Thursday 28 November 2013


The World with : 

- Fractional Reserve Banking 

Cash is 5% of the money supply, 95% is debt created by private banks. With 1$ as an asset, the bank could create 99$ of money supply .... Interests are not created in the money supply !!!! NO DEBT = NO MONEY

- Local currencies

You exchange your USD, CAD, AUD, Euro .... for tokens, and with them,  you can manage exchanges in a local area among several shops or for a same purpose (like the japanese fureai kippu)

- Outsourced Resources Banking

From tangible assets or cash (which is the most tangible part of the money supply) , it's possible to back a secondary currency .... used to fill the need of cash in a common project !!! The wealth which back the currency could help to make the project sustainable ..... in this way, there are infinite ways to create ad hoc currencies

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