Saturday 31 May 2014

THe current banking system is VIRTUAL !!!!


Russia and Asia are hoarding physical gold, skills and tangible assets. The power is going to the East !!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

A mountain and the financial system ....

Is it difficult for an one legged man to climb a mountain ???? Yesterday, I climbed the Montagne Sainte Victoire in the South of France. 

Sure, it s difficult ...... but the main difference between sucess and failure is the quality of our MOTIVATION ... What is our main INTENTION ??

In the current financial system, the main motivation is to make wealthy people wealthier ..... with paper money without guarantee !!!! on the oppositive side, most of the people have debts or are cash less ....

Because of a bad intention, the financial system will collapse soon .....  One more evidence, take a look on this article about the silver price :

With the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking", there is an innovative vision of money creation.

Friday 16 May 2014

DEFLATION vs Outsourced Resources Banking

DEFLATION is a major word nowadays in the mass media .... Too much "money debt" has been created, it s necessary to delete it ....

With the concept of Outsourced Resources Banking, Deflation is impossible, because the money should always be a the good quantity ... no more or no less ...

Money creation by the debt is a mess !!! we have explain a currency is only a guarantee used to create new assets ...... by useful exchanges and positive interactions.

Thursday 15 May 2014

A very good article .....

Just take a look !!!

I am a prepper , but I have explain in this research blog that the monetary system is a mess ....

From my part, the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" is a major answer !!!! My company has just been created, to valorize this methodology !!!

Monday 5 May 2014

The End of Fractional Reserve Banking ????

Take a look on this article !!!

So this research blog give good answers .... on a major emergency field !!!!

We don t think Fractional Rese"rve Banking will change ... in short terms, here we just want to offer and use another vision of money and banks .....

Saturday 3 May 2014

Individual VS Community

If Fractional Reserve Banking is clearly a good system for wealthy INDIVIDUALS ....... The concept of Outsourced Resources Banking could be more useful at the COMMUNITY LEVEL.

Money doesn t need to be a value or a debt, but money MUST be a guarantee

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