Thursday 7 March 2019

"Alita Battle Angel" : Social lessons from the Movie

« Alita Battle Angel » is an inspiring movie, a fascinating story with a really attractive and skilled main female character ! Alita shares with us many emotions. Rosa Salazar did an amazing job !

How could be the World in 2563, that s a deep question !

As a monetary specialist, I just try to answer on the monetary system of Zalem and Iron City.

What do we know ?
  1. A guitar player receives some metallic coins or metallic tokens.
  2. Dr. Ido receive oranges, so Iron City can use Barter.
  3. All inhabitants in Iron city works for Zalem.
  4. No police , but hunter - warriors receive money using a digital currency. 
  5. Sport, with Motorball, seems to be a huge part of the local economy
  6. a war has destroyed the social systems in the Earth and Iron city has inhabitants from very different origins.

Socially, the pair Zalem - Iron city is like an Antic greek city ! Local tokens for the poorest , the political power controls the monetary supply and everybody works for the city.

It s important to understand something in the monetary system. No opportunity of credit, means NO BET, means no chance to move up on the social ladder. The antic greek cities have social classes well determined. Keep in mind that money is only a social symbol, a social guarantee !
In North America, during a period of time, playing cards have been money .. Money is not wealth. 

No doubt , Zalem has this power, not because of military strength but because of a huge technological and scientific advance. The inhabitants in Zalem are probably the very best elite, and it's the reason only the ultimate champion in motorball competitions can go there. 
The war, 300 years before, where « 99 » has been involved is probably in relation with this unequal power…
The biggest problem of an Elite group closed is the … « endogamy » ! A Elite group can work together but in long term, he needs to attract new blood, new ideas, new people to challenge their skills. That's probably the reason why Nova is so interested in Alita.. I don t think he wanna to kill her, he wanna to challenge her. 

But Alita has understood something very few political leaders understand …. True power is not in military strenght, knowledge, money or influence. True power is in the ability to implement inspiring relationships with others ! 

"Alita battle angel" teaches us the human being will never change ... This story is not fiction, it s really modern. 

PS : I have also a bionic part of my own body, and Alita is a really inspiring character for me ! Can t wait the next movie. 

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