Wednesday 30 August 2017

Cheering Yakutsk for the upcoming Far East Tournament !!!

After others great coaching experiences in Russia, I am very proud to help the Yakustk Boturs to prepare their first official competition. I love coaching !!!

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Why there is no tangible asset as a 100 % safe heaven ??

To be a real safe heaven , a tangible asset must be easily transportable and exchangeable !! and you must really own it. 

Gold,  silver, diamonds, paintings, real estate, shares , bonds ...... Metal, arts and real estate are not easily transportable.

be cautious about fakes with gems and a lot of regulations with shares and bonds !!!

If you are not SUPER WEALTHY !!! invest in your independency and in your life project !!

Key difference between American and European Cultures ??


It s really important in "result oriented" work !!! but sometimes, politically, it can give some troubles.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Coinage and financial crisis !!!

That s a fascinating book that i discovered only recently ….

If the invention of coinage is a part of the individual and social development of the Mankind, what is the current financial and monetary crisis in the World ?? and the big changes in the Financial industry ??

We think that we are on the verge of a massive shift in the Human History. The next decades will see incredible changes and also pains.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Money and the SURVIVAL of the Mankind !

Diamonds and Numismatic expert, with my start up in HK, I know how emotions are a key element in investment. The monetary rules by the central banks have made stocks and bonds markets a trap for the small investor.

In Finance, to be honest, i really prefer the Russian school (high rates, means more savings and only the best entrepreneurs get loans from banks). It s tough but it s how Finance should work !! The central bank of Russia will launch 2 new banknotes next month. Since Bismark, the welfare state in the Western countries has collapsed the financial industry. Russian economists are enough smart to avoid to see negative interests rates as a good news.

And if money and finance had been a necessary evolutionary step for the survival of the Mankind… ????

That s the necessary hypothesis for my Ph.D. project on the antique achaemenid smallest coinage. I never understood why the first societies to use coinage had developed so tiny coins.. (until 0.09 gr, 1/96 of a stater). The wages could be paid using Food.

But in this hypothesis, I see now money as a necessary historical innovation to jump to the community until the society level. Money as physical asset has been an element of social integration. With the smallest coins, peasants could pay the services in the temples and the State could emerge as a dominant power, not based on the religious duties like in the first egyptian empire.

But it seems money as Credit created out of nothing has changed this paradigm !! Credits made people servants of corporate powers. Massive technological improvements in the last century occured because of credits, but with a negative social and environnemental impacts. too massive inequality !!

in fact,  it seems the single way for the Financial studies to avoid a BIG RESET in the Western countries is going back to the finance ORIGINAL MISSION : PROTECTING THE « real » CAPITAL. and i think Finance must create closest links with money which is nothing more than a "social guarantee"

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus LTD, HK

About the project for a World Currency

Another interesting article

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Gold Price

If I could get 50 millions USD to manage as a Hedge Fund, i would invest in 2 physical assets : WATER and SILVER.

I have no doubt that the price of Gold will rise , even rise a lot. But the recent monetary chaos in India, we have not seen the price of Gold above 4000 USD ... (and Indian people know and love Gold). 65000 USD in 5 years, but maybe USD will be worthless.

Monday 7 August 2017


M. President,

My name is Michael J.P. LAURENT, i am French, 41 years old and for 3 years, i go regularly in Russia to coach « American Football », on my own money. In fact , it s a bad name, because for people in North America, this sport with helmets and shoulder pads is only known as « Football ».

I love coaching Football in Russia … I have even had last year the great honor to be included in the Coaching staff of the Russian National Team in a European Tournament in UK. I am above the knee amputee, i walk with crutches without an artificial leg, but i was extremely proud to be lined up and standing during the Russian national Anthem.

Russian athletes have natural abilities for Football. They are tough, they have a huge team spirit , they have a terrific defensive mindset, they love contacts. As a chess players, Russian love strategies and tactics. Russian players paid themselves for everything for the sport they love …. and They are extremely smart to find cheap solutions for any problem.

I love Football because I think Football is the best analogy of life …Effort, work ethic, team first , a place for any size and any weight, an unlimited number of strategies and tactics , Football is a science !!! Life is also a science, because it s a terrific challenge.

I should begun as Head Coach in the upcoming Far East Tournament in Khabarovsk on  september 8, 9 10 …. HC for the Eastern city in Russia : Yakutsk.

I never been there yet, but Thanks to social networks, i train them for 2 months … Drawing playbooks, videos analysis, programs

I just learned today the Far East tournament could be canceled because of the political struggles between US and Russia. It seems that Local political authorities in Khabarovsk don t like this competition …

Internationally, Russia and USA have 2 different visions about the World, the political competition is only there. But, for me,  there are so beautiful things both in Russia and in US. I love positive attitude in US and more than all, simple and straight scholarly books.

M. President, I will never ask for public money for american football in Russia. As a French, I know what is waste about public money management. The Russian League works hard to find sponsors, and it s good to let them work hard. But i beg you M. President to consider American Football in Russia as a reserve of talents both on and off the Field, they deserve a national recognition and even an international recognition because i have no doubt there are prospective pro players in Russia. There are, for sure,  spots for them in pro teams in USA.It s my wish for Future.

American football is played in 80 countries in the World and the National Russian Team is ranked 21 th in the list … Without even a public kopeck, but with national social support , I have no doubt that Russia can enter in the top 10.

So, M. President, I write you this open letter only to invite you to give support for a great Far East Tournament in 2017, because your countrymen deserves it. I hope coaches in US will support my letter.


Michael J.P. LAURENT


Sunday 6 August 2017

« End of Humanity as we know » in 2045

In the History of the Mankind, the production of foods and Goods has increased dramatically only the last 200 years !!!

In 2045, the work won t be anymore a need because production should be done by robots…. What will happened ?? 

probably like in the Antic greece and in the Roman Empire … a great era of ideas and innovations with a lot of slaves as a labor force , but a collapse because a large part of people won t have the IQ or the character to follow the common pattern.

Our ancestors were hunters, farmers …. Working for others, working to deserve respect and honor, working to keep health, is a full part of our essence as a human being.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Money inside the Human Evolution

If you compare the appearance of money with the scale of the Mankind history, Money is a very recent phenomenon. But how to appreciate the impact of money in the Human evolution ???

Is money a key element in any economical system ??

NO. Money is not a need in economy. Many societies in History have had a dynamic productivity without money … But with medium of exchanges. Like we have explained in previous posts, the last years, we think the essence of money is being a social guarantee !!

Money is recent in the Human History, therefore people can t manage money by intuition … Money is not a natural element for us, not a basic  human need.

Money is also closely related with the Prices, and the prices are a very subjective element.

We think that money has made an appearance as a integrative social tool !!

The links inside a family , a community or even a team, and the links between a society are not the same… Common interests and individual interests can t be the same because the scale of a society is far bigger !!!

We think money has made its appearance as an answer for this problem !!

Therefore, the appearance of money were related with the States as a political paradigm !!! The appearance of credits out of nothing were related with the big Corporations as a dominant paradigm !!

and the digitalization of the money supply ??? probably the best way to help States and big Corporations together stay dominant.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd , HK

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