Wednesday 25 November 2020

DiXabled project

 My name is Michael J.P. LAURENT, i was born April 22 1976 in France.  I stammered as soon as 3 yo , brain surgery at 17 yo and leg amputation at 25 yo, because of cancer. My younger brother has taken his own life in 2007. We grew up in a very stressful environnement.

Physical diseases have been a shock, but I suffered far more from the lack of support from family and the French sociéty in general ….and the "religious" obsession   to define  me as "disabled" ! A disabled is an object of health, and it s really strange , because in ancient Greece, even being obsessed by the physical beauty of bodies, disabled people were involved in the society. Unlucky because of physical traumas but, socially included, if they could have a positive impact. 

The Ancient Greece had a dominant social paradigm : the STATE … if you can help the State, the State can help you. And it s the reason disabled in ancient greece could be involved. 

The current society is extremely individualistic and has only one paradigm : « the human being » AND the disabled can t fit the official standards of the paradigm. A disabled have to be a victim or a hero ! Being a skilled person with disability , it s less acceptable … Women also struggle for high social duties 

In fact, A disability can be a chance, a chance to be ourself, without the heavy social expectations …. But Courage requires support !

I have been blessed to meet very skilled people in each area I studied and each field I have been involved with …. It has been a blessing in my life ! It helped me to gain in confidence and to learn better … without feeling gullty to be different. 

So, i would like to share this blessing with others disabled …. Creating the plate form DiXabled .... coming soon

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