Thursday 20 June 2019

The Leftist cult ....

pretty interesting article !

The leftist is in fact the best support for the Worldwide financial Elit !

The Libra by Facebook and the electrum coinage in Ionia by the Greek merchants

I am a great fan of monetary diversity ! I thinkably this way could help us to cope with the worldwide financial crisis.

The Libra is a great news,  because this coin will be backed, regulated and involved inside the biggest social network. Remember the first word before the expression « sustainable business » is .. « people ». People create your business !

So, this crypto will be better than bitcoin. 

Many people seem worry that a Big company creates a currency, but 2500 years ago, the greek merchants in Ionia adopted the new lydian invention : the coinage, and created coinage in electrum. 

Coinage has been first created for fiscal issues, then adopted by merchants, and after used as an element of sovereignty by the States. 

Monday 17 June 2019


We share this vision on this blog for a longtime.

Is the Holocaust money the first crypto ?


Holocaust money has been created for the specific use of the jewish ghettos during WWII , it's a community currency , like crypto ! and has been used in a survival mindset adopted by Jewish people. 

It' s a currency backed by ressources owned by the Jews but useless in the ghettos. 

Yes, we think that the Holocaust money has several aspects of the modern crypto currencies. 

Facebook and its new cryptocurrency show a way to fund movies

In a smart attempt to diversify its income and make itssustainability stronger, Facebook will launch itscryptocurrency. What does it mean ? A Fundation will hold real cash and back a crypto to be used in many social networks. For customer, it will avoid delay with the banking system, and make life easier. For investors, it will be a way to get part in a sustainable Financial project and a huge reserve of cash. 

Why it should be use to fund movie ? 
Instead to create goods and brands for a Franchise, why not create only a crypto and raise cash ?

A basic business advise is « Create people first, not business, because people will create your business ».

Facebook understood it very well ! And the movie industry can do it too. 

About Antisemitism

Technically, I am not Jew, or not yet. But I am really in love for Judaism. And my very first feeling when I have been prayed at the Western Wall the first time  has been « Why give Jewish people so much trouble for a such small but beautiful place ? »

I wonder if Antisemitism is not only related with the perception of our own self. 

Jewish people have confidence and even breath the self confidence. They trusts their own skills, they trust their history and their culture. They have a positive vision of theirselves. I learned with my jewish friends that G.Od loves me and the true meaning of « study » , « work » and « intention « .

European Culture is deeply based on Christianity …. If Jesus was a Jew, Jews never trusted he was Messiah. And problems between muslims and Jews are not based on the ideologies (almost all muslims prophets were Jews), but , from my view, on the clear superiority of Israel in the Middle East which give a clear feeling of frustration in the muslim world. 

Working for RECOGNITION is a key of our social existence and  so important among Christians and Muslims, but not really among Jews, who have natural recognition by G.od and their community. 

Is  Antisemitism only a violent  way for frustrated people unable to reach the expected recognition and become jealous ? 

Maybe the best way to fight antisemitism is too TRUST OURSELVES ! Is still any reason to be antisemitic in a place with self confidence is massive ? 

I deeply trust each of us is a small consciousness inside a far bigger one.

Friday 14 June 2019

How the cryptocurrencies and the ICOs can save the Middle Class ?

Nowadays in the Western countries, the Middle class is sinking , like the small entrepreneurship. We believe there are two main reasons :

  1. the real ability to work, it means to ADD VALUE is disappearing. Rich manage their assets, Poor people work for salaries to afford food. 
  2. Banks are in really poor situation and being rich or poor helps… because both have sustainable financial ressources (by the stock market or with a social support). So, an entrepreneur even with a sustainable project will have a tough way to get a loan by the banks.

So, why not using Cryptos or ICOs , at early stage, to provide financial liquidity in an entrepreneurial project ? Cryptos are not a sustainable reserve of value with no regulations and a huge volatility, We believe the technology can provide a great tool to support entrepreneurship. 

Monday 3 June 2019

Pourquoi les banques ont oublié leur mission premiere ?

Je sors d’une très intéressante discussion avec une jeune de 20 ans qui se prépare a une carrière dans la finance.

Et il semble que nous vivions une période de changement majeur du paradigme bancaire.

Autrefois, la banque créait l’argent pour prêter à l’innovateur ou aux créateurs de richesse…. Le créance était annulée par l’augmentation de la base monétaire inhérent a l’apport de nouveaux actifs. 

De nos jours, la banque gère les actifs de ceux qui se sont enrichis par l’ingénierie financière et les petits dépots des dizaines de  millions de salaries ou d’allocataires de minimas sociaux. Près d’un 1.5 milliard de personnes dans le monde  sont en dehors de tout système financier, ce qui donne du terrain a de nombreuses Fintech, qui explorent les solutions possibles. 

Nous pensons ainsi que des système monétaires parallèles peuvent venir en aide aux innovateurs ou a ceux qui veulent préserver un patrimoine, en fournissant de la liquidité. Le monde ne doit pas se limiter a trois catégories :

  1. Super Riches
  2. Riches
  3. Pauvres

Saturday 1 June 2019

What is the leadership for a disabled person ?

Julius Caesar or Admiral Nelson have been disabled in the current meaning. They are among the most powerful leaders in History.

However, the meaning of disability have changed through the centuries. Nowadays, a disabled person must be aware about its DIFFERENCE. Most of the discrimination against disabled are related with the building of identity.

Many « valid » people can’t cope with their own relationship with death and disease looking a disabled person. Most often, only children or top level people see the disability as a difference, not necessary a weakness. I have been surprised that many disabled people  include the disability deep in their identity. I never thought to define myself as an Above the knee amputee. 

Leadership is showing the way …  and because the connection can be difficult to establish with the problem I exposed above. It s important to be smart. 

If you struggle to show the way, show A WAY !  

As a disabled leader, we can show better than others that each person is both important and different.  We can  use our disability to emphasize this difference. 

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