Wednesday 12 May 2021


 My name is Michael J.P. LAURENT , French citizen,  45 years old and I am above the knee amputee since 2001. Becoming disabled has been really hard, but the hardest thing has been to stay without real support to recover from the cancer who made me disabled. The last 20 years , I have spent most of my time walking without artificial leg with crutches. My stump is short and I really needed a smart medical and family  support and  also a perfect training to learn well to walk again. In this covid period, I have found in the world the same kind of loneliness that led me in this situation. 

Why most of the European countries sucks with the crisis management ? Covid seems to become the new standard of the civilisation. 

But when the civilisation begins ? For famous anthropologist Margaret Mead, it begins with a healed broken femur. No animal lives enough longer to recover from the same injury ….. so, a civilization, it s helping others. But discovering this analogy has been heart breaking for me, because my leg has been cut, and ….. I never deserved protection and  ad hoc support. 

But it’s not exactly the truth ……. The solidarity between human beings has not the same source in the West. For decades, in most countries, the State became responsible from managing social support. When I lost my leg at 25 years old, my biological family gave up me , considering I was now under the tutelage of the State, as a disabled. I fought so hard for years to get out this social identity. But currently, many disabled people think assume disability is begging for Rights ! I have not experienced a civilized world, so, I have never begged from rights from this world

And in fact, disabled are not alone under the tutelage of the State …… Public spendings create the majority of the national GDP in most western countries. There are no more leaders in these countries, only …; administrators and the covid pandemic showed the need of real leaders to make smart decisions and show the way, in the good timing. 

Some people complain about the vaccine passport, and the powerful rules by the state , but …… this very individualist western society HAS CREATED THIS dependancy. We ask from the State , the media, the social network, the love and the recognition we don t received anymore from our lineage and our community. Why did we let the virus spread too much time in the West ? , instead to crush the curve. Only a bad attempt to protect … the individual freedom.

So, in the West, there is a major split between the vast majority of people who wait everything from the State and the owners who considers money is the guarantee for their safety. The human rights become the rights of the individual and the individual is very often a consumer.. It means the human rights are now mainly a right for consumption. The best proof is that social claims are most often related with …. Money. I want to defend the right to be happy in life, but not the right for consumption. And be happy is only related with our connections with others. This research program in Harvard showed it :


The spread of plot theories in the West, especially during this Covid period,  show how we are emotionally insecure and socially vulnerable. The cancel culture is another proof of this uncivilized world moved only by fears. And we try to use the rationality to justify it … Even, if we live better and with more knowledge available than any others generation in the human history, The current  world is dominated by fears and loneliness, because we lost connections with ourselves and in the same way, with others.

When we are self confident, we create easily relationships with others, and when we don t feel vulnerable , we accept others … The only way I moved my only leg the last 20 years , alone, has been to follow the quote  « know yourself » that Socrates said and cherish people with whom I share values. We live in a world, where informations and knowledge have never been so easily available, so we could change the world so easily ….., and create peace , happiness and sustainability for Billons people. The ancient Jewish laws are .. laws and show God had a focus on the quality of the human relationships. Like in my own life experience, the community is less and less interested in the solidarity. So, the only way remaining to reach happiness is , without a doubt, changing your life style. 

We are not self confident because we need money. Money is the standard of our existence……. For super Wealthy, money means freedom and projects, for billons people, money means survival. But Knowledge and will should mean freedom and projects and community ‘ solidarity should mean survival …. This world is really a mess, and Margaret mead is right, it s not Civilized. 

The economy of attention is the most powerful current manifestation of individualism ... , using social network. People create contents to get followers and "sell them", by making money with their attractivity. It s a rare event in economy where the product created , the content, can be worthless.. There is a quote which say "When it s free , you are the product", that's the case ! My vision is that money is an energy and nowadays money is only bits on a computer ... and this energy manifest when creativity happens ... and creativity needs partnership, exchange and collaboration. 


But can we know how the current mess started ?


I believe it started with the industrial revolution …. When peasants left rural areas to find a job in the cities, in the factories or in the public services. At the beginning of history, we had 3 kind of people : peasants (production), warriors (leadership) and priests (education). And it was only possible when peasants has been able to produce enough to feed the others. When peasants goes in the cities, they begin to live in dependency … in a new triangle, salarymen - bourgeois - banker. The greed make some salarymen becoming bourgeois and the Elit among the bourgeois control the money supply and the money flow, working for the State, but so much distress and hard competition among salarymen at the bottom. Bourgeois use money to change the first triangle , so how to restore it … 


1) We consider each person who product something have to find a person for advices and another for education to enhance his skills


2) A person who can lead must find a person to help and a person to enhance his skills


3) A person who can educate people has to meet a leader to know the educational needs in the society and a person who need his knowledge 

So a civilisation , it s also sharing value and codes ! and from my view, the most beautiful thing to share is Happiness. Wealth is a part of happiness, we must feel in safety and with the minimum confort. Why we can t ? because the worldwide greed is focused on profit , not on wealth. Profit is based on speculation and monetary manipulation, wealth is based on the ability to get an impact on others. 

But most people are no more responsible of their own actions, they react only ………Destroyed by the disease and the amputation , I as not allowed to be supported to react by myself ! I should accept the event only. Bad lucky, Will from God or anything else, The human being want to control the world with his rationality, but we make the connections in the world with our emotions.

In the antiquity , the disabled people could be socially included, if they were socially useful ….. But « socially usefull » has no more sense currently.


Unable to find care for my body in this World, I found toughness and some peace strengthen my mind, with Vajrayana buddhism and Tibetan medicine ….. I am a proud Root Tantra Instructor. 

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