Thursday 30 July 2015

HRD Antwerp

I loved my diamonds grading certification there, and my training about sapphires , ruby and Emerald ...

As a graduates club member, we have networking opportunities and others small advantages...

I have received severals cheques like that...


My company Mila Solidus Ltd , Hk is designed to develop the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" and market the diamonds, especially the colored Stones , as a monetary asset.

Contact :

Tuesday 28 July 2015

"Outsourced Resources Banking" and colored diamonds

The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" is inviting you to think about the true nature of money , A TANGIBLE COLLATERAL AS A GUARANTEE, and the fact that credits are used only for spending ... not for creativity .... Natural productions means interactions between different people ... NO NEED OF CREDITS !!!


I have been lucky to analyse last week a such large number of colored diamonds ....

With a jewelry market oriented on the biggest stones , the smallest diamonds but rare to find could be a wonderful monetary asset .....

The stones money concept from the Island of Yap offers us a wonderful idea to be innovative on the diamonds market. 

To contact us : 

Monday 27 July 2015


The current financial is a "debt machine" for the biggest corporations ..... Small innovative companies are out of the financial liquidity !!!

Innovative Entrepreneurship needs connections and guarantees ...., NOT DEBTS, NOT UNUSEFUL SPENDINGS !!!

We really think there is a way for Colored Diamonds, as one of the rarest on Earth ... to be a valuable monetary collateral .... !!!!

Economy is a problem of value, not a problem of price !!!!!

Saturday 25 July 2015

An uncutted, unheated, untreated Ruby

An extremely scarce precious stone ....... 

Are you sure the CREDIT is necessary in economy ??

The credit is useful .... ONLY FOR SPENDING !!! Several centuries ago, credits were useful to pay the explorations overseas .... and be back with some tangible ressources... !!!! Nowadays, credits pay welfare states or public workers ...

Innovative young companies don t really need credits , They need strong guarantees to manage with safety their creative projects .... Positive exchanges and useful interactions don t need SPENDING !!!

Sunday 19 July 2015

China and its "official" Gold supply : the meaning for the market

For the First time since 2009, China has given information about its physical gold supply ..... only 604 tons purchased officially in 6 years ....
China has been the main buyer of physical gold in the world during this period ..... China should hold at least  2 times more
Why this big lie ???
China wants a major position in the IMF by the end of this year and still hold a massive amount of USD .... THe USD value is closely related with the gold value, one up, the other down.
For the Gold market, we think it means STAGNATION ........
China will continue to be a major actor on  the physical gold market ..... But the manipulation is now two times more important. Manipulation by physical gold and paper gold / MAnipulation by lie on the supply available ...... (including western central banks)
We think governments want probably to control all the major tangibles assets before the BIG ONE, the collapse of the Fractional Réserve Banking systèm.

THEREFORE, TANGIBLE ASSETS WILL BECOME MORE AND MORE SCARCE and digital currencies Will become common......

Why are we the single specie on the planet who need money to survive ??? : because we produce !!!!! Crédits back upcoming productions ....... and this Economy based on massive productions is destroying the Earth.

In an economy based on innovation and creativity instead of massive productions, "Diamonds money " as a scarce collateral have a bright future

Wednesday 15 July 2015


BIG RESET OR NOT  ??? That s the biggest question about the world financial system ….. « Money debt » and derivatives created out of nothing are a true weapon of social destruction.  We think thousands of trillons dollars of « money like » could disappear… in the next 36 or 48 months.
Many States gave up their sovereignty for money from merchants and bankers for centuries .... Why ??? because many governements for décades has forgotten to be useful for the common interest ... with the common incomes.... Wars, private interests or the Welfare State for electoralist reasons are amazing spendings
Owning tangibles assets is clearly a good idea but do you really think you will buy your bread with gold coins or a Picasso ??? Tangible assets save your wealth, but not your purchasing power !!!
A collapse of the financial system means a collapse of social relations !!!

With some politicians worldwide  losing their credibility, A collapse of the Financial system means a huge need to protect companies funds ..... to avoid a global chaos !!!!

Mathematically, major currencies like USD or Euro CAN T SURVIVE !!!

When we have developed the concept of « Outsourced Resources Banking », we have explained that Money does not need to be a value (gold coin) or a debt (a 20 euros note), Money must be a GUARANTEE, like a tangible collateral.
Money must emphasize the economical exchanges …. not be their Master !!! The Stones Money System, from the Island of Yap, has a true interest for us.
Therefore , Some assets could back economical exchanges, like Colored Diamonds, one of the rarest materials of Earth.
Nowadays, This industry is selling diamonds for cash as symbol of love or  a reserve a value, but the diamonds are not easily  liquid.  We could use  diamonds as a collateral, to back some business interactions or exchange them for a percentage of a company …
Our company MILA SOLIDUS ltd, HK, with our experience in Antwerpen,  has decided to follow this way !!!! we don t trust a lot in crypto currencies, we trust « diamonds money », especially the smallest and the rarest because the market is now focused on the biggest,  to protect companies funds and offers them a scarce monetary tool. 

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Why the companies are becoming the main form of human communities ????

The Human being is a social being .... 
In the History of the Mankind, Coping with disasters and threats has been a first reason to live together : Religion, understanding the mysteries of the Universe, the second one, Common interests with the Kingdoms and States the third one ......
For 3 centuries, especially in the Western world, most of States and Kingdoms have forgotten they must be useful for the common interest .... They gave up the common sovereignty to get money from merchants and bankers to manage wars and private interests.
The Welfare state has always be enan electoral promise .... Countries , like France, are living above their incomes.

Over the years  politicians are losing credibility ......, by short terms thoughts.. The recent greek show is a tragedy.

Businesses are offering a new form of human communities : a common project, networking, income , a social space

Friday 10 July 2015

Last Saturday in St Petersburg, Russia .....

I enjoyed time with my team ..... I wear a number 19

Offense Time out in the First Half

Offense Time out in the second half

With the Head Coach, just before KO
Me, as a QB coach, with my OG, my HB, my QB and my FB

Wednesday 8 July 2015

How is our current vision of money ???

- Wealthy people are trying to get tangible assets, instead of financial products ...

- Almost all people the world really need CASH .. for food and daily social interactions..


WE SEE CURRENTLY MONEY AS SOMETHING WE MUST HAVE BUT WE CAN T KEEP !!! (Because we don t trust fiat currencies or because we need cash for daily bills)

Monday 6 July 2015

Being a Quarterback Coach in Russia ...

I am really happy with my background as a quarterback coach in Russia ..... Guys in Yaroslavl have a great state of mind, and a wonderful team spirit !!! My QBs are hard workers and love football ...

with the current and upcoming  economic chaos, staying wise and making good decisions for the common interest will be KEY ELEMENTS OF RESILIENCE !!!!

Saturday 4 July 2015


- Our savings, our deposits are ... INSOLVENT DEBTS !!! The concept of Fractional Reserve Banking has been useful for an Economical paradigm based on PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION. In this view, Cash is the reward !!!

But we are going to a shortage of physical and social resources all over the World !!! The new economic paradigm is going to be  INNOVATION.... In this situation, Cash should not be the reward, because the main challenge for innovative people is CREATED SOMETHING NEW which have a impact on the daily life .....

For a such economic model, Money should only be a guarantee for exchanges ...., a tangible collateral. The concept of Outsourced Resources Banking has many answers on this field....


You can protect your wealth with valuable reserves of value like Real Estate, Physical Gold or Diamonds ..... but it does not mean you keep your purchasing power .... in an insane monetary system ....!!!

A Real Estate owner can give a building, an house or an appartment for economic activities ..... CAN A DIAMOND OWNER, THIS WISE INVESTOR,  BE A NEW KIND OF "BUSINESS ANGEL" AND OFFER A RARE STONE AS A MONETARY COLLATERAL FOR INNOVATIVE PROJECTS ???

The lack of financial liquidity by involvent banks and States, it means a death for many INTERACTIONS BETWEEN SKILLED PEOPLE ....

Marketing in the Diamond Industry ...

A symbol of love during the last 80 years, Diamonds, and especially the biggest and rarest, are now seen as a more than valuable asset to protect the wealth ....

This article above is quite interesting... to show how  the main physical quality of this stone have been linked with something emotional like a wedding .... The "artistic" quality of the stone (the 4 Cs (color, carat, clarity, cut)  gives it the legitimity to be a reserve of value .....

Friday 3 July 2015

Midnight in St Petersburg, Russia

I have taken these pictures few minutes ago ..... Russia has a huge diamonds supply, but colored diamonds remain SCARCE , even here ..... 

Thursday 2 July 2015

The PRESENT in the Financial World ....

The financial assets are debts based on short medium or long terms dividends..... The concept of Fractional Reserve Banking does not work in the PRESENT , as well as he does not work with currencies , backed by tangible assets .....

Economy is the creation of wealth , Finance should be only Transportation and Storage of this Wealth ..... The main reason of the worldwide financial crisis is that Finance is creating a massive amount of "false" wealth.

Our concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" considers the Present as a true part of a sustainable financial system ....

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Big Reset ... and diamonds !!!

The current greek problem is showing us how sick is the financial system .. Remember DEBTS ARE SAVINGS !!!
BIG RESET OR NOT  ??? That s the biggest question about the world financial system ….. « Money debt » and derivatives created out of nothing are a true weapon of social destruction. We think thousands of trillons dollars of « money like » will disappear… in the next 36 or 48 months.
Owning tangibles assets is clearly a good idea but do you really think you will buy your bread with gold coins or a Picasso ??? Tangible assets save your wealth, but not your purchasing power !!!

A collapse of the financial system means a collapse of social relations !!!

When we have developed the concept of « Outsourced Resources Banking », we have explained that Money does not need to be a value (gold coin) or a debt (a 20 euros note), Money must be a GUARANTEE, like a tangible collateral.

Money must emphasize the economical exchanges …. not be their Master !!! The Stones Money System, from the Island of Yap, has a true interest for us.
Therefore , Some assets could back economical exchanges, like Colored Diamonds, one of the rarest materials of Earth.
Nowadays, This industry is selling diamonds for cash as a reserve a value, but the diamonds are not liquid.  We could use  diamonds as a collateral, to back some business interactions or exchange them for a percentage of a company ….

Our company MILA SOLIDUS ltd, HK has decided to follow this way !!!! we don t trust a lot in crypto currencies, we trust « diamonds money » 

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