Friday 23 December 2016

What is the common point between LOVE and MONEY ?????

There are 2 concepts very hard to understand fully …….

So, in front of a such difficult stuff, BE YOURSELF IN FRONT OF THE TWO FIELDS !!!! Catch the concepts with the Heart, not with the brain

- If you are yourself, you will find the right person who deserve you !!!

- If you have the right project, to make an impact in the life and in your social environment, money will come …. I think we are rich when we need NOTHING !!!!

Do we want to love or to be loved ????

The social life and the key element of social recognition can block us in a character that we are not …… The real love can exists in the ability to be Genuine, to avoid to make any social effort, and always to improve…. !!!!

So, what is the use of Seduction ???

Only a Ritual …. not a key element !!! Only the formal expression that the man can have an « object of his attention » and for the woman, the guarantee she is really the most important element …. all around the man.


Do you prefer money or a package with an house, love, and a pleasant work ???

For sure, we want money to buy tangible goods …. and to be free, not dependant of others. Money creates a vertical link between people, instead of a horizontal one ….

So, money is a « NO Economical tool », because Economy is the need of horizontal exchanges between people …..

So, Seduction is not related with love and Money not related with Economy !!!

That s our funny conclusion for 2016 !!!

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