Wednesday 31 May 2017

5 Kopecks - 1785


(from my personal collection)

Russian coins minted more than 200 years ago, are clearly among my favourite coins.

Friday 26 May 2017

Globalization and Cryptocurrency

In a Global World where the private interests become more dominant than the "Nation - State" model, Cryptocurrencies can take a gap in the Financial and monetary system. 

However, we don t think that is a sustainable model only because cryptocurrencies must cope with a massive speculation, without an autority to control it. Money is also a social relation ... Gold owner vs Goods owner, IOU vs products ...But what is the relation with Bitcoin ?? 

A Scarce Numismatic Item : A Brothel Token from Paris, France

(From my personal collection)

Look at the Rooster on the Reverse. He looks the same that the Rooster on the 20 Francs Gold Coin. 

Wealth, Globalization of the Economy and .... Mila Solidus Ltd, HK

The massive creation of wealth and growth of the GDP in the western countries during the last 200 years are not really related with the Western social  VALUES , but with the military power and the financial engineering  (credits).

The Monarchs in Europe had no more political power , and the Rights of the Human Being became the new social ideology... 

Each person could ask for ""rights" and increase his material  well being .... 
By the end of the XIX century, it was only the high upper class in the society ... and in the XX century, especially against communists, it became the main dominant paradigm for almost the all society.

Even, average salaryman have Unions to defend his rights and the welfare spendings have skyrocketed !! 

Innovation and creativity are,  of course, deeply present in the West. But nothing could be possible without "money debt" .. to create always new goods, new needs, ... new financial liquidities out of nothing. 

From my view, the main element of Well Being is get .. no need !!! From a Western point of view, we are rich with debt and our well being can be measured with the needs we can fill... 

THIS PARADIGM ABOUT THE HUMAN RIGHTS HAS FORGOTTEN THAT THE HUMANG BEING IS A SOCIAL ANIMAL ... He needs for his happiness and his personal psychological development good social contacts with others ... Our ability to adapt at new situations , at other people , is a key element in our creativity .... but in the current paradigm , creativity is not based on coping with new challenges, but finding new needs. 

The book below is the french edition of : Edmund S. Phelps, Mass Flourishing: How Grass Roots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change, Princeton University Press, 2013

Unlike the author, i don t think the Western economic model is World class. 200 years, it s very short throught human history. 

Why, often, we hate successfull people ?? At the community level, successfull people are close to us and are the leaders to follow .... We want to imitate them, even a little. In a society based on individual rights, successfull people send us a painful vision of our own weakness ... They break our self confidence, our right to feel ourselves cool. 

Debt is, by essence, an unbalanced situation. And During the last decades, even the last 200 years, the situation has been clearly unbalanced for countries outside the West. "money debt" can t be pay back without a social or environmental pressure. 

Globalization is a process to create a single standard human .... That s insane,  because the social life is a deep part of each human being. A good economy should involve managing social and physical resources wisely. 

A good monetary system should create sustainable social links .... and a common project to create wealth. It s our project with our shares backed by colored diamonds and our interest around Intangible Heritage about Health Knowledge for my coaching duties. 

Contact : Michael J.P LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK 

Thursday 25 May 2017

BILLON, a monetary alloy

Billon is an alloy, including 25% to 50% of silver, used to mint low quality coins.  Through History, when a monetary system has been declining, most of the coins were minted in billon like this ASPRON TRACHY below (Byzantine Empire) . 

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Building the monetary RESILIENCE ..

 As a sport coach (American Football) and Cancer survivor, i am really interested in Health and Well Being .... I tried traditional energetic medicines with major success. And i really trust these ancient methods...

As a Numismatist for 25 years , I know the nature of money .... I really dislike the current financial and monetary paradigm. Even involved in the Diamond business, I never see a price increases, i see only the value of currency which decrease. "Money debt" can be created without limits and gives the illusion the growth can be unlimited .... That s false !! This cheap money and easy credit has created a so egoistic and dumb human society ... 

As an entrepreneur, with a scholarly background, as a gemmologist, I must create wealth or only improve something in rhe quality of life ... 

Mila Solidus Ltd, HK is a new kind of business incubator .... !!! I can t accept that traditional knowledge worldwide could disappear because of an insane Globalization and mad run for profits ... I want that my children and my players live long and peaceful lifes, wirh a deep understanding of the human potential. As a coach and a manager, i must improve the quality of life, and i really trust the ancient and local methods. So, the shares of my start up, backed by the rarest assets on Earth (Natural colored diamonds) can be used as  in kind contributions or collateral to back projects at early stages ...

I want my American Football players get all the knowledge to improve through space and time. 

The Stones money system which has been used on the Island of Yap is our inspiration ... to create a such "diamond money" 

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK 

Sunday 21 May 2017

American Football is a school of RESILIENCE !!


Offensive coach, with an experience at International level, I coach QBs with all kind of Backgrounds. Involved in an Elite business (diamonds), Cancer survivor , i know that RESILIENCE is the key word to be successfull in the current World. 

Contact :



Why 4 Cs ??


Character – Calm – Courage – Completion(for QBs)

Currency – Company – Continuity – Communication 

Growth and Welfare States

The "religion " of the unlimited economic growth must be linked with the Welfare States .....

Even, creating untangible or virtual wealth, the unlimited economic growth is a need to avoid civil riots.

During the last decades in the Western countries, we created generations of "consumers".... about life, social recognition, education or money.

but "to do what ??" a few people have another project in life than ... MAKING MONEY.

MOST PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING FROM A SYSTEM THEY NEED !!! but the Growth have environmental limits ... (Meadows Report)

With the huge improvment of technology, less jobs will be available , more and more people will be dependent from the governments. Others should learn to change their mental paradigm and live with more electronic devices and less heritage.

Decades of easy credits have let us forgotten ... nothing is really free !! We,  and the new generation,  will pay back all this waste.

Saturday 20 May 2017

The new 50 euros note

As a Numismatist, i love the old French notes from the 80s, with their beautiful design. The new 50 euros note has a very low quality design.


I really love the Reverse of this old Roman coin , recently added in my numismatic collection. A Roman soldier protects with his shield a comrade , fallen on the ground. (minted in 103 BC)

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Bet or Investment ???

The Financial field should work to build the capital to invest in the Real Economy... , But the Financial industry, for around 30 years, has developed tools to BET only on financial results of the States or the Biggest corporations to make Profits .....

In fact, the massive spendings by the  Welfare States in the Western countries, the pensions for retired  people and the unlimited needs of financial liquidity have created this ... BEAST !! an uncontroled financial world not connected with the real economy

Fractional Reserve Banking VS Outsourced Resources Banking

Out of the limit of the physical availability of gold and silver for the money supply, using the Fractional Reserve Banking System, the Mankind has created a lot of wealth the last decades and especially for 200 years  !!

But why so much inequality on Earth ?? Globalisation (in fact, a very recent process) has created a so massive VERY LOW middle class on Earth..

Why still a lot of poverty and workers without fair wages , like in ancient economies ??

only because of … DEBT

Money is a social relation, a guarantee …. Empires or big corporations could pay back debts, not Nation States, especially when they adopt huge welfare spendings.

We think that for the Nation States, a monetary system based on the debt is not sustainable …. and we understand the jump in a digital monetary supply.

Instead to use debts to create wealth for the well being, the Mankind has created wealth for domination …..

The Human monetary adventure is really a failure !!!

The New French President and the Financial investment

We think that Real Estate is an investment but only for personal and family reasons. Owning his own house is, from our point of view, a key element in life.

If the prices of asset increase, it s only because of inflation and speculation on market …. Real Estate market is extremely expensive in Paris, London or New York but what would happen in case of … Civil riots or economic collapse in these cities ??? The prices of real estate should collapse too ..

The new French President would like to eliminate wealth tax on financial portfolios … He thinks that the financial investment is more productive than the real estate investment.

In his mental paradigm (Globalization, inflation, big corporations, low rates by the Central Banks ) , he is absolutly … RIGHT !!! Real Estate has a cost, not financial assets.

Monday 15 May 2017

GLOBALISM vs NATIONALISM on the monetary field ...


Inflation is useful to increase the prices of the assets. Globalism is a political way which need only one or several main currencies. But the biggest currencies make the Middle Class disappear ..... Nationalism requires low level currencies with high interest rates. 

Therefore, between Globalism and Nationalism on the monetary field, the Future is clearly not sustainable. 

Thursday 11 May 2017

Financial Liquidity Worldwide ...

All over the World, The  Middle social class is coping with a major problem with the availability of Financial liquidity ....

In the West, the Banks have a too massive supply of bad assets, bad loans .... They created during the last decades a too massive supply of Bad credits ... They must eliminate them with austerity policy against small private businesses. The bigfest corporations only  have the ability to pay back the loans ...

With more and more robots, instead of low level employees, it will become really difficult socially for most people...

In the East and most of emerging countries, the interest rates are very high .... So, it s very hard to get a credit ... There is a tough competition ! Education is a key element in this case.

A monetary system based on the debt is currently creating the more massive social inequality in the History of the Mankind.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Sociology of Money

1) Money in Physical Gold or Silver has been invented in a World … To discover !!! Precious metal had been an asset (almost) universally accepted.

2) Fractional Reserve Banking has been developed in a World dominated by Some Empires ….. A Empire had a good size to find resources to pay back the loans.

3) After the End of this World, the Nation State has been the dominant political entity. But the Too generous or the corrupt Nation States are now bankrupt, and then the biggest companies hold nowadays the worldwide monetary system. In a world economy jumping in a « services- oriented » paradigm, a digital money supply will fit well.

Money is a mirror to show us the nature of our social relations …..

"Guest coach" at Nimes Centurions, semi pro team, France

The last Week end, i have been invited as "guest coach" by the founder of the Nimes Centurions (Coach "Néné" Gruette (left on the pic)) and the Current HC Franco Arellanos to see the last trainings and last game of season.

I have had a great time with True football lovers and great coaches !!! even if a 1.00 am, (at the time the pictures has been taken, i am always a bit tired ;-))

Thanks Gentlemen !!! 

Sport is a great social field to network and a health need for kids !! Therefore, I share with you this crowdfunding link, managed by  one of my closest friend. 

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Electronic Money ...

We consider that the cryptocurrencies are a temporary phenomenon … It s difficult for us to imagine it represents a sustainable change for the currenct monetary system. We believe that cryptocurrencies are only a new product on the currencies market ..

But it will be difficult to avoid a jump into a massive digital money supply.

Money is a social relation, a guarantee … So, any tokens can be a currency. 

Don t forget out motto : "Forget Money, Focus Project" ...

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK

Corporate partner in Russia...


My QB school, a part of Mila Solidus Ltd, HK, is proud to be a partner for the Yaroslavl Rebels in the LAF, Russia.

Contact : Coach Michael J.P. LAURENT

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