Thursday 31 December 2020

UNION OF RESILIENT MANKIND™ , Global initiative in 2021


Money is a mindset , and a mindset is an energy. 

Money is an energy which take root in the mindset !

Money is the question : How is my personal relationship with the world ? 

Are you in need to be , to show off, to exist , or only to get foods for your family ? 

You make money your master … because you don t enjoy abundance , caring, self compassion, be happy with yourself  and with others. The famous law of attraction is only related with your focus …. Let a mother of 3, a pro athlete a businessman or a old man in a commercial center, they will find each  what they have in mind and won t pay attention to obvious things for others. Individualism is a  social value only to make us dependent …. You provide efforts, for others , who give us money. 

And others create this money out of nothing to pay us and provide us « social services » …. And make us dépendant … And we think we deserve because we grew up and been educated in individualism … 

But money is an energy …. And an energy never start from ZERO …. Socially, money is the equivalent of the social value you can add .. !! 

You can add a social value, you will never miss money …. But there is a unbalanced situation in the FORCE  … social value became social attraction ! 

Followers on social média  became  monetary value …. Because of this individualism who make us dépendent ! We must be measured as a number of followers …and there is an economy of attention based on it. 

You produce contents , you have likes or followers and you monetize your followers ! It means what you produce is not anymore what you monetize , it s economic madness ! … and people who control the financial system could control everything but not anymore the financial system produce too much money without energy ….. 

THE FORCE IS UNBALANCED ! We can produce trillons dollars of digital signs but not trillons of dollars of energy  …. Because of individualism 

People who succeed make money their servant and produce value and they respect money as an energy !!! Many authors explained it already …. But with Globalization, adding value is becoming far and far more difficult …. The world is more and more elitist and now it s a world competition for jobs 

The most talented people in the world have failed to move up the global level , enhancing mass needs and immediate consumptions ….. there is a global failure not by the low social classes, who followed , but by the global elite ! 

Transhumanism will happen, and have to happen  but can t be the only way for the Mankind  ! And slavery by debts using digital currencies is not the best way to disrupt the individualism, that rigged the economy. 

The best humans and the younger generations must jump in Digital currencies , high technologies , performant stock markets and powerful financial ingenierring …..  

The most useful  humans are Servant Leaders ! And they need an AD HOC economic system we named the Attentional Economy …. 

Using personalized and backed cryptos to provide the financial liquidity needed to achieve local projects, once the projects worked and add value , the cryptos can be converted in Digital legal currencies …. 

We trust  in the competition between currencies, like Hayek who had not the cryptos technologies ,  and we believe that the cryptos could be like  the smallest coins in the old physical monetary system , socially useful …..

So, a digital system would be limitless for the best humans and support the lower level with social benefits …. Using cryptos in the attentional economy could support the move up between the low level and the best level 

That s our wish for 2021 ! 

Money is the question : How is my personal relationship with the world

if a King had authorized peasants to create their own token, instead to be dependent of the regular coinage .... , the world could have  been différent ..

Most people in the world are the inhéritants of the peasants and their minds in creating value is blocked on the field , ..... people in the cities could be more creative creating value ! 


Wednesday 23 December 2020

Pourquoi vivons nous un changement de paradigme social économique et financier ? (URM)

Car les gens qui créent de la valeur ajoutée, qui créent du profit sont de moins en moins nombreux et ceux qui vivent de ce profit sont de plus en plus nombreux ? Ce qui entraine la nationalisation de facto des economies , surtout pendant cette crise …..

Creer de la valeur ajoutée devient aussi de plus en plus difficile ou alors doit concerner une très grand nombre de personne (economie de l’attention). IL faut rappeler également que le Capitalisme est par nature déflationniste, puisqu’il s’agit de faire mieux, c’est a dire plus avec moins …

Creer de la valeur ajoutée implique : 

-     Des connaissances 

-     Une maitrise de l’outil monétaire 

  • Une capacité a générer une emotion , ce qui est la base du lien humain de confiance 

C’est ce que nous proposons au sein de UNION OF RESILIENT MANKIND !


Monday 14 December 2020


Jorion dit une chose pertinente : une réelle minorité des gens créent réellement du profit, et tous les autres vivent sur ce profit ....Creer de la valeur, répondre a un besoin et vous n'aurez jamais de problèmes d'argent !

Sunday 6 December 2020

Disability and Service

 About disability,

it's interesting to consider, than , despite a passion for physical beauty, the ancient greeks were fair with disabled people who were socially included.
I was wondering why ?
and my conclusion has been : if you were able to serve the State, we could be unlucky with missing arms or legs, but the most important has been only your ability to serve the community. that was the vision in Ancient Greece
Nowadays, it s not the same thing ...... you are disabled, if you are not the good size, the good number of limbs or not too many chromosomes ....
The Western culture has put the "Holiness" in a book and the Truth in the measure .... This year showed the limits of this inefficient paradigm.
Holiness is probably more in the connections and the Truth in the quality of perception

When a disabled person is looking for a job, he is trying to sell his abilities , ..... why not trying to sell your results ? and the real value you can add

The reason is the  Western society is really based only on appearance ! 

Saturday 5 December 2020

Less leg, More movements™

 About disability,

During the first lockdown , last spring, my former college Professor who is now a great friend advised me to write an article for the French scholarly review L’INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE  …. (the geographical information ) and I wrote about lockdown and disability and I have been published a special issue.  

Geography was my main field in college and this review is the second best in France.

A summary of article in English

My main thesis is that most humans on Earth this year have experienced a situation of reduced mobility ……so, this year should change the vision of disabled people. 

However, many people wait a miracle and go back in life like before, but before should never happen again socially and economically. 

I believe disabled people are more prepared than others to be « UBERIZED » by the mankind to come …. 

But it require acceptation of the difference, awareness and ability to network …

So, under the name « less leg, more movements » I created in my pro twitter account an economic initiative , derived from the Economy of attention 

The economy of attention is very well explained here ( and in fact simple ….. you create media content to attract followers and you sell your followers to compagnies in a corporate parternships. There is a quote in economics which say : « when it ’s free, it s you the product ». Now, you understand why entrance in most nigh clubs are free for girls ! ;-)

Most compagnies in the entertainment industry work on this paradigm. The value of sports leagues are connected with their followers and audience .

My vision  is différent …… i think the personal branding will be the key element of the post Covid economy. Reputation and Network will help success and even survival. I trust in this study by Harvard university which support the need of social involvement for longevity and joy. 

I named it the « attentional economy » …. Show your value, show your brand by empowering people and create value together !

If asking something to someone is an art, it’s only because people need to feel precious and useful ! People need to have a positive impact ! 

We want to use this energy in the « attentional economy »

Why the ancient Greeks despite a passion for physical beauty were good socially with disabled people ? only because the social reference were not the body, but the ability to serve the State whatever your physical situation. #disability #history

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