Tuesday 30 September 2014

another crisis is coming ....

My recent success with the stock Kalimantan Gold shows us .... the market is crazy !!!! Always more debts, more unenployment .... but the growth is dead everywhere

Friday 26 September 2014

Proud to be a Kalimantan Gold shareholder for 8 months

400000 shares ...Today ... +650 %
No better evidence that i know my job and i can explain you well the system on this blog

Wednesday 24 September 2014

A small Star of David on this orange diamond .....

Take a look carefully ....

The diamond cutter did really a great job !!!! I think diamond is a wonderful form of tangible investment, but not as easy to understand as gold can be ....

Tuesday 23 September 2014


This is a rare Vivid orange yellow diamond certified by the HRD ..... As a HRD Antwerp certified diamond grader, I guarantee the clarity is VS, at least, VS1. A Star of David is also clearly visible on the Stone. 

This diamond is Type I b (Only 0.1% of all the gem quality natural diamonds).... The orange color is related with the level of Nitrogen during the growth of the stone. 

i sell this diamond to raise money to increase my ability to find and sell rare gems and antique coins.  I have also begun to create jewelry ..... ( please visit the first article on http://www.raregemsandcoinsI SELL .blogspot.fr/ ) ..... I am a third time cancer survivor and above the knee amputee. i climbed a mountain in May ( http://www.sidestix.com/8481/may-featured-user-michael-laurent/ ) ,  and make a first wonderful  trip in russia a month ago .... I am also a good shooter (  http://www.icore.org/CylindersTurn/CT_Mar11_web.pdf  P. 4) 

but all is more difficult with a single leg and require more preparation.....  

This vivid orange diamond can be for you, both a good tangible investment and the perfect stone for an outstanding ring.

contact me at : mlaurent.diamondgrader@gmail.com for any question

Sunday 21 September 2014

About Gold .....

Is Gold still a safe investment ??? YES 

This article is very good and explain why the price of gold is falling : http://pragcap.com/why-is-the-price-of-gold-falling

Gold is a shield to cope with inflation and hyper inflation !!!! We have not seen yet an hyper inflation, only because the money created out of nothing ..... stays in the banks !!! they use it to play on the stocks market. INFLATION = HUGE MONEY SUPPLY and ......  VELOCITY OF MONEY

So, the main reason to buy gold is still valid, this money will go out the banks in a near future

Friday 19 September 2014

My second blog ....... for gems and coins trading

If this research blog will stay focused to explain the cocnept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" and the problems in the financial system worldwide, I open a new blog only focused on the trading activity ....


I will use it to sell the diamond vivid orange yellow, VS1,  you will see in pic very soon .....

Monday 15 September 2014

A monetary crisis is hitting us ......

Even, if i consider precious stones as one of the best reserve of value, since my chilhood i love antique coins. On the picture below, i show you several pretty  rare coins i have found ....... 

This one is EXTREMELY RARE !!!!! You can see it on the first pic.

Nowadays, all the prices are more or less tricked !!!!! rare tangible assets are the best reserve of value ...... A SINGLE ADVICE : FORGET THE MONEY ... (Fiat currencies are almost  WORTHLESS) !!!! BE FOCUSED ON YOUR PURPOSE, ON YOUR LIFE PROJECT  WITH A GOOD INTENTION...I think the human soul has been made to CREATE, To CHANGE the environment !!!! 

So, Change something around you TODAY !!!

The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" is the single way for a sustainable financial system ...... If you company needs cash, ..... create IT !!!! Economy , it means exchange, not production or credit

Friday 12 September 2014


My company "MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED", based in Hong Kong has been created to go at the next level with the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking". I think this financial methodology is the best way to cope with current and upcoming financial disasters world wide ..... because the banking system is currently insolvent.

I have no doubt that shares will play a monetary rule in a near futur .... because shares is not money !!! I am proud to own 0.1% of the Company Kalimantan Gold.

I think precious metal will return as a pillar of a monetary system !!! and the precious stones are the best reserve of value.

As a HRD Antwerp certified diamond grader, I have received also the best education possible about diamonds .... and staying weeks in Antwerp helped me to learn a lot about the financial world with the Elits. So, I can help you to purchase precious stones at a very affordable prices, to help you to get TOP tangible assets. I will offer a good price for 2 reasons : - i want people get top goods to protect theirs assets. - i know the right people in Antwerp to find the rare and beautiful stones and that s my pleasure.... , not to find the more expensive.

Sapphires (Prices under request) - Blue stones come from Afghanistan

Necklace with Sapphires from Madagascar and diamonds (quality SI) (more infos and Price under request)

Earrings with Sapphires from Madagascar and Diamonds (quality SI) (more infos and Price under request)

  Diamond SI2 certified by IGI, on a necklace in Gold ( more infos and Price under request)

THE FIRST RING I CREATED ..... Certified Sapphire 2.39 carats from Ceylan, on a ring in white Gold with two diamonds in pear shape... (More infos and Price under request)

THE SECOND RING I CREATED ....  A 2.14 ct Sapphire from Afghanistan, on a Ring in white gold with small diamonds (More infos and price under request)

THE THIRD RING I CREATED ..... A 1.63 ct Saphir from Ceylan on a white gold ring with 4 small diamonds (More infos and prices under request)

A pink diamond certified by HRD .... I have taken this picture this morning, near the safe in my bank .... I am waiting , by FEDEX, an orange diamond 0.40 ct , VS1 with a Star of David. 

Send me your emails at mlaurent.diamondgrader@gmail.com

Run a company with the Concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" ???

We must put  out the derivatives scandale that will destroy the current financial system .....

In FRance, The businessmen have a bad reputation ..... Egality is a motto in the french collective mind, and businessmen are breaking equality.

With the concept of "Fractional Reserves Banking" , a boss must sign a loan to get cash (created out of nothing) and invest in his product !!!! The relations between the owner, the banker and the workers is based only on DEBT ......

With the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking", the financial world could create ad hoc currencies backed by tangible assets, to create an enough amount of cash for positive economical exchanges and useful interactions. So, the CEO could sign only a PARTNERSHIP with a such bank .....

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Back from Russia ...

I was in Russia from august 23 to august 31 ..... This country is wonderful and the collapse of the ruble is.... ununderstandable. Russia has huge tangible and intangible resources.

END OF THIS BLOG , now it s on sowarigpa.health

 JOIN ME NOW , it s on sowarigpa.health  a nex plateform and a new blog !