Wednesday 7 February 2018

How to give a promising athlete the key to go at the next level ?

The difference between the amateur and the pro level in most of sports, is not about performance, It s about the Attitude !
We can born with an athletic potential and intrinsic talent for a specific sport ! But without work ethic and a huge will, a natural talent is almost worthless.
Top level athletes make the differences, not only with performance, but adopting the verb « TO BE »…. To go at the next level, forget the expression « to make a performance » , but use « to be performant » !! You must change your mindset !
You must be also a servant for your sport ! And have a true passion for it !! Be always a student of your game ….

Only with your athletic skills, you can be dominant at amateur level, but at Elite level, the differences are based on details, and details are based on Work ethic and attitude. At Elite level, in each sport, Everybody is dominant. You can t make the differences only physically.

Like Baden Powell said, « Be prepared » ! you can t be stressed in a competition if you know your job and your own potential. Don t be focused on your opponent, but only on yourself. 

Your opponent is strong, only if you let him be strong in your mind. 

Your mindset must go beyond your body !!! trust your Body, let it do the work you trained it for !!

Keep your attention only on your mindset !!

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