Sunday 3 May 2015


The paradigm production / consumption is not sustainable for the planet ..... The next paradigm will be probably création / innovation !!!!!
A massive social impact by new technologies is becoming more important than a massive consumption .....

Fractional Reserve Banking is a Big Lie !!!! the destruction of money does not exist when the loan is paid ....... because to pay the loan , we need to find an amount of money available in ALL the credits created ....

The bank has created 100.000 $ out of nothing ;  to pay This loan, we must find this amount in the money supply ..... when we close a loan by paying the last penny, we destroy This money only in the bank ' books .... but This amount and the interests still exist in the money supply .... as a crédit for another person.

Money is not capital, Assets is capital !!!!

Financial liquidity is not necessary to Exchange goods and services ....

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