Tuesday 28 May 2019



A monetary system requires a legal structure, but also, more important, a cultural vision. It means the new currency must make sens sociologically between users, it should be a common guarantee freely shared. 
Money has always reward people able to make a social impact ! Physical gold rewarded the Elit. The Biggest Credits by the European banks have always rewarded the most talented entrepreneurs. 
The decimalization of the monetary system has been a huge mistake for the poor people. Money diversity could guarantee a sustainable economy, at each level of the society.`
Currently, sinked in a huge complexity, with too high debts and negative interests rates,  the monetary system won't recover and will shift in an electronic and digital authoritarian system. 


Money is not wealth. And in fact, the Richest people know it very well. Rich people own assets, not money. Because money is a tool of exchanges and preservation of value. 
Financial crisis rarely affect the rich people because they own tangible assets, they have network , and can get easily some financial liquidity. 
The monetary system used in the jewish ghettos during World War II is very unique by several aspects. These currencies have been clearly based on spoliation by the Nazis. But they were backed not by an impact, by some  (jewish) ressources…. , and used on purpose, by a community.
The work and the use of these currencies were perceived in a survival aspect by the Jews. So, it created a social momentum and reciprocity in responsibility. 

We think it s an inspirational model nowadays. Lack of financial liquidity hurts people and make them sink in poverty. However, money printing has never created wealth. 

Most companies in the World could use an asset as a ressource, to create a backed cryptocurrency, and develop a community socially linked around their entrepreneurial projects.

Monday 27 May 2019

The Holocaust Numismatic as a monetary model ...

The Holocaust numismatic shows us a real and tangible use of social and economical resilency with a special monetary tool.

Native and indigenous people can t use a financial system based on debts. And, currently, we have seen it in Brazil, they are exttemely vulnerable financially.

Could we use the Holocaust monetary system to support them to reach sustainability ?

Tuesday 21 May 2019


Money has been invented in Lydia for a fiscal reason. Help the State to pay its employees, out of the barter system, and to receive taxes. 
Adopted by the greek merchants, money has been used by them in electrum, before to be used by the Cities states. The trimetallic monetary system has been the basis of the socio economical paradigm worldwide. Physical Gold for the Elite, Physical Silver for the international exchanges, Physical copper or Bronze for the local use. 

What does it means ?

It means the Elite has always had a premium access to the most precious money supply only because the Elite has … AN IMPACT IN THE SOCIAL LIFE. 

The only way to make money is to add value and the key difference between Rich and Poor is only the fact that Rich add more value or have a bigger impact in a more limited period of time. 

When the money creation by the credit have been invented, a wall has fallen …. No more limit by the physical gold supply for innovation and business.

However, the money supply created by the credit disappears only if a real asset is found or created. This asset should be monetized, so , it increases the monetary base and keep the stability of the currency. 

So, the money created by the credit can be allowed only to the very best entrepreneurs. An economy based on massive consumption need to kill the value of the currency, by always more debts and credits, to pay the previous. There is the introduction of a massive wealth transfer from the poor to the rich, because with a bigger ability to get impact, the rich have always access to financial liquidity. 

The Holocaust numismatic, it s the study of the coins and notes used by the Jews in the ghettos and Concentration camps during WWII. 

These monetary systems were based on spoliation, pain and death against jewish people. The Jews should give theirs assets and real money to get these currency which have been the only way to get foods and medications. Their daily jobs were also paid with these currencies. And these currencies had legal tender only in the ghettos or camps. Escaping means no more money to survive. However, on the jewish point of view, the work have been seen as a solution to stay in life. Therefore, these currencies were accepted as a part of the process. 

Therefore, what can we see ? 

We can see an "entrepreneur" (the Nazis)  with ressources and a purpose  , creating a monetary system for a community. And this community can create sustainable social links and a local economy without a greedy attitude. Remember Money is not wealth, but far more a social agreement  ! 

Do you want to make money in the current period ? CREATE A (MICRO -) MONETARY SYSTEM.

The digitalization  in the monetary  system with the blockchain and the disappearing of cash give the room to  imagine a methodology to help companies to collateralize an asset, create an ad hoc cryptocurrency and spread it into their base to work with people on projects related with their social object .

Poverty is spreading worldwide and middle class is sinking … enough liquidity should spread and some communities could be created, avoiding huge costs in communication for the companies. 

In 2019, on the financial world the planet, the spoliation is in negative interest rates and inflation. The financial system worldwide is sinking with debts, derivatives, false "assets", too high stocks on the markets. 

The current financial system is so tricky, too complex, source of social instability, than even the monetary system from the Holocaust give us an inspirational  model of resiliency, probably more than  useful in this period of huge changes of the monetary paradigm worldwide.  

We believe the monetary diversity is the only sustainable way to cope with poverty. However, the monetary diversity can hurt our vision about equality between people. 


Living paycheck to paycheck


Sad world ...

Tuesday 14 May 2019

L investissement immobilier est il pertinent ?


Excellente analyse !

Monday 13 May 2019



An excellent article ! we share a lot of point

However, we don t underestimate the power of private cryptos. We think both physical Gold and cryptos could be a good solution

Saturday 11 May 2019

Les GAFA et les banques

Le souci des GAFA d'investir le champ des cryptos et des services financiers soulignent l'envie d'emancipation du système bancaire actuel envahi par la dette.

L'avenir financier et monétaire sera créatif ou ne sera pas !

Friday 10 May 2019

The very first "WORLDWIDE" currency ...


The famous athenian tetradrachm .... This one from my private collection has been minted around 450 or 420 BC.

Thursday 9 May 2019

The diamond spectroscopy - HRD


The diamond spectroscopy is a fascinating field of research.

What a beautiful obverse on this denarius !!


Have you already seen a such beautiful representation of the roman emperor Galba ? 

I don t think so


Il ne faut pas oublier que la creation monetaire par le credit est avant tout ... UN PARI sur une richesse a creer.

Ainsi, ce n est pas le remboursement quu annule la creance, mais la creation d une nouvelle valeur monetisable.

Ce que ca change ?

En fait, sans creation de valeur reelle amenant l obligation a creer du VRAI CASH... il n y a qu une accumulation de monnaie scripturale et un accroissement sans fin de la masse monetaire.

Ce qui finit toujours en effondrement de la confiance

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