings. Being a human can be a difficult condition.
« Neurosis is the suffering of the soul who has not discovered his meaning » said carl Jung
So, Be happy is already a Full Time job !
« Be useful » …. At the origins , the human beings is not useful on an economical point of view. . Hunter gatherers have to live in close connections with their environnement, like currently the Bushmen. The Flood in the story of Gigamesh is most probably the flandriAN transgression (the level of the ocean is moving up 100 meters, this process took several thousands years ) … and we can imagine it as a big collective trauma in the human society. This is probably why it appears at a fault in the Genesis. The middle East is the origin place of the civilization. This area has been deeply impacted. The development of the sedentary lifestyle and the agriculture should be the consequence of the hypothetical « angriness » against the Mankind.
« Be useful » is also the main root of entrepreneurship. If a businessman makes money on trade, an entrepreneur makes money with a positive project and to fill a nee.
« Be useful » is also closely related with the development of our own self confidence… As a social human being, we need to have a positive impact to feel a part of the society. Good leaders use always the « We », not the "I" and from the bottom to the top level of any organization, everyone feel involved on the same way.
So « be useful » which is necessary for a healthy self affirmation, is socially and economically a consequence of a collective trauma. The very best entrepreneurs is the world act a bit like hunters gatherers …, not with animals and fruits but with opportunities.
« Be useful », it s also receive recognition and gratitude, or money.
So, our ability for self affirmation is conditioned by money and need of recognition
Now, imagine that money is now only a tool in a world with different currencies. Only one currency is an unfairness, old monetary systemes had different currencies. 100 usD by a public worker and 100 USD by the private sector are not the same money. The only think that matters is your project to feel useful for the community and self confident ! Financial and monetary engineering will create the currency you need.
Now, imagine you live in a world where you are safe, only because you have a story to tell ….. Your word matters ! Rational communication can be falsified, emotional communication not ! Music and arts are an emotional communication.
A) FOR MOST HUMAN SOCIETIES, THE RELATIONSHIP WITH WORK APPEARED FROM THE COLLECTIVE TRAUMA WHICH HAS BEEN THE FLOOD ….. and this trauma has built the current economical, financial and monetary system worldwide.
😎 FOR MOST PEOPLE, VALUE HAS MORE IMPORTANCE THAN MEANING ….. ONLY BECAUSE PEOPLE DECIDE FROM OUTSIDE PERCEPTIONS AND SOCIAL NEEDS INSTEAD OF THEIR INSIDE FEELINGS. The human being as the specie who must control everything is the current common paradigm on the planet. Ayn Rand said « Man is the only living species that has the wooer to act as his own destroyer - and that is the way he has acted through most of his history »
As a disabled person, given up by family after cancer, I forced to be a number for the Nanny State, I felt lucky because I have been cut from outside perceptions …. To survive and keep autonomy, , forced to go deep inside my mind.
Considered Useless in a society based on productivity, isolated but with a passion for life and love, I trained my skills on different fields, developing a huge versatility.
This is why I developed DiXabled
Dixabled is a concept. There is never a lack of ability, there is a lack of will to discover the hidden talent inside the other. We are never brave alone, we are brave for others and if others cares about us. Soldiers know that.
Di = Two
X =X factor , hidden talent
Abled = ability ..
DiXabled is a plateform of for profits projects, designed to enhance the visibility and the economic sustainability of the « différent people » in a world entering in a too heavy conformity !
You will discover them NEXT YEAR !

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