Monday 31 December 2012

Expectations in 2013

2012 is ending ! What can we expect in 2013 about  the banking system ?

In fact, I trust the paradigm :  "Think global, act local "

Creating money,  by private credit, is really a bad BET on future.  Money is a medium of exchange , a major key of the social links !! Never  play with money !!! 

Money should be  only a tool to manage social justice and fairwork. We should think about sustainability and social justice before  thinking about unrealistic  credits ...... "Money like" and derivatives are now the biggest weapons of value  destruction EVER !!!! and don't forget that paper gold is far more important than PHYSICAL Gold. Our prosperity in western countries is an illusion.

Money means EXCHANGE (because only the exchange can create wealth) .... So, once, you are able to manage an exchange, guarantee by an asset, you are able to create money . That's my view with the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking".

Best Wishes !!!!

Friday 28 December 2012

Sunday 23 December 2012

The labor force and money creation

Centuries ago, slaves worked in gold/ silver mines, used to create new coins.  Nowadays, western governments  are increasing taxes to pay bankers , who create money out of nothing ….

The world doesn’t change  !!!! The labor force is still closely related with the creation of money !!! it’s a huge mistake !! the labor force should be only  related with the creation of wealth.

Money is a medium of exchange, not an asset, and not a wealth  !!!!! So, currencies can be created from projects or ideas …. Don’t forget the quantity of gold or silver in coins could decrease …, creating often  economical problems  across history.

Friday 21 December 2012

The Beethoven's 5th Symphony

Money, as a tool of social justice and common interest,  has a huge impact !!!! Money, out of nothing, as a social power, has no interest.

During WWII, Allied forces had a powerful symbol : the opening motif of Beethoven's 5th Symphony. In Morse code , the short-short-short-long rhythmic pattern corresponded to the letter 'V' for Victory.

Symbols, like currencies,  are truly a major part of our  common cultural heritage….  So, we should care them.

Thursday 13 December 2012

The "Numismarchy"

Nowadays, worldwide money supply is out of control ….  Don't forget  the Fiat currency is only a bet !! Gold and Silver will become far more expensive in the upcoming years and we can think the numismatics will die in the next 30 years……  The coins and banknotes are already rare. Who know the “Y” on the Euro notes is the letter which indicates “printed in Greece” ??

Therefore,  I invite you to consider a new way to understand  money :  the “numismarchy” (“numisma”  coin + “- archy “ form of government or rule ). From my part, I think the future is for people who understand how a sustainable money works….  Since 2800 years, money is the key of social links.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Outsourced Resources Banking and Fiscality

With Fractional Reserve Banking,  our  national  taxes  are used to pay the banks which create money out of nothing. Nowadays, the biggest currencies (USD, GBP, JPY, Euro) are clearly managed for private interests.  Everyone is looking for credits created out of nothing   ….. !!! This situation  is unsustainable !!!

With Outsourced Resources Banking,  a State could collect taxes from the  "true" wealth created and providing Ad hoc  regulations. An infinite growth is unrealistic, but sustainable growth should be the main goal.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Global Wealth Pyramid

Take a look in this truly interesting article !!!

29 millions people around the World have more than  1 million USD, but almost 3.2 billions people have less than 10.000 USD (around 3% of the world wealth for half of the world population).

Saturday 1 December 2012

Skill or Know How as an unit of account ?

With Gold and silver, a skill is one of  the single form of payment universally accepted … A skilled person is always welcomed, and can be useful to cope with problems.   The first currency has probably been invented to develop social relations between members inside a community , including  a fair work  and a social justice. 
Tokens and complementary currencies can have a real interest in a deflation context. They don’t suffer inflation or deflation because of an accurate use, and without an intrinsic value, they are not counterfeited. 
More often , small ideas, small details can have a large benefit for mankind !! History has many surprises. For example, do you imagine the black powder has been invented by Chinese people, looking for an elixir of immortality …

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Enjoy this quote !!!!

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin.
The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them,
but leave them the power to create deposits,
and with the flick of the pen they will
create enough deposits to buy it back again.
However, take it away from them, and
all the great fortunes like mine
will disappear and they ought to disappear, for
this would be a happier and better world to live in.
But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers
and pay the cost of your own slavery,
let them continue to create deposits.

Sir Josiah Stamp
(1880-1941) President of the Bank of England in the 1920's, the second richest man in Britain

Monday 19 November 2012

US dollar in trouble ?

Take a look on this good article !!

and you will be aware the US dollar, like the current monetary paradigm is, TRULY,  in big trouble.

Monday 12 November 2012

a world currency ?

Until now, US dollar is,  de facto,  the world currency as well as Gold. But is this concept  really serious ???

 Money should be a tool to manage social links, it was its original meaning in history .  So, money should be created with a purpose ….. A world currency should be above Nations, with a guarantee universally accepted, and in large quantity available  because there are  seven billions human beings. 

It seems clearly unrealistic  now with Fractional Reserve Banking …. !!!!!

Friday 9 November 2012

Thursday 8 November 2012

A good video !!!

Take a look !! it's truly interesting ....

USA and Eurozone will cope with huge challenges in the upcoming weeks and months.

Be prepared !!!!!

Thursday 25 October 2012

Sunday 21 October 2012

On the field ...

It’s amazing to consider the place of money in human history, more than an army or a massive disaster, money has destroyed many nations and empires across centuries. Managing money appears like the more difficult challenge for human beings. 

 So,  how to practice “Outsourced Resources Banking” and “Mitigative Business” in daily life ??? Easily,  with the concept of “outsourced resources banking”. First of all, choose an asset with  a standard conversion to create an amount of own complementary currency. It's  not less good than “money debt” created by commercial banks.  Secondly, This amount of "self created" money is not useful for purchasing, it must help you only  to develop a sustainable project with serious  partners. It’s different from a local currency used to create social links in a community.  At the end of the project, each partner has an amount X of your currency backed by a real asset. So, this ad hoc currency is exchangeable because of its guarantee or can be kept until the project creates enough wealth. The concept of mitigative business is also simple to practice, and can be sum up by the following statement : “Instead to create new ""useful"" needs for your clients, think about something to help them”. By the way, the global world debt is clearly out of control, especially in the western world. This debt represents a prospective wealth in a future undetermined. Why not use it as an asset to create true wealth with the concept of Outsourced Resources Banking  ???

Currently, i am very interested in the crisis in the eurozone, and very surprised by the efforts deployed to save a system which is not realistic  with a big "genetic" disease.

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