Wednesday 31 December 2014


In 2015, my compagny MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK will bé focused to make colored diamonds a true monetary asset. Thé Banking and Financial  system will see serions troubles in 2015, a shortage of physical précious métal is unavoidable ..... Diamonds remain a strong investment but investi in diamonds is not an easy way .....

I am proud to be certified by thé HRD ANTWERP ....

Like the money stones in thé Island of Yap, i truly trust diamonds as a monetary asset in a périod of big troubles in Europe !!!!!!
MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK Will also continue to offre you quality rings with colored diamonds (my own créations).
But i would like to manage micro entrepreneurial projects with colored diamonds as assets.

Tuesday 30 December 2014


If I have been able to go far in 2014, creating MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK, becoming a HRD Antwerp Certified Diamond Grader, climbed a mountain, visiting  5 countries (Canada, Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, Monaco)...
It s because of the outstanding Sidestix crutches .... ( )

Sunday 28 December 2014


Among animals, we can find analogies with human behaviors in sociology, politic, conflict, love, food ..... but no analogy about money !!!
We must linked money with the share of the resources in a human community .... In the first human communities thousands years ago, each person worked, at a different level, for others and for the community ...
Since the invention of money, each person work .... TO WIN MONEY !!! because money, as physical gold or shares,  is freedom .... So people are acting like slaves.
A BIO monetary system can t be based on the value of a currency, but on the ability of this currency to create exchanges and positive interactions between economical partners.


To protect their savings, russian people are currently spending their money ..... They buy high tech products. In front of a global Financial system out of control , Buying tangible assets is the best idea .... but there are only "temporary" high tech products, Gold, diamonds or Real Estate are universal .
2015 should be terrific for the economy in the World ....... If the Gold standard was based on the Weight, a Diamond standard would be based on SCARCITY. It s especially true for colored diamonds.

Thursday 25 December 2014

In the Hermitage Museum

I was truly happy to visit the famous international museum in St Petersburg, Russia on December 24 ...

Sunday 21 December 2014


Currently, all the financial system is a house of cards ... not backed by tangible assets !!!!!! Fake gold, synthetic or treated stones... NOTHING IS GUARANTEE WITHOUT THE VIEW OF A HONEST EXPERT. 

We will see before the end of this decade a massive physical shortage on Gold and Silver ... It s the reason i think precious stones can have a position to take as a monetary asset .... 

A reserve of value is not a currency ... A currency is a medium of exchange, not the reserve of value.

Saturday 20 December 2014


Today, I officially launch the project named ""COLORED DIAMONDS CURRENCY SYSTEM" ... It will be run by my own company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK.
Contacts : or mila.solidus

My name is Michael J.P. Laurent .... Since last august, i am a HRD ANTWERP CERTIFIED DIAMOND GRADER (also a jewelry designer). I have followed another training in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald . I  have published my master in historical geography, completed an ICS 300 Training at the Justice Institute of British Columbia (i dream to complete the ICS 400) ... i wanted a career in emergency management but because of my leg amputation, i could not be involved in an Hazmat or Search &rescue squad... So, i decided to focus my research work on the Great financial crisis we live currently .... because i am also an avid numismatist for 25 years. The picture below show you i love history .... 

The concept of "OUTSOURCED RESOURCES BANKING" i developed on this research blog is based on two main ideas : 

- Money is not a value or a debt. Money has been created 2600 years ago to be a GUARANTEE ... So , many currencies can be used in the same place.

- The private banks can create the money supply, but it was a true mistake to let them create the public currencies.

Worldwide, the leverage in the banking industry is far too massive. There is a massive threat of liquidity crunch in 2015 ... Even in the diamond industry ... especially after the end of the famous ANTWERP DIAMOND BANK. Even the monetary base has increased recently without limits ... 

The business of precious stones, it s the right stone for the right client at the right time !!!!! Diamonds is one of the most massive investment ..   we need cash!! But what is cash ?? 

CASH = TRUE ASSETS ..... Cash becomes rare because of the unlimited debt creation in the financial system. 

I was surprised in Antwerp to see sometimes 30% of public  discount on diamonds ... It s a bit like to see 30 % discount on a real estate property.

The Rapaport index is clearly an incomplete tool, but it shows well ALL the physical diamobds have a large intrinsic value, even if they don t find clients.

We could see in 2015 a massive financial destruction because most of the money supply is created out of nothing .... The financial institutions has a too massive leverage ... They need true assets and it s the reason of austerity in the western world.

Traditional clients in the diamond industry are wealthy people, or just married people ... I BELIEVE BANKERS COULD REPRESENT ANOTHER KIND OF CLIENTS FOR PHYSICAL DIAMONDS ...

My idea is simple : 

- The banks need true assets ... The derivatives market can collapse any day ... 

- The diamond industry has many unsold stones ..  because wealthy clients become rare .... especially in the West.


The price of physical diamonds will rise in the upcoming years, because if the massive demand in India, china and Usa.


Colored diamants, it s different than white diamonds because they are extremely scarce ... Remember the 9.75 ct blue diamind, purchased recently for $ 32 millions !!!!

In the Yap island, large stones has been used as a currency ... This system has been efficient, because people where focused on what they could get, not on the price .... Speculation could not exist in the system .... I THINK PRECIOUS COLORED STONES CAN BE USED ON THE SAME WAY.... INSTEAD TO SELL THEM AND SPECULATE, A DEALER COULD LEND THEM AS A GUARANTEE TO SECURE AN EXCHANGE BETWEDN TWO OTHER PARTS ... AND RECEIVE A BENEFIT ON IT ... Economy , it s positive exchanges and useful interactions ... and diamonds dealers have a knowledge on the most precious and rare asset. i don t trust the future of the USD or the Euro ... The debt in USA is too massive and the Greece us now back in rhe middle age because of the EURO ... 

So, i offer the availability of the colored diamonds below (in a safe in my bank ) ... TO SECURE EXCHANGES IN NEED OF LIQUIDY ..., like a stone currency on the Yap island, hundreds years ago.

I LOVE TO BE INVOLVED IN THE DIAMOND INDUSTRY IN ANTWERP, BELGIUM. I MET WONDERFUL AND SUCCESSFULL PEOPLE .... I LEARNT A LOT .... BUT , WE LIVE AN HISTORIC PERIOD OF INSTABILITY IN ECONOMY .. I AM UNABLE TO COMPETE IN SKILLS AND MONEY WITH JEWISH, INDIAN OR CHINESE DIAMOND DEALERS ... SO, my wish to enter during a life time in the business is to provide the good methodoligies to cope with the future challenges in the industry .... Without my leg amputation because of a cancer, i would be an emergency manager.... 

Friday 19 December 2014

2015 - a world out of cash

I am really pessimistic for 2015 .... Each part of the world must cope with major challenges ....

Cash is precious because cash represents the true financial liquidity .... However, the recent problems with the russian ruble invite us to consider the need of a new monetary system, probably with a gold backed yuan.

Cash is a very small part of the money supply .... We will cope with both inflation and deflation ..... no more cash available (deflation) .. and nevrotic speculation (inflation).

From the lambda citizen to the biggest compagnies in rhe world .... The cash is THE KEY FACTOR.

How to cope with the need of liquidity , without money printing??

Tuesday 16 December 2014

ALROSA can save the russian ruble !!!!!

The russian ruble is collapsing .... The fall of the price of oil is a main element. But low prices for oil will continue ... only because tHere is no more growth in the world.

ALROSA is the main russian producer of diamonds .... With the company DE BEERS, they represent more than 60% of the physical supply of gem quality diamonds in the world. ALROSA will provide india in.rough diamonds .... 


Sunday 14 December 2014


The Western Diamond Industry should cope with a lending problem, especially with the end of the famous ANTWERP DIAMOND BANK. An antique monetary system should help us to get a way in front of this challenge :  THE RAI STONES ON THE YAP ISLAND.

These very large stones were used as TOKENS. They did not need to move because the oral tradition kept the informations about the owners ....

Can a colored diamond becomes a token ?? YES FOR SURE. Fancy colored diamonds represent less than 2% of the physical supply of gem quality diamonds, they are very scarce and a strong guarantee. In aunctions, several of them has been recently purchased for very high prices. 

The diamond industry is a personalized business : The right stone for the right client. Buying a diamond is a huge investment. Dealers can t keep unuseful reserves of stones ... They need financial liquidity. 

So, a quantity of rough or polished diamonds can stay of the side, only because they don t find clients .. 
The European Banking System, in big trouble, will be unable to be a positive support for this industry .... The East seems to become the future of the diamond industry.


-The western financial system will be unable to follow the needs of liquidity in the diamond industry.

- Natural Fancy color diamonds are very scarce and can act as TOKENS ... Polished diamonds dealers and rough diamonds dealers don t have the same job. NATURAL FANCY COLOR DIAMONDS CAN BE TOKENS BETWEEN THEM... 



Natural colored diamonds are the rarest stones on Earth..... The pictures above are a part of my own reserve to sell.

Saturday 13 December 2014

My courses in the HRD Antwerp ...

Since last summer, i am a HRD certified diamond grader .... The last week, i completed a HRD  training about ruby, sapphire and emerald.


Friday 12 December 2014

COLORED DIAMONDS CURRENCY SYSTEM - the liquidity crunch ....

First of all, i must say i was happy this week to study in the HRD Antwerp .... It s a wonderful Institute of Gemmology !!

Currently, 25% of the diamonds buyers worldwide are chinese ...., there are many indian businesses in Antwerp and Russia holds large reserves of rough diamonds .... This industry clearly is going to East. The cheapest diamond cutters are already in India. The European banking system is in trouble and the end of the famous Antwerp Diamond Bank is a bad sign .... 

Chinese, indian or russian banks won t cope with a liquidity crunch ......Therefore, european banks can t play the same game !!!!

Colored diamonds are truly rare gems .... for chinese, indian, russian , american or european sellers .... Nobody has a real advantage on this particular market !!!!

To cope with the liquidity crunch, european business should sell less but better .... many companies will disappear !!! Physical  Diamonds in reserves  can be wonderful collaterals .... 

Monday 8 December 2014


Most of the diamond dealers don t keep a ""reserve of stones" ..... They need massive liquidity in a short period of time  because the diamonds can be often a huge investment .... 

The Antwerp Diamond Bank will close and the fear of a liquidity crunch is important currently ... in the business.

Without cash, no trading..... So, it s important to keep the liquidity alive in the diamond industry !!!!!!

Colored diamonds, the rarest among the rarest stones .... are the Key element !!!

Sunday 7 December 2014


A diamond is a reserve of value and also can be used as a medium of exchanges in some situations ... is diamond divisible ??? Yes... a polished diamond can have different weights.

So, the diamond have several necessary qualities to be a good monetary asset.

But defining its true worth is a true challenge ....

Saturday 6 December 2014


The future of the diamond industry must be related with the worldwide reform.of the monetary system in a near future ....

Diamonds will remain a good investment, because of their qualities as reserve of value... Colored natural diamonds, because of their extreme scarcity, are the best investment in the precious stones... 

Even for an expert, it s not easy to give a  Gem quality diamond a value ... It s the main reason that banks and financial institutions don t invest in physical diamonds.

The world financial system is out of control, euro or dollar collapse are realistic options for 2015, like a stock market crash ... We will see a run for tangible assets !!!!!! There is not enough physical gold or silver, so diamonds should a a good alternative ... From my part, that is the future of the diamond industry.... 

But, the financial world is unfamiliar with diamonds .... How to create liquidity ftom diamonds ??? "Liquidity" is the key word nowadays on the economic field ..... 

Friday 5 December 2014


Recently, the introduction of negative interest rates on deposits shows us we truly need more COMMON SENSE .. in the financial system. The expression "financial assets" is not true because the assets in the financial world are only ... DEBTS. The Euro could collapse in 2015 because the french unability to reach effectiveness and reforms ... The USD is not in good shape, the yen is sinking .... The fiat currencies are not in a good momentum .... The european banks are also in bad conditions with a massive leverage ... The collapse of the oil price shows the productivity in the world becomes slow .... NO GROWTH, NO RECOVERY, ALWAYS MORE DEBTS

Physical Gold and Silver shortage is a realistic option in a near future. CAN PRECIOUS STONES BECOME A MONETARY ASSET ?

Wealthy people buy polishing diamonds as an investment, using the very incomplete Rapaport index .... but why the banks don t buy a tangible thing like diamonds ?? Because giving a correct value for a precious stone need a skilled expert and a diamond is not easy to exchange, like a gold coin.

The business model for the diamond industry is in trouble .... without a long term vision. This industry can t develop a sustainable business model without include ... the FUTUR REFORM OF THE MONETARY SYSTEM THIS DECADE.

I believe the futur of the diamond industry in closely related with the massive needs of tangible assets ..... to cope with the massive bubble of money supply.

Because the diamonds could be bought by banks or others financial institutions in short terms, it s important to understand how a stone can be used in a monetary system .... 

The famous exemple of the Rai Stones in the Island of Yap offers us the main concept : The most important in a transaction is a common positive result, not the tool used to get it ...

Therefore, to invite Banks and financial institutions to invest, to look for gem assets, it s important to make the diamonds ... as LIQUID as possible. Colored natural diamonds are the best way to begin this process, because of their great scarcity.

Instead to sign a loan in a diamond bank, to buy a stone to sell quickly , and be focused on wealthy individual  clients.... I suggest the diamonds traders to consider the banks and the financial institutions as futur corporate clients .... in need of tangible assets with a price increasing regularly.

Thursday 4 December 2014

The most expensive asset in the world ...

This is the colored diamond .... WHY ?? Because the extreme scarcity of beautiful colored diamonds ... Remember 1 carat is 0.2 gram and read the articles below.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Physical Gold and Silver /Real Estate / Diamonds

These 3 categories are the best reserve of value in the World !!!!! However, if analyse precious metal or real estate is not difficult, the diamonds represent a far more complex reserve of value .... NO CLEAR PRICE (the Rapaport Index is not enough) and a TRUE TRAINING Is needed to confirm the authenticity of a stone .... 

It s the reason, diamonds and particularly colored diamonds can represent an interesting option to back an alternative monetary system ...

Prices of precious metal and of real estate can be  included in a positive or negative "false" momentum ... and there is not ""paper diamond" , like there is "paper gold".

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Who win money nowadays ??

1) BANKERS ... because they create the currency ... So, it helps STOCKS OWNERS.

2) PEOPLE WHO OWN TANGIBLE ASSETS because they can sell them, rent them ou use them.

Monday 1 December 2014

Gold shortage ahead (see article)

Very interesting article ..... but what will happen on the markets if China in an official speech indicate having 16000 tons of physical gold ???

Sunday 30 November 2014

About Gold, if the Swiss vote is "NO""....

It will remain a single option .... WAITING THE PHYSICAL GOLD SHORTAGE. one day, we will go to bed with gold at $1000, the day after the shortage ,  gold will be at $2000 ... and $5000 few weeks later.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Friday 28 November 2014

Before the Swiss vote ...

Take a look on this interesting article on gold ...

Saturday 22 November 2014

America will survive .....

The end of the petrodollar will not be the end of the american way of life ..... it will be the end of the hyper consumption in USA.

From my part, the main word to define the american way of life is ... INNOVATION !!!

The US history is always based on new ideas .... new abilities to create ..... The USD won t be the world reserve currency in a near future, but the light of innovation in US can t decrease ....

Friday 21 November 2014

1 kg silver coin

That s without hesitation a good investment .... Physical silver is the cheapest asset in the World currently

A name to remember ....JOHN EXTER

It s truly important to know his pyramid ....

Tuesday 18 November 2014

How to cope with RECESSION and DEFLATION ???

When the banks could create a massive amount of ""money debt"" without limitations, people could sign a loan to buy something for a low price and sell it for a higher price, with the guarantee to find a buyer ....

But this period is over .... as well as the business model based on production and consumption ... TOO MUCH MONEY AS BEEN CREATED AS DEBT !!!!

It s a paradox ... too much money has been created but peoples are falling in poverty...

Because there are many kinds of money .... 100$ in shares is not like a 100$ banknote  is not 100 $ paid on your VISA debit card ...

REMEMBER MONEY = DEBT, but money is also the blood of the economic exchanges ....

How to cope with deflation ??? Become attractive for this blood !!! Create productive economical interactions in your area and you will attract money ... Money needs to move between economical partners ... Money will find always the way ...

Thursday 13 November 2014

Wednesday 12 November 2014

47000 km ... on one leg this year

I learned confidence in Canada, a new language and resilience in Russia , a new job in the Diamond District in Antwerp (HRD Certified Diamond Grader) and the true meaning of the word ""money"" in Monaco ...

But in France, i must be happy to be only a disabled person ...without a sustainable activity. My wish for Xmas : MOVING IN ANOTHER COUNTRY ... 

in Antwerp ....

 I am always happy to travel in Antwerp because i can create new rings with rare stones.

Thursday 6 November 2014

a green diamond ....

One of my rings has a clearly beautiful stones ..... 0.38 ct, fancy intense olive yellow, certified by the HRD

But even in Antwerp, we can feel poverty is growing in Europe ... The main clients i have seen in a shop were from HK ...

A physical gold shortage ... ahead

With the current low prices, the mines will close but in the same time, the physical demand of precious metal is massive ....

Without a doubt, shortage ahead !!! The precious metal prices are clearly manipulated ....

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The collapse of the gold price

The current situation for the gold price is not rational .... Don t forget the price in London and New York is the "paper gold" price .....!!!!!

Physical gold and silver demand is massive .... Even, Rue Vivienne in Paris ... the amount of physical gold available is not clearly outstanding ... but the good question is WHO BUY PAPER GOLD ???

PROBABLY THE CENTRAL BANKS ... They need a low gold price ..

Sunday 2 November 2014

in Monaco today ....

I have been in Nice this WE for the numismatic business, ... This afternoon, i made a short trip until monaco. The picture is in front of the Prince s Palace.

Public Elevators inside the hills, it s great !!!

But Real Estate prices are unbelievable .... i will be curious to see how Monaco will change, after the collapses of the Dollar and the Euro

Thursday 30 October 2014

The End of the Banking System ....

The current system will end when people could be aware numbers on a computer ARE NOT Wealth ...... Remember money is not a necessary tool for an  economical momentum !!!

Only the assets are useful to create an useful momentum in Economy !!!

Saturday 25 October 2014

And the banks will be closed .......

Sinked in an ocean of debt, the western banks could be closed in a near future ..... and your financial assets, created out of nothing, back to its intrinsic value.
It s the reason you should also remember money must be only a guarantee ...... YOU DON T NEED MONEY TO PRACTICE USEFUL ECONOMICAL EXCHANGE .... but you need to trust in your partner ... and the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" offers the best methodology.
Nowadays, we trust money,  but not our partners ..... it will be a problem.
A currency is a guarantee ..... The Money is the methodology to create this guarantee

Precious metal and Precious stones as an investment

i am an HRD Antwerp Certified Diamond Grader ..... In a precedent post, I have shown you the rings I have created .... i am a numismatist for 25 years. I have been in Paris the last 4 days and I purchased several rare coins including a 16 th century COB in gold, and 2 obols from Carolus Magnus and his son....

In the sea of debt, precious metal and precious stones represent safe financial places .....

From my part, I think we are going to see in a near future a monetary revolution. The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" could find a position to play .... in a new system.
But currently, I want to offer people opportunities to protect theirs assets and to invest in universal goods ..... Precious stones, like diamonds or saphhires are among the best reserve of value, and physical gold should be more scarce in a near future. Rare coin is also a testimony of history ....., it has also been original gift

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The main financial hazard nowadays ....


It s important to change the monetary system !!!!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Stock market crash this week ..... or later ????

The house of cards is falling .....

The concept of ""Fractional Reserve Banking" has created a too massive debt supply ..... The stock market has lost its common sense..... especially with the high frequency trading !!!

With the vote about gold in Switzerland on November 30th, difficult to imagine a winter without a major financial incident !!!

Building a new monetary system is the single sustainable action currently !!!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

""Fractional Reserve Banking"" vs ""Outsourced Resources Banking""

- I am a private banker and you need cash to buy something ..... I have one Euro in cash, so i can create 30 euros out of nothing..... and you will pay me interests (not created in the money supply)....


- I am a private banker, i manage tangible assets. With them, i am able to create an ad hoc currency backed by something real .... and i let you use this currency to create other assets .... Money works as a guarantee for useful exchanges and positive interactions ..... I receive fees from any economical project i can create and manage, by creating the perfect currency for it !!!!


Printing money, it s not wealth !!!!

Wealth is the action to create tangible ASSETS !!!!

The concept of OUTSOURCED RESOURCES BANKING is based on the original mission of a bank : CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ECONOMICAL EXCHANGES !!!!

Money must be a guarantee !!! not a debt or a value.... In a limited physical world, we can t have unlimited resources, but we can create unlimited exchanges !!!!!!!!

The song "sixteen tons" and the current economical crisis

I have discovered during the last days the song ""sixteen tons"" .....

THe song is great and show us well the limits of the "debt system" ........ A massive stock market crash and a probable reset is coming , because our Elits are unable to see beyond the concept of "Fractional Reserve Banking"

Monday 6 October 2014

When money became a debt ????

Money became a debt, when private bankers and governments have started to think it as a tangible good, not as a medium of exchange, a toll for a positive economic momentum ......ONLY A FEW DECADES AGO ...... 

The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" .... is only a proposition to go out the ugly concept of " Fractional Reserve Banking".

Saturday 4 October 2014

I bet on Gold before Xmas .....

The FED won t be able to end the QE without .... creating more economical problems !!!! So, the current faith of the USD is not valuable ... and the Euro won t be a back up option for investors....

Once, the FED will start another form of QE, gold could skyrock ...  Many gold mines are closed because of undervalued price, so why not a physical  gold shortage ????

Keep your coins !!! Fractional Reserve Banking is dead .....

Friday 3 October 2014

WW III .....

This article is pretty good ..... Must read

WWII and the Financial world

Before WWII, Banks did their jobs , being focused on the real economy and on positive exchanges to make money .... It was not rare for a bank to create its own currencies at this time .....

After WWII, USA owned the biggest part of the physical gold in the world ..... So, USA could invent a financial system serving its own interest .....

This period is almost over !!!!

Thursday 2 October 2014

Why a bet on Kalimantan Gold ... 8 months ago ???

I never made a financial analysis, i used only common sense. Indonesia is known for its massive natural ressources

Invest in water stocks in a period of dryness, that s also common sense.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

another crisis is coming ....

My recent success with the stock Kalimantan Gold shows us .... the market is crazy !!!! Always more debts, more unenployment .... but the growth is dead everywhere

Friday 26 September 2014

Proud to be a Kalimantan Gold shareholder for 8 months

400000 shares ...Today ... +650 %
No better evidence that i know my job and i can explain you well the system on this blog

Wednesday 24 September 2014

A small Star of David on this orange diamond .....

Take a look carefully ....

The diamond cutter did really a great job !!!! I think diamond is a wonderful form of tangible investment, but not as easy to understand as gold can be ....

END OF THIS BLOG , now it s on

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