Saturday 28 August 2021


RESILISTAN is an entertainment, business and scholarly project around Resilience. The tech can create virtual worlds, but we don t have a virtual life. How to mix the advantages of both Worlds ? RESILISTAN is my pattern of survival in This crazy world !

In all abrahamic traditions, which include more than 4 billions people worldwide , the human being is allowed to dominate the world, without feeling responsible for consequences , and the man feels always superior to the woman ...... what a lot of social, environnemental and psychological  suffering !

We believe that the human "dominate " the world only because he is the only eternal subject .... he is aware of past, present and future, and looking the sky at night  he looks the past, being aware of his breath, he is in the present, and using his rational brain, he can plan the future. 
Our consciousness is dominant, not our specie ! 
In all abrahamic traditions, which include more than 4 billions people worldwide , the human being is allowed to dominate the world, without feeling responsible for consequences , and the man feels always superior to the woman ...... what a lot of social, environnemental and psychological  suffering !
We believe that the human "dominate " the world only because he is the only eternal subject .... he is aware of past, present and future, and looking the sky at night  he looks the past, being aware of his breath, he is in the present, and using his rational brain, he can plan the future. 
Our consciousness is dominant, not our specie ! 

We développed the idea that the human being is like a tree, and I like this analogy because our physical form is from this planet. The root are the link of attachment and the connection with abundancy, the trunk our education and values, and the branches our impact . 

1) The link of attachment and the connection with abundancy are closely physically and emotionally connected ! We can t escape these things in virtual world !

2) Defining our values require to make experiences, both virtual and real , and our education also can be both virtual and real ! 

3) But what about our impact in the world ? the problem is our impact is so closely connected with money ...... We don t look anymore to impact our world, just to get money.  But money is not wealth, money is an energy. 

Money should be the result of our impact ! big impact, big result .... that s the method of the elit entrepreneurs. But for most people on Earth, money is exchanged for natural ressources or Work, as a daily wage. It is destroying our environnement ! 

The human journey is the search of a balance between our intelligence and our intuition, between our Neo cortical and our limbic system ! Resilience is also connected with this balance ....We have to write our own story.  In life,  control your controllables and the uncontrollable does not kill you ! 


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