Friday 31 January 2014

Collapse or not collapse ????

The amazing amount of money printed is truly scaring ..... the system will collapse,  that sure ... How ??? it s far more difficult to predict ....

I only think paper money or polymer money .. i write from canada ...  is worthless .... The money supply in the world is far too huge ... Money debt is a true problem

The monetary supply worldwide will be long and painful ..... but probably ended before the end of this decade

Thursday 23 January 2014

The banknotes made in polymer ....

I write this message from my smartphone in Montreal.... like Australia or Vietnam,Canada has adopted plastic banknotes..... clearly not appreciated by most of the people i met here..... Polymer banknotes are really a step forward against ""false money""" ..... but with the Quantitative easing almost everywhere ..... can you still trust in paper or polymer money ????   With the concept of """ Outsourced Resources Banking"", we don't care how money is made but only its ...Sustainable use !!!!!!

Monday 13 January 2014

Gold, Gold , Gold .....

A very interesting article about Physical gold !!

Russia, India, China, have a major passion for this precious metal .... The current price is not good !!!! Physical gold is not Paper Gold.

With the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking"", we trust IN INNOVATION AND SOCIAL LINKS, USEFUL EXCHANGES , POSITIVE INTERACTIONS ..... it's far more precious than gold !!!

But we consider, in the current period in trouble , get physical gold or silver is important !!!

Monday 6 January 2014

A scenario with a collapse , what it is ???

In Cyprus, it has been very painful !!! 

The financial system is not sustainable .... Soon or later, the banking system will collapse !!! No more banknotes, no more credits !!! 

What to do in a such situation ???? Keeping the minimum of your assets  in a bank ..... Invest in the human and being and social activities !!!!! 

THE GAME STARTED IN  1971 IS OVER !!! your retirement pensions will be a dream !!!

Friday 3 January 2014


The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" is clearly based on the investment of good will !!!! 

Increasing poverty, social chaos, a long term financial crisis ......... The best answer for the upcoming future especially is in the West is not Gold or Bitcoins, but the good will" ....

With the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking", it's possible to create sustainable assets with smartness and an ad hoc currency !!!!

The investment of good will is ALWAYS a WIN -WIN deal, ......  avoiding speculation !!!!!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

What to do in 2014 ?????

I don’t know if a monetary or a  stock market collapse will occur in 2014 …….. But I know the financial situation in the West is still in a big trouble. NOTHING is solved !!!  it was not the good idea to manage a debt problems with ….  more debts …

I think more debts is emitted to create  a huge  dependency from the State for the Western population (and being able to use the legal force easily)… and to win time ….. The financial system is sustainable  !!!  I blame only the cowardness ….. This situation  was predicable !!!

I have explained on this research blog how to create sustainable assets with a sustainable monetary system : “Outsourced Resources Banking” . 
Developing your social links would be my main advice for 2014 !!!!! NOTHING is more important for protection  than the social links !!!  Not gold or Stocks 

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