Saturday 23 November 2013

To Liz Murray, author of « Breaking Night »

Dear Liz,

Like many other people, I enjoyed your bestseller. Your personal story is truly special and deeply inspiring …. I also appreciate your activity as a more than “legitimate” inspirational speaker …..

I survived cancers , brain surgery , I coped with stammering, but now as an above the knee amputee, I think the human being can be the worst challenge to fight with …. I grew up in a family of malignant narcissists, my younger brother has taken his own life in 2007. 

 Graduated with a master degree in historical geography in 2003, I have also pro training in sport and emergency management. But I wonder if the brain was not in the leg amputated, because a disabled gives really a disturbing image in my country : France. It’s truly difficult to be smart and innovative when everybody treats you like a child …. At 37 years old.

I published and continue independent researches, particularly on this blog. As a disabled, I can’t be part of an HAZMAT team, so I decided several  years ago to try to understand why the World is on the verge of a massive financial collapse…., which is a truly massive emergency situation. Money is a key element of the social life.  I am not communist, but the wealth pyramid is scaring :  I developed an innovative  methodology and some explanations on this research blog … My motto : money is not a value or a debt, money must be a guarantee for useful exchanges and productive interactions . I am tired to listen self-proclaimed Experts, with a discourse not really  understandable for all people. 

You have a true experience of poverty and social pain , you are graduated in psychology …. I really would like to know your view about the psychological impact of the financial crisis in USA , especially on the children ?? statistics in US are bad , en Europe is on the same way…. I feel people don’t even understand the concept of money … 

 Complementary currencies are smart ideas but limited , I developed a different methodology on this  research blog, between complementary currencies and Central Banking, …… I have a small collection of antique  coins, but when money became a debt, I see an evolution in the collective consciousness, from an historical point of view. 

France is reputated to be  always involved in  a war in delay …… During WWII, French soldiers were equipped like during WWI. French people have still their pensions, therefore they don’t think about tomorrow or bankruptcy…. The nanny State will pay…  It’s difficult to be heard here …. I remember this quote from Jesus in the Bible : “A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country” …..  It’s the reason I would like to leave my country as soon as a truly painful file around my father’s legacy will be over …. Bureaucracy in France is a weapon of mass destruction. Currently, I struggle to make the end meets. We are entering in Winter, a month ago from Xmas ….. I love Xmas atmosphere in US or Canada through tv shows … I went several times in canada but never for Xmas.  I never been in US, but I coached your football (with helmets and shoulders)  in France. The north American state of mind seems more pragmatic, positive  and juvenile ….. than the always depressed old European mind .
  IF I can’t have an impact on my own life, and  must let my lawyer struggles in front of  4 relatives and an aggressive bureaucracy, I  would be more than happy ….. to use this period to give people an online class or a good education to explain them how money works, how the system is made and what can be done usefully …. I can’t do it in my area with  the infantilization I must cope with because of my disability … 

I am tired to wait a miserable pension from the French State and want to live ENTIERELY by my own skills , with critics about my work …., not about my amputated leg …..With 50 millions american people on food stamps,  I am sure there is a way for innovative actions ….

I hope this letter will come to you …… I don’t know how to contact you. Buddhism and Chinese medicine saved my life, and kept me in a good momentum until now …. A strong mind is the key of success, but the true list for success is  :
  1. Skill
  2.  Connections 
  3. Toughness
  4.  Luck

All the best,



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  2. A successful bottle at the sea ... nothing can make me more happy !!!


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