Thursday 30 October 2014

The End of the Banking System ....

The current system will end when people could be aware numbers on a computer ARE NOT Wealth ...... Remember money is not a necessary tool for an  economical momentum !!!

Only the assets are useful to create an useful momentum in Economy !!!

Saturday 25 October 2014

And the banks will be closed .......

Sinked in an ocean of debt, the western banks could be closed in a near future ..... and your financial assets, created out of nothing, back to its intrinsic value.
It s the reason you should also remember money must be only a guarantee ...... YOU DON T NEED MONEY TO PRACTICE USEFUL ECONOMICAL EXCHANGE .... but you need to trust in your partner ... and the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" offers the best methodology.
Nowadays, we trust money,  but not our partners ..... it will be a problem.
A currency is a guarantee ..... The Money is the methodology to create this guarantee

Precious metal and Precious stones as an investment

i am an HRD Antwerp Certified Diamond Grader ..... In a precedent post, I have shown you the rings I have created .... i am a numismatist for 25 years. I have been in Paris the last 4 days and I purchased several rare coins including a 16 th century COB in gold, and 2 obols from Carolus Magnus and his son....

In the sea of debt, precious metal and precious stones represent safe financial places .....

From my part, I think we are going to see in a near future a monetary revolution. The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" could find a position to play .... in a new system.
But currently, I want to offer people opportunities to protect theirs assets and to invest in universal goods ..... Precious stones, like diamonds or saphhires are among the best reserve of value, and physical gold should be more scarce in a near future. Rare coin is also a testimony of history ....., it has also been original gift

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The main financial hazard nowadays ....


It s important to change the monetary system !!!!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Stock market crash this week ..... or later ????

The house of cards is falling .....

The concept of ""Fractional Reserve Banking" has created a too massive debt supply ..... The stock market has lost its common sense..... especially with the high frequency trading !!!

With the vote about gold in Switzerland on November 30th, difficult to imagine a winter without a major financial incident !!!

Building a new monetary system is the single sustainable action currently !!!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

""Fractional Reserve Banking"" vs ""Outsourced Resources Banking""

- I am a private banker and you need cash to buy something ..... I have one Euro in cash, so i can create 30 euros out of nothing..... and you will pay me interests (not created in the money supply)....


- I am a private banker, i manage tangible assets. With them, i am able to create an ad hoc currency backed by something real .... and i let you use this currency to create other assets .... Money works as a guarantee for useful exchanges and positive interactions ..... I receive fees from any economical project i can create and manage, by creating the perfect currency for it !!!!


Printing money, it s not wealth !!!!

Wealth is the action to create tangible ASSETS !!!!

The concept of OUTSOURCED RESOURCES BANKING is based on the original mission of a bank : CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ECONOMICAL EXCHANGES !!!!

Money must be a guarantee !!! not a debt or a value.... In a limited physical world, we can t have unlimited resources, but we can create unlimited exchanges !!!!!!!!

The song "sixteen tons" and the current economical crisis

I have discovered during the last days the song ""sixteen tons"" .....

THe song is great and show us well the limits of the "debt system" ........ A massive stock market crash and a probable reset is coming , because our Elits are unable to see beyond the concept of "Fractional Reserve Banking"

Monday 6 October 2014

When money became a debt ????

Money became a debt, when private bankers and governments have started to think it as a tangible good, not as a medium of exchange, a toll for a positive economic momentum ......ONLY A FEW DECADES AGO ...... 

The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" .... is only a proposition to go out the ugly concept of " Fractional Reserve Banking".

Saturday 4 October 2014

I bet on Gold before Xmas .....

The FED won t be able to end the QE without .... creating more economical problems !!!! So, the current faith of the USD is not valuable ... and the Euro won t be a back up option for investors....

Once, the FED will start another form of QE, gold could skyrock ...  Many gold mines are closed because of undervalued price, so why not a physical  gold shortage ????

Keep your coins !!! Fractional Reserve Banking is dead .....

Friday 3 October 2014

WW III .....

This article is pretty good ..... Must read

WWII and the Financial world

Before WWII, Banks did their jobs , being focused on the real economy and on positive exchanges to make money .... It was not rare for a bank to create its own currencies at this time .....

After WWII, USA owned the biggest part of the physical gold in the world ..... So, USA could invent a financial system serving its own interest .....

This period is almost over !!!!

Thursday 2 October 2014

Why a bet on Kalimantan Gold ... 8 months ago ???

I never made a financial analysis, i used only common sense. Indonesia is known for its massive natural ressources

Invest in water stocks in a period of dryness, that s also common sense.

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