Monday 31 December 2012

Expectations in 2013

2012 is ending ! What can we expect in 2013 about  the banking system ?

In fact, I trust the paradigm :  "Think global, act local "

Creating money,  by private credit, is really a bad BET on future.  Money is a medium of exchange , a major key of the social links !! Never  play with money !!! 

Money should be  only a tool to manage social justice and fairwork. We should think about sustainability and social justice before  thinking about unrealistic  credits ...... "Money like" and derivatives are now the biggest weapons of value  destruction EVER !!!! and don't forget that paper gold is far more important than PHYSICAL Gold. Our prosperity in western countries is an illusion.

Money means EXCHANGE (because only the exchange can create wealth) .... So, once, you are able to manage an exchange, guarantee by an asset, you are able to create money . That's my view with the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking".

Best Wishes !!!!

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