Saturday 5 December 2020

Less leg, More movements™

 About disability,

During the first lockdown , last spring, my former college Professor who is now a great friend advised me to write an article for the French scholarly review L’INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE  …. (the geographical information ) and I wrote about lockdown and disability and I have been published a special issue.  

Geography was my main field in college and this review is the second best in France.

A summary of article in English

My main thesis is that most humans on Earth this year have experienced a situation of reduced mobility ……so, this year should change the vision of disabled people. 

However, many people wait a miracle and go back in life like before, but before should never happen again socially and economically. 

I believe disabled people are more prepared than others to be « UBERIZED » by the mankind to come …. 

But it require acceptation of the difference, awareness and ability to network …

So, under the name « less leg, more movements » I created in my pro twitter account an economic initiative , derived from the Economy of attention 

The economy of attention is very well explained here ( and in fact simple ….. you create media content to attract followers and you sell your followers to compagnies in a corporate parternships. There is a quote in economics which say : « when it ’s free, it s you the product ». Now, you understand why entrance in most nigh clubs are free for girls ! ;-)

Most compagnies in the entertainment industry work on this paradigm. The value of sports leagues are connected with their followers and audience .

My vision  is différent …… i think the personal branding will be the key element of the post Covid economy. Reputation and Network will help success and even survival. I trust in this study by Harvard university which support the need of social involvement for longevity and joy. 

I named it the « attentional economy » …. Show your value, show your brand by empowering people and create value together !

If asking something to someone is an art, it’s only because people need to feel precious and useful ! People need to have a positive impact ! 

We want to use this energy in the « attentional economy »

Why the ancient Greeks despite a passion for physical beauty were good socially with disabled people ? only because the social reference were not the body, but the ability to serve the State whatever your physical situation. #disability #history

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