Wednesday 12 May 2021


 Because in economical paradigm based on production, a disabled is not eligible to work, because less productive. Unemployment among disabled is massive. I lost my leg in France in 2001, before the end of my Ph.D and during a period where brainy disabled were not a precious assets. So, I have been downgraded to basic low level people without education because disabled. It destroyed my life momentum. But production needed only obedient workers ! And thinking by yourself in 2001 in France when you have only one leg, it was not a good bet ! 


But is this paradigm really valuable ? 

In 1848, famous writer Victor Hugo said this sentence : "The great mistake of our time has been to lean, I even say to bend the minds of men towards the search for material well-being. It is necessary to raise the spirit of man, to turn it towards the conscience, towards the beautiful, the just and the true, the disinterested and the great. It is there and only there that you will find the peace of man with himself and therefore with society.”

Why super wealthy exist ? Because these people have an impact on millions or billions people ….. How ? By the economy of production . To impact the life of the entire planete, production is the key and production hires a lot of people. 


So, The West created the credit and the financial deregulations for massive productions and consumers made credits to buy them …… Henry ford paid very well his own workers to support them buy a …Ford car. That s how the industry works. 


The Western countries used the strengths of their currencies to create a massive economic growth the last 50 years but , it was only a monetary illusion ! The Growth has been huge after the WWII, but only because everything has been destroyed ! In the early 70s, it stopped ! so, the changes of financial regulations have been made to create a lot of abundancy. 


In the last decades, we saw a transfer of tangible ressources from the developing countries to the western countries in exchange of …Cash. Why ? Only because after WWII, the USD has been the main monetary reference in the World, and for each national central bank as reserve.. … Euro, British pounds are also major reserve currencies

The West is developed mainly because of this monetary power , and slowly but clearly the biggest countries in the world , Russia, China and India do their best for emancipation. The next years will see a big change in the monetary system.


Etymologically, Economy means « ressource management » , not production … and during the pandemic , we have seen that when all production has to stop, poverty skyrocketed ! But it could not happen in an economy based on the value we can add. I wanna say « stop create needs ! But Value » 


The financial industry is often under social critics. But, the financial industry work with the greed of most western families who want to protect their savings and make them grow and who want different financial benefits from the State. 


In fact, with the technological improvement , the ability of the economy to create valuable incomes decreases , because humans must add more value than the machines do ! And if abundancy could be everywhere in the world, there is also a massive economy of speculation that change the flows of the financial liquidity. We saw it with the differences for the supply of vaccins between the richest countries and the poorest countries. 


So, we think the human intelligence and the Earth can save, feed and protect, billions humans, but not all could have a real place in the economy in the next decades and it will create …. Some Frustrations ! 


Like the last 2 decades has been frustrating for me to be out the social life because of my amputation, but with Covid …. Billions humans are now « disabled » , useless, worthless, like the French society made for me ! 


Billions people are isolated with the only mandatory social  purpose in life to get money …. This is probably why we are still in an economy of production. With all the knowledge available nowadays, we should be worldwide in an economy of creation.

I lost my leg working for my Ph.D, but my family considered the huge need to adopt a « job for disabled » in 2001, … so far from my level, that nobody hired me.. and it broken my momentum in life..  I spent the last two decades struggling but educated myself to add value ! I made many different experiences as a football coach, a numismat, a gem grader and a film co producer …..

But adding value, when you are one legged, it 's not easy for the credibility ...... , so I adopted this vision : I never tell people, what they must do, I learned to TEACH them what they must do 

I think I made the right decision because the system cherished by my biological family is collapsing and will create so many social dramas ! 

Our actions should always have a meaning !

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