Wednesday 1 July 2015

Big Reset ... and diamonds !!!

The current greek problem is showing us how sick is the financial system .. Remember DEBTS ARE SAVINGS !!!
BIG RESET OR NOT  ??? That s the biggest question about the world financial system ….. « Money debt » and derivatives created out of nothing are a true weapon of social destruction. We think thousands of trillons dollars of « money like » will disappear… in the next 36 or 48 months.
Owning tangibles assets is clearly a good idea but do you really think you will buy your bread with gold coins or a Picasso ??? Tangible assets save your wealth, but not your purchasing power !!!

A collapse of the financial system means a collapse of social relations !!!

When we have developed the concept of « Outsourced Resources Banking », we have explained that Money does not need to be a value (gold coin) or a debt (a 20 euros note), Money must be a GUARANTEE, like a tangible collateral.

Money must emphasize the economical exchanges …. not be their Master !!! The Stones Money System, from the Island of Yap, has a true interest for us.
Therefore , Some assets could back economical exchanges, like Colored Diamonds, one of the rarest materials of Earth.
Nowadays, This industry is selling diamonds for cash as a reserve a value, but the diamonds are not liquid.  We could use  diamonds as a collateral, to back some business interactions or exchange them for a percentage of a company ….

Our company MILA SOLIDUS ltd, HK has decided to follow this way !!!! we don t trust a lot in crypto currencies, we trust « diamonds money » 

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