Tuesday 20 May 2014

A mountain and the financial system ....

Is it difficult for an one legged man to climb a mountain ???? Yesterday, I climbed the Montagne Sainte Victoire in the South of France. 

Sure, it s difficult ...... but the main difference between sucess and failure is the quality of our MOTIVATION ... What is our main INTENTION ??

In the current financial system, the main motivation is to make wealthy people wealthier ..... with paper money without guarantee !!!! on the oppositive side, most of the people have debts or are cash less ....

Because of a bad intention, the financial system will collapse soon .....  One more evidence, take a look on this article about the silver price : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/db3188b8-db46-11e3-94ad-00144feabdc0.html#axzz32HqZpFEO

With the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking", there is an innovative vision of money creation.

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