Tuesday 2 June 2020


Many people act on a negative and bad way , but only a small percentage on them are really bad people in their inner self .
As a disabled , I coped with a lot of discrimination with negative stereotypes about disability. it s not really different than racism. 
When you cope with this kind of challenge, Law should protect you, for sure, but you must also understand the roots of the negative attitude. The famous Chinese author of "the Art of War" , Sun Tzu said : "KNOW YOU ENNEMY BETTER THAN YOUR FRIEND".
I coped with discrimination two decades since I lost my leg, because we are in a very competitive world and people have a lot of fear to suffer. A disabled person is a mirror for their own fears and worries about diseases and death. So, I adopted the motto "Feed your singularity" .... I don t enter in the normal life competition , and I focus only to show my talent. I consider myself unique in the life ... and I act like it. it means I need to accept the fact I can.t get a normal and classic social life like others. But Profits are huge, I am now only surround with top people for me.
Women coped with discrimination .... It's clear that the social place for a woman is not kitchen. But why women coped with the discrimination during a long time ? Because men have a social duties for action, even, male behavior and male body is build to react faster and quicker .... If a woman want leadership duties and lead men, she must respect the differences. In this case, she will provide a great female style leadership. And tough men will be lead without problems by a such smart woman. 
For the same problem than cope with Israel with his Arabian neighbors ..... Out of the ottomane domination, the Arabian countries have failed to build a proud national feeling ! so, Israel became guilty of. their weakness. But for centuries, relationships between Jews and Arabs have been not bad, and far better than with Christians. 
USA have a racist background , for sure, but South Africa too, and under Mandela leadership, This country had been a positive momentum. Now, a lot of racism in South Africa, but against White people. Zimbabwe was the wealthiest country in Africa in the 1980s. decades of racism against white people... and it s one of the poorest countries in the world. 
White people are educated they are guilty for colonialism and slavery ....and they fear Black revenge. So, most white people are racists or leftists. But Black people must find a way to deal also themselves with this past .... and to heal their own demons. You can't fight racism if it s a part of your own identity. 

And the key pressure now is not social, is economical ! and Economy is strust ... I doubt the current riots can increase the trust
Currently, watching again the movie "REMEMBER THE TITANS" should be a national homework !

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