Sunday 21 October 2012

On the field ...

It’s amazing to consider the place of money in human history, more than an army or a massive disaster, money has destroyed many nations and empires across centuries. Managing money appears like the more difficult challenge for human beings. 

 So,  how to practice “Outsourced Resources Banking” and “Mitigative Business” in daily life ??? Easily,  with the concept of “outsourced resources banking”. First of all, choose an asset with  a standard conversion to create an amount of own complementary currency. It's  not less good than “money debt” created by commercial banks.  Secondly, This amount of "self created" money is not useful for purchasing, it must help you only  to develop a sustainable project with serious  partners. It’s different from a local currency used to create social links in a community.  At the end of the project, each partner has an amount X of your currency backed by a real asset. So, this ad hoc currency is exchangeable because of its guarantee or can be kept until the project creates enough wealth. The concept of mitigative business is also simple to practice, and can be sum up by the following statement : “Instead to create new ""useful"" needs for your clients, think about something to help them”. By the way, the global world debt is clearly out of control, especially in the western world. This debt represents a prospective wealth in a future undetermined. Why not use it as an asset to create true wealth with the concept of Outsourced Resources Banking  ???

Currently, i am very interested in the crisis in the eurozone, and very surprised by the efforts deployed to save a system which is not realistic  with a big "genetic" disease.

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