Friday 26 May 2017

Wealth, Globalization of the Economy and .... Mila Solidus Ltd, HK

The massive creation of wealth and growth of the GDP in the western countries during the last 200 years are not really related with the Western social  VALUES , but with the military power and the financial engineering  (credits).

The Monarchs in Europe had no more political power , and the Rights of the Human Being became the new social ideology... 

Each person could ask for ""rights" and increase his material  well being .... 
By the end of the XIX century, it was only the high upper class in the society ... and in the XX century, especially against communists, it became the main dominant paradigm for almost the all society.

Even, average salaryman have Unions to defend his rights and the welfare spendings have skyrocketed !! 

Innovation and creativity are,  of course, deeply present in the West. But nothing could be possible without "money debt" .. to create always new goods, new needs, ... new financial liquidities out of nothing. 

From my view, the main element of Well Being is get .. no need !!! From a Western point of view, we are rich with debt and our well being can be measured with the needs we can fill... 

THIS PARADIGM ABOUT THE HUMAN RIGHTS HAS FORGOTTEN THAT THE HUMANG BEING IS A SOCIAL ANIMAL ... He needs for his happiness and his personal psychological development good social contacts with others ... Our ability to adapt at new situations , at other people , is a key element in our creativity .... but in the current paradigm , creativity is not based on coping with new challenges, but finding new needs. 

The book below is the french edition of : Edmund S. Phelps, Mass Flourishing: How Grass Roots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change, Princeton University Press, 2013

Unlike the author, i don t think the Western economic model is World class. 200 years, it s very short throught human history. 

Why, often, we hate successfull people ?? At the community level, successfull people are close to us and are the leaders to follow .... We want to imitate them, even a little. In a society based on individual rights, successfull people send us a painful vision of our own weakness ... They break our self confidence, our right to feel ourselves cool. 

Debt is, by essence, an unbalanced situation. And During the last decades, even the last 200 years, the situation has been clearly unbalanced for countries outside the West. "money debt" can t be pay back without a social or environmental pressure. 

Globalization is a process to create a single standard human .... That s insane,  because the social life is a deep part of each human being. A good economy should involve managing social and physical resources wisely. 

A good monetary system should create sustainable social links .... and a common project to create wealth. It s our project with our shares backed by colored diamonds and our interest around Intangible Heritage about Health Knowledge for my coaching duties. 

Contact : Michael J.P LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK 

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