Monday 23 May 2016


The current digitalization of the financial and monetary system worldwide invites us to consider the future of the labor force : THE STATES or THE BIG COMPANIES ….

Only them will have an easy access to get financial liquidity !!!! so, they will be the main employers … Only the Elit small companies should continue to make profits. Gig economy will lead the world !!!

The Middle class in western countries is sinking, and is too massive in emerging countries …. Only a small percentage will win a confortable level of life.

With a war on cash, everywhere, …. The true indication of the profit will disappear !!! The money supply will be only available or unavailable.

 What is money ??? We have explained on this research blog that money has been invented to be only a GUARANTEE and was also a instrument of transmission from the political power on the Economy……The  First coins were standardized and in electrum (alloy gold/ silver) !!!

what money is so fascinating … ?? because money has been invented to be an instrument of power from the political entity which managed people from different origins. So, money means power !!!

What our current financial crisis ?? because too much « virtual money » has been created for the private interests !!! We are jumping in a « gig economy » …..

Currently, We are the witnesses of the alienation of the crowd, only to keep power on them ….. But there is a limit !!! Once, all the world will be in great dependency, the power will have no more sense ….. Who want a power on people without any force or ability ???


The antique Stones money in the Island of Yap offer us a vision about a sustainable monetary system, without alienation ….. Each Rai Stone represented something like an In Kind Contribution, in a deal between « leaders » …., a honest compensation in a social exchange, with the recognition by the community.

I read with passion the publication : « the Stone money of Yap » , by the Smithonian Institution , and written by Cora Lee C. Gillilland. 

 As a HRD Antwerp Certified Diamonds Grader and a jewelry designer, i have focused my interest on colored diamonds. They represent the rarest tangible goods on the Earth. As a skilled numismatist, i consider my duty to be innovative on the field and to offer a revival project for the Yap stones …. 

We think that money is not fascinating for people who completed their own dreams, we think each of us is , by essence, a giver in his life, has an ability to offer …. Therefore, the COSMOS INDEX is a way to offer you the rarest colored diamonds as a GUARANTEE to complete your project with your partners …. Money is not a necessary tool to create well, only skills , ambitions, creativity ….. and a good business management

We are offering you a legal entity (Mila Solidus Limited, HK), rare skills (gemmology, numismatic, business, management, R&D) and the rarest goods on the Earth.

The financial system will collapse, not your ambition !!! 

AND OTHERS !!!!!!!!

Sunday 22 May 2016

4Cs QUARTERBACK CLUB : what it is ???

Why 4 Cs ??


Character – Calm – Courage – Completion(for QBs)

Currency – Company – Continuity – Communication 

The QB position is very complex and need far more than technical abilities .... but a powerful mindset.

Graduated as a coach by the French Federation of american football in 1995, trained by Coach Paul Vincent Miraval, former EFAF Technical Director and Coach Ron Aboud in Montreal.... I completed several courses in this sport institute ( ) , A Master Degree in Geography, a training ICS300 completed, a pro certificate in diamond grading ..... 

I consider that i have a large view of all the skills useful to be an efficient person behind the Center !!!! Enrolled as a position coach, currently in Russia, with the Yaroslavl Rebels, I have the wish to help the young signal callers to become, if not pro QBs, at least successfull people, with a positive mindset.


Saturday 21 May 2016

Jacksonville Jaguars will help American Football in Russia .....

I am very happy with my booking for the coaching academy which will be lead by the Staff from the Jacksonville Jaguars in july in UK.

Graduated as a coach by the French Federation of American Football in 1995, trained by the former EFAF Technical Director Paul Vincent Miraval, In Montreal, by the famous QB coach Ron Aboud ..... Graduated from this Sport institute (  ) , Following a class lead by NFL coaches in July, in UK, it will bring my football education at the next level .......

I will be able to help more my current Russian team .... I am the proud french QB coach for the Yaroslavl Rebels, in the Russian First League.

Thursday 19 May 2016



We have rare skills on the two Elit fields, to provide you the best advices .....

Russian Numismatic


I have a huge interest for the Russian old coins ... My skills both in numismatic and gemmology give me a rare gap, as an investment advisor.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

QB coach and Corporate partner Yaroslavl Rebels


My QB school ""4 Cs Quarterback club"" is a part of my company ""Mila Solidus Ltd, Hk" .... Our logo is above, supporting the Yaroslavl Rebels, in Russian first league of americanskii football ....


Monday 16 May 2016


because Physical Gold has never been a PROMISE ...

The upcoming financial crisis will be a massive BAIL IN on your deposits in the banks. To cope with this fact, Mila Solidus Ltd, HK presents THE COSMOS INDEX (COlored Stones MOnetary System), which is a new vision of the Stones money on the Island of Yap.

Once upon a time, the crowd gave the State a recognition named MONEY ....

Inside our community, inside our family, we pay our debts from parents, teachers,  by becoming better .... A State is a political concept invented  to help people from various origins to live together ....Money has been invented as standardized coins in electrum (Alloy gold silver) ... Using metal has been also a good idea for taxes ... The State could melt the former coins and mint new ones... Money has been invented as a GUARANTEE OF COMPENSATION FOR PUBLIC WORKERS , without goods to barter and as an easy fiscal system. But Money became quickly a good to exchange ... as a value (gold coins) or a debt !!! And Kings, Emperors, political leaders has not been often wise with the public wealth.


The current financial crisis is the Deep End of a long historical cycle !!! The upcoming digital currency system is a desperate attempt to postpone the End .... and keep more control on the population. In India, China and Russia, the percentage of people using internet technologies is far more low than in the West .... Therefore, most people there prefers cash and tangible values. These countries seem reluctant to let private financial  interests to control their monetary  systems.

More exchanges with the technologies of communication, FOR SURE, more creation of value ... NOT CERTAIN. Western vision of money is related with "exchanges"" and Purchasing Power,  Eastern Vision of money is related with Value...

There is a lack of confidence in the currencies worldwide .... Emerging countries need liquidity but are reluctant to exchange tangibles goods for ""too easily created"" western currencies .... and the purchasing power of the currencies in the emerging countries is too low.

Clean Water and Silver are probable the best investments worldwide ....

Why the Worldwide Economy is collapsing ??

Only because PRODUCTION as a main paradigm is no more possible because of an unsustainable social and environmental pressure. In many countries, the tight vertical relationship with the States is bringing riots and social problems .... A tremendous amount of financial assets, created out of nothing is disappearing ....

The Nanny States have made unsustainable promises ....

What is a CAPITAL ?? it s a reserve of value ... (gold, diamonds , arts)

What is LIQUIDITY ?? it s a medium of exchange.

What is an ASSET ?? It s a capital which brings an income ...

Famous entrepreneur Jim Rohn said this wonderful quote : 
“To achieve financial independence you must turn part of your income into capital; turn capital into enterprise; turn enterprise into profit; turn profit into investment; and turn investment into financial independence.”

During the last decades, with a bull and sustainable  stock market, and an easy credit system ... Following this pattern should be a guarantee of success !!! Nowadays, it seems important to be more INNOVATIVE ..

My name is Michael JP Laurent, i am 40 years , and significant pro skills and experience in two major fields : NUMISMATIC and GEMMOLOGY ...  and also a Master degree in Geography and an ICS 300 training  completed. I created Mila Solidus Ltd, HK to make my research work in action ...

With a lot of financial assets currently disappearing, and no guarantee on a sustainable social situation worldwide, owning some tangible reserve of value is NECESSARY .... I consider the colored diamonds are the most wonderful reserve of value because of their scarcity and a price always increasing .... Gems also avoid heavy taxes.

The deflation is hitting a lot of beautiful assets ... like small houses or tools, only because everyone is running after cash ... and for a person who buy gold or diamonds now, it s impossible to plan how it will worth after a monetary collapse ... (it happens often in history)


A BARTERING PLATEFORM TO EXCHANGE COLORED STONES, ESPECIALLY DIAMONDS FOR ASSETS ... with my company and my tenure. Financial liquidity is drying up and the success of the complementary currencies worldwide shows us thar the barter is a fundamental social element ....

So, we offers our unique skills to create interactions between people who want a reserve of value and people who want an asset to bring income .... and reach financial independancy

We are motivate to work also  with jewelers and offer them to bring our logo ... and catch new people in a struggle business field

I have no doubt that people who will own the future digital currencies would invest in the rarest things ..... like gems and arts.

I have a great relationship with the Shop l Odyssee in the Diamond district in Antwerp, Belgium. My company can provide you rare colored diamonds , but this shop can provide you a larger choices among the bigger stones ....


Mila Solidus Ltd, HK has the will to open an horizontal market in the Diamonds Trading.

Contact :

Wednesday 4 May 2016

How to become a pro Quarterback ……. with me !!

Quarterback is the most fascinating position in sport. It requires outstanding physical and technical skills, but which represent not more than 30 % of the skills needed to be successfull at the High level …..Coaching QBs is giving me the feeling to train ... JEDI !

A real Quarterback must be extremely strong and tough, physically, intellectually and mentally. This position requires also an outstanding team spirit and a QB must be a leader for the community, also off the field.

Pro offensive playbooks can be extremely complex and all these facts are the main reason that  it s pretty difficult to find 32 quite good starters at QB position in the ….. NFL.

QB coaching is a major business, only because win a scholarship or a spot in a pro team is a guarantee to network and receive high level audience and huge salary. The last NFL draft has shown us, the major pro league in USA is focused WORLDWIDE …… and there are pro football leagues in more countries.... 

You can learn a lot about the game from a former pro signal caller, but can you learn to skyrocket YOUR own skills with someone who has already a major accomplishment ???

The most important are the things YOU need to improve ….. not the recognition of a former pro passer !!!

Graduated as a football coach by the French Federation in 1995, i have been trained by coach Paul Vincent Miraval, former EFAF Technical Director , and Coach Ron Aboud in Montreal. I am now QB coach for the Yaroslavl Rebels in first league in Russia, and involved with Female Tackle Football in Belgium.

As a cancer survivor and coach in Russia, i know the meaning of the words « RESILIENCE » and « TOUGHNESS », mentally and physically

As a Diamond Grader and CEO of my own start up registred in Hong Kong, i know the meaning of « DETAILS »

Mastered in Geography, I has completed an ICS 300 training and i am a Numismatist for 25 years, i know the meaning of « CULTURE » … I have a lot a knowledge to share ..... History is a passion because 80 billions human beings have lived on the Earth from the origins ... One of them has already had your problem.

Therefore, i created 4 Cs Quarterback Club, based on a main concept in the Diamond business and on my conclusion about the personal development of a signal caller on and off the field… As a former Sport agent, i have no doubt that a QB can be a great entrepreneur.

Why 4 Cs ??


Character – Calm – Courage – Completion

Currency – Company – Continuity – Communication

My main wish is bring you all my knowledge about life to help you find answers at each problem, and each level,  at QB position !!! I don t want to teach you the pro game, but the pro ... life.

To contact me, for a discussion, before a prospective personalized training :


Monday 2 May 2016

END OF THIS BLOG , now it s on

 JOIN ME NOW , it s on  a nex plateform and a new blog !